Unification of Italy Flashcards
when was the first time Italy was unified
It remained a group of independent city‐states UNTIL Napoleon unified them into the “Kingdom of Italy” with his step‐son (Eugene de Beauharnais) on the throne – 1805‐1814.
what did COV do to Italian Unification?
It dismantled the loose union of Italian city-states after Napoleon was defeated
who was Charles Albert’s successor after the 1848 revolutions?
Victor Emanuel II
worked with Cavour to modernize Piedmont-Sardinia
why was Piedmont-Sardinia guaranteed independence?
because Piedmont-Sardinia was a buffer between the potential rivals of France and Austria
when did Carvour become Prime Minister
In 1852, with goal to modernize Piedmont-Sardinia
what influenced Carvour’s goal to modernize Piedmont-Sardinia?
Saw how the industrial might of UK had allowed it freedom of action in foreign affairs, dependent on none of the other powers
Believed that Piedmont-Sardinia must first industrialize its economy and modernize its administration
Examples of industrialization that di Carvour oversaw:
Acronym: TRACT
(T)-Expansion of international Trade
(R)-Railway construction
(A)-Agricultural reforms (equipment and land)
(C)-lessened influence of the CC in daily life of the government
(T)-Textiles industries
examples of Carvour’s pragmatism (8)
Never let the constitution hinder his actions
Used the parliament against the crown and the Crown against parliament
Ruled by executive order when it suited him
often sought permission from parliament for actions already taken
No champion of democracy but was never really impeded by Piedmont-Sardinia’s limited electorate
Was in favour of unimpeded free-market capitalism if it moved the economy in the direction that he wanted but was not above using government subsidies to push it in that direction
British classical liberals generally avoided military spending but Cavour did a lot of modernization and enlargement of Piedmont-Sardinia’s military
Did not hesitate to close down and censor radical publications
post-unification issues (7)
Acronym to help memorize:
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(G) Needing to choose a “proper fitting” Government system (constitutional monarchy was chosen)
(P) No successor to Cavour, Political instability
(D) In debt due to IR, Infrastructure, and war
(F) Fractured nation between North and South!
(U) Italy is not a unified nation yet, still some parts that aren’t part of the country (Venetia, Rome)
(V) 29,000/600,000 (3%) of people can vote
(I) North (manufacturing sector) has had IR, south is agricultural/backward
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politics based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations
- Caress or annihilate your enemy
- Isolate your enemies
- Make enemies seem like the aggressor
what were the first lands Carvour wanted to add to Italy?
those east, Lombardy and Venetia, occupied and controlled by the Austrian govt. of Franz Joseph I.
what did Carvour need to add Lombardy and Venetia to Italy?
the active support of at least one power
why was France the likely nation to support Italian unification
Napoleon III wanted to be able to decide issues in Europe
Pushed for a modern Europe against the old conservative version established at Vienna which were defended by Russia and Austria
the Pact of plombières plan
in July 1858
between Carvour and Napoleon
Provoke a war, defeat Austria in battle together, construct a federal Italian nation-state
Napoleon would attempt to isolate Austria diplomatically
Carvour would provoke Austria into war
what would each party obtain from the Pact of Plombieres
Savoy and Nice
marriage of Napoleon’s cousin, Jerome, into the royal House of Savoy
French military support in a war with Austria.
PS would add Austrian lands in the north of Italy
What did Carvour have to do, in regards to radicals and nationalists in Piedmont?
Di Carvour had to distance himself from Mazzini and other radical republican nationalists in piedmont because it was a conservative turn for Carvour
Press censorship was tightened
Most dangerous radicals were deported
How did Russia, Great Britain, and Prussia feel about the war Austria vs Italy and France? Why?
Russia: agreed to be neutral
Great Britain and Prussia: deeply opposed to the war
Believed it could easily escalate into a general European conflict
Only offered diplomatic disapproval
Initiating events of the 1859 war:
(teams notes:)
Cavour provoked Austria by allowing Crimean war draft dodgers into PS.
(reading notes:)
In March of 1859, Cavour mobilized Piedmont-Sardinia’s army, forcing Austria to do the same
Austria demanded that they demobilize
When Carvour refused, Austrians decided to cross the frontier into Piedmont
Napoleon then played the protector and entered the war
when did Franz Joseph (Austria) declare war against France and Italy?
April 1859
where did Austria lose to the French
at Magenta and Solférino in June
Austrians then evacuated Lombardy
Everything was going according to plan!
why did Napoleon back out of the Pact of Plombieres?
COV had given the Rhineland to Prussia
Put Prussian forces essentially on the French border
Was concerned that if Austria suffered a humiliating defeat, Prussia would have to come to Austria’s aid
Also apprehensive at idea of a stronger Piedmont on his south-eastern frontier
(teams notes:)
Under pressure from French Catholics @ home, who saw a unified Italy as a threat to Rome and the Papal states.
Treaty of Villafranca
July 1859→ Napoleon concluded a separate peace with the Austrians
Lombardy would be given to Piedmont
Venetia would remain in Austria
Central Duchies of Tuscany, Modena, and Parma would remain under their traditional leaders
Hapsburgs, Savoy and Nice would remain with Piedmont
what was Di Carvour forced to do in response to the Treaty of Villafranca?
to resign
what happen due to the war of 1859?
Revival of Italian nation-building appeared when the war of 1859 broke out
Rulers of the duchies fled to Austria and were replaced by nationalist governments
what did France do when the former rulers reached the duchies?
French troops occupied the Duchies to supervise plebiscites on the issue of annexation to Piedmont
Results of the plebiscites supervised by France?
the duchies along with Bologna had voted to join Piedmont-Sardinia
Born in 1807, Nice.
