Worldveiw Flashcards
When did the Middle Ages begin and with what event?
It began with the fall of the Western Roman Empire (September 4, 476 AD)
Why did Europe become such a violent place during the Early Middle Ages?.
Everyone was fighting for power, there was no food too.
Who is thought to be a key figure in bringing stability to Europe? What event lead to the power of this figure and how did he bring stability?
The key figures name was William the Conqueror that brought stability to Europe.He brought peace to Europe by winning the battle and created the feudal system.
Why is the feudalism hierarchy often drawn in a pyramid shape?
There was one king and then more lords and more knights and ever more peasants.Everything was bieng controlled by one thing the king.
What did Feudalism provide?
Feudalism provided protection.
What did a lord’s strength depend on?
The lord of a manor was supported by his land holdings and contributions from the peasant population. Serfs who occupied land belonging to the lord were required to work the land, and in return received certain entitlements.
What two things did a lord need to defend his property and people?
He needed guards knights and soldiers.
How could a regular serf escape from serfdom? Explain.
If a serf could live in the town for 1 year and a day they would earn their freedom.
How was life as a merchant different than peasant or lord?
Your status was a little higher than a peasant and the merchants had freedom to do as they wished, Marry who they wanted to make as much money as they could.
How did a guild control society?
Guilds controlled the prices for goods and standards on quality.
Why was religion so important to people living in the Middle Ages?
Religion was important because since there was constant war going on they hoped that they could have a better after life and be granted a spot in heaven.
Why do you think medieval people accepted without question what the church was telling them?
Again they believed that if they listened to the church they would go to heaven after they were dead without any question. People did exactly as the church said because they believed God appointed them and his will shouldn’t be questioned.
Why do you think people would want to become a Monk or Nun?
I think people wanted to become a monk or nun because they had the power to tell the people what to do in the name of religion. Also they were paid well and had a high status.government heavily funded the religions so you were a little less likely to be impoverished and living in a drafty decaying hut.opportunity to be taught how to read
Describe 3 ways in which the church was central to people’s lives?
They told people the right or wrong so it influenced their actions as long as their mentality. People did as the churches told them so they could have a good afterlife.
The Church served to give people spiritual guidance and it served as their government as well.
The Church was the only organization at the time offering education. How did this role give the church power?
The church could only educate the people they wanted.Knowledge probably being a powerful thing could be used for good or bad for changes and the church was the only source. Education and math was a necessary skills for any craftsmen, guild, business, and bankers in order to conduct business; hence, soon city schools had emerged independently from the church.The church had that power to educate whoever it wanted and that was how it was given power.
What were the Crusades? Who was involved? What were they fighting over? What was the main purpose of the Crusades?
The Crusades were a series of religious and political wars fought between 1096 and 1291 for control of the Holy Land. Jerusalem to take it back into control. The christian kingdoms were fighting the Muslim kingdoms.primary objectives were to stop the expansion of Muslim states, to reclaim for Christianity the Holy Land in the Middle East, and to recapture territories that had formerly been Christian.
What did Europeans bring back from war?
They were exposed to a way of life very different from their own especially Islam.Europeans became more aware of other cultures. They encountered new ideas and knowledge, as well as new foods, spices, cloth, and other exotic goods. Travellers returned to their homes with new ideas and attitudes that led to new ways of thinking about their own lives and their own societies.
What was the Bubonic Plague’s nickname?
“Great Mortality”, “Big Death.”
One major cause of the plague was what and how did it spread?
Larger population in cities lead to overpopulation with crowded streets.Sanitation living conditions were not able to support the large population and the streets ran filthy sewage.The countryside faced famine making people weak and prone to sickness.Trade routes were extensive and the breeding grounds for rats and fleas.
How did the plague reach Europe?
Trades brought a Pestilence from Asia. Black rats from China and Mongolia carried the plague.Once the rats were confined to smaller areas (boat) and overpopulated cities that fleas that fed on the rats began to feed off humans. Trade boats carried the rats and fleas across Asia and into the Mediterranean and across Europe.
One major cause of the plague was what and how did it spread?pt 2
the plague is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria known as Yersinia pestis. The plague has a high fatality rate and has been described for centuries. Transmission occurs via fleas that feed on infected rodents
Why were the peasants revolting and in what did it happen?
Factors such as War between England and France called the Hundred Years’ War contributed to the revolt as well as the black death played a huge role in it as well. Since rents and taxes were placed on the peasants to finance the war was breaking out, this also triggered the revolt.
What was the result of the peasants’ revolt?
Peasants could no longer stand there situation and a revolt was started. Peasants stood up for the first time in the middle, and fought for better treatment. Many peasants killed many nobles and burned many manors.
- Thomas Baker kicked out tax collectors - Essex - Brentwood sent in new tex collector with small army - the crowd beheaded 2 of the kings men
- Asked to speak in person to king
- Personal attacks - Flemish .
In what way did trade affect the worldviews of Europe?
After the many new exchanges of different and unique products that were special and specific to each countries europe became more open to other things. Since originally they were stuck on their own ideas and faith and thought that there was nothing else different from what they thought their worldviews changes by the open trading of cultures and unique ideas.
What was exchanged along the Silk Road?
ideas,cultures,religion,spices,silk ,gems stones,teas, salt, sugar, porcelain, cotton, ivory, wool, gold, and silver, jewels, rugs, silk, muslin, taffeta, and satin, Pepper
Where was the silk road located?
The silk road wasn’t specifically a road but a network of trade routes. It ran throughout Europe,the Middle East and Asia.
Who was at the center of the silk road?
The centre of the silk road was the middle East.
What was the Silk Road?
A network of trade routes that transported goods from one place to another.
What, besides trade goods, passed along the trade routes?
Cultures and ideas spread along the silk road as people started to become aware of diverse people. Religion also spread along with the silk road such as Buddhism and Islam.
What goods did Italian merchants bring in by sea? Give examples.
Italians brought new and different products that were never seen or available in Europe. These products included satin jewels, rugs, and fabrics like silk, muslin, taffeta, .
What was the most valuable trade good?
The most valuable trade good was silk.
What goods did Europeans use to trade?
Europeans traded goods like Honey, Furs,Cotton, animal skin , fur animals, bark for skin processing, cattle and slaves to Khoresm.
How were these goods transported?
These goods would be transported by merchants.These merchants would use camels or horses to transport to a specific port or trade it to other merchants who would sell it to the final destination.
Feudalism eventually collapses. What were the two major reasons for the collapse of feudalism? Do not just list the event, be sure to explain how it helped lead to the collapse of feudalism.
reasons for the decline of Feudalism during the Medieval period of the Middle Ages included: The Crusades and travel during the Middle Ages opened new trade options to England. … More trade saw the growth of more towns. Peasants moved away from the country into towns they were eventually allowed to buy their freedom.The black death as well as the crusades
Why did people’s attitude towards the church begin to change? You should be able to list and explain two things.
Many factors included the Black Plague, internal conflicts.Some lost their faith after the black death since the disease was thought to be brought from the anger of god.
Be able to identify the eight (8) Worldview categories and explain how they shape a person’s perspective of the world.
- geography
- time
- beliefs
- knowledge
- economy
- values
- society