Actual renaissance Flashcards
Give 3 general reasons why the location of city-states in Italy were so successful.
Location:Italy was closest to the port cities of
northern Africa and the eastern Mediterranean Sea where spices and other luxury goods were available for trade. As a result, transporting these goods by sea was easier and cheaper for traders in Italian cities than for those of other European countries.
Climate. The climate of Italy is milder than the climate in the European countries north of the Alps. This meant that trade and travel were not interrupted by winter weather. The long growing season produced crops like olives and grapes — important trade items. Wine made by fermenting grapes was a popular drink across Europe; oil pressed from olives was used for cooking.
Social Organization.
Explain why the Italian City-States became so powerful and important to the rest of Europe.
No strong monarchies emerged as they did in the rest of Europe, no strong feudal system,
Why was Italy seen as Europe’s Gateway to the East? How did increased trade lead to the emergence of powerful city-states in Italy?
Italy’s location between Europe and the East is why the first European region to make trade links to the Far East, the Middle East and Africa. Italy’s location allowed Italy to establish power and control in trade an commerce.
Large amount of trading middle eats and europe
What are the four reasons for economic success in the Italian City-States? Explain them.
1.Social Organization.-Feudalism did not have nearly as strong a hold in Italy as it did in the rest of Europe.
2.Location-Italy was closest to the port cities of
northern Africa and the eastern Mediterranean Sea where spices and other luxury goods were available for trade.
3.Climate-The climate of Italy is milder than the climate in the European countries north of the Alps. This meant that trade and travel were not interrupted by winter weather.
4.Leadership-Northern Italy, on the other hand,
was a collection of independent city-states. They had their own governments, armies, and controlled their own affairs.
Describe Florence, Genoa, and Venice.
Florence- began as a republic, but
did not last because of power struggles among various groups. By 1435, one powerful family, the Medici, took control of the city.
Who was the Medici family? How were they so successful?
The Medici family ruled the city of Florence throughout the Renaissance.They had a major influence on the growth of the Italian Renaissance through their sponsorship of the arts and humanism.Medici family were wool merchants and bankers. Both businesses were very profitable and the family became extremely wealthy. It was known as an art center and cradle of New Humanism.The Medici family was very helpful and powerful which is why under their patronage the Renaissance flourished. … The Medici Family also had power over the government
What are the four main beliefs of the humanist about the individual?
- .Humans can use the power of reason, that is , thinking to find the truth for themselves.
- It is important to have an open, curious, and questioning mind.
- People can achieve great things through learning.
- Individuals should be skilled in many different areas. They should develop not just their minds but also their body and spirit.
How can thinkers and philosophers bring about change in society?
Scholars who went to different countries to study and to teach. Scholars spread these new ideas of humanism and exposed students making them curious and wanting to know more. After done in universities with new ideas they came home with a different point of view and thinking and this passed on to other people. This was how philosophers, scholars and thinkers brought the change into society by just being educated and sharing ideas and taking them in from other people and that’s how they cause great impact in society. They learn about other people and their lifestyles and see how they live getting inspired with new ideas and spreading it to other people.
What does the art of this time tell us about the Renaissance society?
The renaissance art tells us that there was a great shift in ideas and meaning from the past medieval times. Artists were becoming more interested in capturing the beauty of the human body and the natural world. The art that had the same meaning but after the humanist these artists began interpreting these ideas into different ways and used them into their art. This art tells us that the renaissance people were starting to open more towards other things in this world, not just religion but nature’s beauty, human excellence and other beauties. This also showed us how the renaissance people lived and what it was like living in that time.
Why was the term Renaissance used for this time? What does it mean
It was the time of the “re birth”, because of the humanists spread of ideas.
What specific areas of the Greek and Roman civilizations did Renaissance humanists look at?
The specifically looked at Northern Italian city-states.
What three intercultural contacts lead to the Humanist Worldview?
- The Greek and Roman civilizations that form
what we call “Classical civilization”.
2.The Islamic civilization that preserved the
knowledge of Classical civilization and further
developed it, especially in the sciences, math,
and medicine of the great civilizations
in India and the Far East.
What are the four main beliefs of the humanist about the individual?
1.Human beings can use the power of reason, that is, thinking to find
truth for themselves.
2.It is important for a person to have an open, curious, and question-
ing mind.
3.People can achieve great things through learning.
4.Individuals should be skilled in many different areas. They should
develop not just their minds but also their bodies and spirits.
What do civic humanists believe is important?
They believed that that being a responsible citizen meant educate yourself
about history and political issues and working to improve society.
What does the phrase “educating the whole child” mean?
It means that educating young people’s characters and bodies and minds
What were some new studies that were added during the Renaissance?
Subjects like Greek,roman writing,Physical training,ethics, mortality,aesthetics,etiquette,history.
How was religion at this time different from the Middle Ages?
The religion was the same but ideas and values such as individual achievement and the importance of history and the arts were also starting to be an important.
How is Renaissance art different from Medieval Art?
The 5 main elements were:
- Natural world
- Light and shadow
- Texture and pattern
- Realistic details
- Elegance
How did the Renaissance lead to the growth and exchange of ideas across Europe? Give examples from this chapter.
the Renaissance helped exchange idea as the humanism act emerged. There was a purpose to life much more than just worship and belief that humans have a great value and importance. As these values were being shared by scholars and philosophers. The growth of the human mindset physically was being spread quickly by the Renaissance. The art were it was much more than just religion but also human Betty and the world beauty. These artists , scholars, philosophers,scientists, mathematicians were opening eyes and exchanged the idea of human importance as everything can be explained and is not just some miracle from god.