Sea captain, freedom fighter who travelled the world around aiding those who fought oppression.
Known as the “Hero of Two Worlds”
dedicated himself to helping any nation overthrow corrupt rulers/kings/dictators.
Expert in guerilla warfare techniques.
Follower of Guiseppe Mazzini ‐ a republican, democrat.
what was garibaldi known as?
the Hero of Two Worlds
what City-state was Carvour looking to unify?
Still in Austrian possession, due to the Treaty of Villafranca
Revolt in Sicily
April 1860
revolting because of local class-based concerns, not nationalism
Led by radical republicans–> Franscico Crispi
catalyst: after hearing about the war with Austrians up North
what were Garibaldi and Carvour’s views on the revolt in sicily?
Carvour kept his distance, wary of the radicals taking matters into their own hands (he favoured moderate nationalists)
Garibaldi liked the radicals
what was Garibaldi’s plan
raise 1,000 volunteers from the north to join in the insurrection and liberate the island from its Neapolitan overlords
Garibaldi left PS in April 1860 with Cavour’s approval but with little real tangible support, with a band of 800+fighters ‐ patriots, his “Redshirts”, in two stolen steam ships,
Garibaldi’s 1000 revolutionaries
how did Carvour approach dealing with Garibaldi’s movements?
he did not actively support nor interfere with Garibaldi
what did Garibaldi conquer?
Palermo, all of the Kingdom of Naples (Sept. 1860)
Conquered entire southern region known as the “Kingdom of the Two Sicily’s”
Carvour’s dilemna, regarding Garibaldi (reading notes)
Either it would be Garibaldi who completed the unification
Or he would drag Italy into a war against France or Austria or both
Carvour’s problem, regarding Garibaldi (Teams notes)
would Garibaldi enter Rome and try and obtain the Papal lands (therefore bring both France and Austria into the picture)?
would Garibaldi, a committed republican, fight a constitutional monarchy structure?
How did Carvour try to stop Garibaldi
by invading the Papal States of Umbria and the Marches
Explained to Napoleon that it was the only way to restore stability to the situation and to stop Garibaldi
What was Garibaldi’s issue?
faced the prospect of civil war
how did Garibaldi respond to the potential violence?
turned Naples and the Island of Sicily over to Victor Emanuel (King of Italy)
Victor Emanuel
King of Italy
When did the PS parliament agree to annex the southern region of Italy?
after plebisicites were held in both papal states and Two Sicilies.
when was the Kingdom of Italy born?
March, 1861
a constitutional monarchy
Where was Italy’s capital
on the mainland at Turin and then Florence.
problem that still remained after unification?
Parts of Papal states and Austrian occupied lands still unredeemed
(Rome, Venetia)
Italia Irredenta
unredeemed Italy
Rome, Venetia
when did Carvour die and what problems did this cause?
No other statesman of his ability
The new nation-state experienced a series of administrations over the course of the next five years
economic Issues following unification in 1861
Economics of the individual Italian states had not been strong prior to unification
Piedmont (strongest of the economies) had paid for Carvours policies with deficit financing
Debts of Lombardy, Naples, Sicily
If Rome and Venice were to be redeemed, they would need to spend money to strengthen the military
Agriculture (especially in the south) was inefficient and heavily indebted
why was Carvour opposed to an Italian federal system?
in the months before hid death he came to see a federal model as a stepping-stone to division and secession with an attendant civil war
what government did Italy adopt after Carvour’s death
centralized system of government
Country was divided into administrative units controlled by prefects reporting to the central government
challenges of a centralized system of government
Ignored the deeply localized nature of Italian society
Language, currency, legal codes, tax, etc… all varied from one end of the country to the other
why was the South unhappy with the new government system?
he revolutionaries who flocked to Garibaldi’s banner fought for some form of independence
Now believed that they had traded Austrian domination for that of the Piedmontese
Resulted in some small civil wars between Sicily and Naples
what were the circumstances that Venetia and Rome joined Italy?
Prussia and Austria drifted towards war between 1864-1866
In exchange for Italy’s military support, Prussia would support Italy’s claim to Venetia
Prussia won, so Venetia was given to Italy
(Otto von Bismarck)–> Prussia
following the French pull out troops
France was fighting in the Franco-Prussian war
Issues with the Pope
Italian army occupied Rome, and had to come to an agreement with the Pope
Italy had to be careful because they could not risk their wrath
Why did Pope Pius become a stubborn conservative?
due to revolutions, the rise and fall of radical revolutionaries, the growing tide of secularism in European society
As a result, it wasn’t until 1929 that the Vatican would recognize the legitimacy of the Italian state
Concordat Agreement 1929
Italian government gave the Pope sovereignty over Vatican City and paid him a yearly allowance
divisions between the North and South of Italy post 1861?
Perception in the south was that they were second-class residents compared to the North
The North felt that they had done all the hard work in the creation of Italy and had supported the inefficient and backward South
what were the problems that led to disunity?
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(V) The ongoing dispute with the Vatican—Dilemma for devout Catholics
(E) Italy’s economy was behind
(T) Still Italian-speaking territories outside Italy
(L) Loyalty to the United Kingdom of Italy often wasn’t first priority in the case of devout Catholics
(S) Stress on the state
(N) Nationalism in Italy was more of an idea, mostly of middle-class intellectuals and not of the majority of Italy
(C) Inadequate communication and transportation
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how many people were able to vote in Italy?
3% in total had the vote!
Otto von Bismarck
1866, Prussian leader, a “realpolitik” supporter, offered VENETIA to Italy in exchange for support in his war with Austria‐1866.