After the COV Flashcards
I’m just gonna quickly say that we probably still have to look at whether or not liberalism triumphed in other counties (I only did France in these flash cards)
Good luck on teeest
concert of Europe
Agreement between nations to create a BOP and be willing to meet and resolve potential European conflicts
met 5 times over a 5-6 year period
returned as ruler of France in 1814 and ruled until 1824 as a constitutional monarch
Regime notable for participation of French bourgeoisie and upper class in French Politics
All french people had civil rights, but political rights were only for propertied and landed classes
DOROM/Napoleonic Code
What did Louis XVIII grant in 1814
a charter
made France constitutional Monarchy
how were Louis XVIII’s political views
Was a moderate conservative
what did Louis XVIII have trouble with near the end of his reign
the reactionaries in France
short for ultra-royalists
“More royalist than the king”
who were the ultras led by and what did they want
Louis’s brother Charles X
They wanted to restore the old institutions of France
White terror
backlash against Napoleonic supporters
Treaty of Paris
France was occupied by foreign troops for 5 years
France had to foot the bill for cost of occupation and pay war reparations
Charles X
Charles X succeeded Louis XVIII in 1824
Count of Artois
67 years old
Was ultra conservative
What did Charles X do to the 1814 charter
Restore power of the Catholic Church
Restored land to nobles
What did French Parliament do to Charles X and how did he respond?
voted “no confidence”
Charles X dissolved parliament and called for new elections with fewer people who could vote
July Ordinances
On July 25th, 1830, Charles X issued edict that directly challenged the liberals
Dissolved parliament again, reduced people who were eligible for vote (only nobles)
100,000 to 25,000
how did the people respond to the July Ordinances
1830 revolution, or the July Revolution
rebellion against the monarchy by all but the most privileged classes
Barricaded the streets
Closed Le National Newspaper
How did Charles X respond to the July Revolution
Charles X abdicated 3 days later and fled to England
symbolism of 1830 revolution?
people of France still supported the principles of 1789, liberalism!
What did Lafayette do?
recommended Louis Philippe (Duke of Orleans, Charles X cousin) as next ruler
Unified France, which was divided over the nature of a new regime
Louis Philippe
became known as the “Bourgeois Monarch” and the “citizen king”
King of the French
Often wore middle-class clothes and carried an umbrella
July Monarchy
Louis Philippe’s reign
Louis Philippe reforms?
Voting rights were extended
The power of the king was more limited
Reinstated the National Guard
Louis Philippe assassination attempts
seven attempts
happened bc he was too moderate and cautious
he believed the status quo was fine
why were the working-class unhappy during Louis Philippe’s reign?
Gained very little from the revolution of 1830
Child labour was restricted in factories with more than 20 people in 1841 (though no inspection system was in place)
The poor were still left to the care of the church or a private charity
Little was done to improve public health or the distress of the growing industrial class
whose views did Philippe represent
upper and upper-middle class
What did Philippe do later in his reign? (slipping back into absolutism)
By 1848, demands were strong for extension of the vote, which he ignored
Political clubs/societies were made illegal
In 1847, Philippe suspended Parliament—the right of political assembly
how did the republicans respond to the new stuff that Philippe did?
held Banquets
Demanded a wider franchise
how did Philippe respond to the Banquets?
On February 22, 1848, a banquet was cancelled by the king
He wanted to silence the opposition and stop liberalism
Philippe called in the National Guard, but they refused to fire on the people
how did the people respond to Philippe cancelling a banquet and what did Philippe do?
by tearing down buildings to barricade streets and the army refused to fire on the revolutionaries
Because the army had turned on Philippe, he abdicated and fled the country
why did Philippe fail?
Failed to act on demands for reforms by the middle class/urban working class ex: Industrial problems
His government wasn’t defeated… it was abandoned
National Workshops
public work projects to provide work for the unemployed
created bc of poor harvests, massive unemployment
only for people who were married
1848 April Elections
Liberals won a majority
provisional government
was established until elections could be held in April
Made up of liberals, socialists, constitutional monarchists
what happened to the National Workshops?
closed, because it was a financial drain on the bourgeoisie and peasants
how did the workers respond to the closing of the National Workshops?
by mounting a second revolution
Set up barricades in an attempt to seize power
how did the military respond to the 2nd revolution?
They supported the liberal government of the middle classes and peasants against the radical aims of the Parisian workers
June Days
June 24-26 1848
uprising by French Workers
caused by the closing of the national workshops
Middle class vs Urban/lower class Bourgeoise vs Sans Culotte
marked the 1st step back to conservatism
1848 election
General Louis Cavaignac (hero of the repression)
Alphonse de Lamartine (liberal poet)
Alexander Ledru-Rollin (radical)
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (nephew of Napoleon)
Result of the election: Louis Napoleon Bonaparte won (5 500 000 votes)
Showed that a large majority of Frenchman opposed radicalism
the country was headed back towards conservatism
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
president of the Second Republic
what did Louis Napoleon Bonaparte do in 1851
dissolved the Chamber of Deputies
what did Louis Napoleon Bonaparte do in 1852
Declared himself Emperor in 1852 and called a plebiscite asking for public approval
Extend his term to 10 years
he won, so France chose to have its second Napoleon and its Second Empire(republic)
As a result, republication had failed in France