Many changes in science occurred during the renaissance. Explain how these 4 sciences changed in the renaissance. Do not just list words but explain how the science changed. At least 2 examples per science. Astronomy Medicine anatomy mathematics
Astronomy-For thousands of years, right up until the
Renaissance, most people believed that the Sun went around the Earth. Earth is a planet that moves around a stationary Sun.
Built telescopes and studied objects in the sky.Through observation confirmed Copernicus’s idea of a Sun-centered universe. Saw sun spots, craters, and mountains on the moon, the stars of the Milky Way, and
Jupiter’s moons.
Medicine-use.” Doctors had little accurate knowledge about anatomy, that is bodily structure, and the causes of disease; remedies based on astrology, superstition, bloodletting, and applying leeches were common.During the Renaissance midwives and others with knowledge of traditional and herbal remedies played an important role treating the sick. Remedies from the environment have always been an important part of healing for First Nations peoples.
Anatomy-During the Renaissance, dissection was made legal for the purposes of study in many Italian cities.
Andreas Vesalius, a professor at the University of Papua, dissected bodies in the lecture hall while his students watched. He wrote a book, De human Coriolis fabrics (On the fabric of the human body), which was illustrated with detailed, accurate drawings.
Mathematics-ancient mathematical scientists like Euclid (geometry)and later works by al-Khwarizmi (algebra) were studied with new vigor during the Renaissance.
- Mathematical proofs were an important part of the scientific method. As you have already seen, Renaissance astronomers like Kepler used mathematical calculations in their work.
- Earlier civilizations contributed much to Renaissance understandings of mathematics. The concept of zero, for example, was used in ancient India, and the decimal system we use today was refined by mathematicians.
Why was the scientific method important?
The process of making observations, experimenting, and drawing conclusions based on evidence is known as the “scientific method.” The use of the scientific method led to discoveries in many areas of science during the Renaissance. The most important advances were in astronomy, medicine, and mathematics.
How did astronomy change during the Renaissance?
Astronomy changed during the Renaissance as the correct idea of the earth revolving around the sun was being proved. People thought that the earth was all the attention and the sun revolved around the earth.
How did anatomy change during the Renaissance?
Anatomy changed during the Renaissance as dissection was made legal for the purposes of study in many Italian cities.He wrote a book, De human corporis fabrica (On the fabric of the human body), which was illustrated with detailed, accurate drawings.
They were trying to understand the hum structure so that medical research could go further.
How did medicine change during the Renaissance?
Medicine changed during the Renaissance as herbal and traditional medicines were being used to treat these people.Medical research mainly was advancing in anatomy and surgery and the scientific method was bieng used to discover about the human body.
How do ideas and knowledge spread? Give examples from this section.
Ideas and knowledge spread by people exchanging ideas. Like scholars who traveled distance to receive and spread knowledge so they could bring it back and spread it or teach it to many other who would then teach it to other.
What roles do leaders play in changing or maintaining a worldview? Link your answers to specific worldview elements.
Since they were using pure facts and influencing us by art, or ideas that is they change or maintain are world view by showing and giving us the facts that we choose to agree with.
How can discoveries in the sciences shape people’s worldviews? Link your answers to specific worldview elements.
Science can change peoples worldview. When the theory of the all the planets not revolving on the earth,then people realized that they that god hadn’t placed earth at the center of the universe where the sun revolved around it like a king. This may have shaped peoples belief either stronger or weaker.
For medicine and anatomy since there were methods being used to eventually get to a solution to a problem,it was probably thought that there was a soloution to illness for sometime and death wasn’t going to eat you up like before where everything was about religion, the afterlife and death.
What new developments in math came about during the Renaissance?
the mathematical theory of perspective, geometry,algebra.
How was religion changing at this time?
Humanism encouraged Europeans to question the role of the Roman Catholic church during the Renaissance. … In the 16th century, Martin Luther, a German monk, led the Protestant Reformation – a revolutionary movement that caused a split in the Catholic church. Martin Luther proposed an list of 95 faults he saw in the catholic church Starting the Protestant reformation.
What was a major criticism of the church?
Churchmen such as Erasmus and Luther proposed reform to the church, often based on Humanist textual criticism of the New Testament
Explain the Protestant Reformation.
The Protestant Reformation was a major 16th century European movement aimed initially at reforming the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. Its religious aspects were supplemented by ambitious political rulers who wanted to extend their power and control at the expense of the Church.Because of corruption in the Catholic Church, some people saw a need to change the way it worked. … The Protestant reformation triggered the Catholic Counter-Reformation.
Explain the Catholic Counter-Reformation
Protestants decisively broke from the Catholic Church in the 1520s. The two distinct dogmatic positions within the Catholic Church solidified in the 1560s. The Catholic Reformation became known as the Counter-Reformation, defined as a reaction to Protestantism rather than as a reform movement.
How did information spread during this time?
Some wealthy merchant patrons played an important role in the exchange of ideas and knowledge. In Florence, the Medici family established the Platonic Academy where humanist thinkers gathered to dis-
cuss Greek ideas.time. The books, manuscripts, and documents it contained were a valuable resource for scholars from all over Europe.
Many early humanists taught at Italian universities. They shared their new ideas through discussions with one another and through their writings.The students then went back to their own cities and shared their learning.
Famous Renaissance scientists, artists, and thinkers like Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus were celebrities—the “superstars” of their day. They were in demand in courts and universities all over Europe.Leonardo went, he set up a workshop and trained younger artists.
Erasmus taught at several universities and engaged in discussions with scholars all over Europe both in person and by letter.
Kings and queens were eager to attract scholars and writers to their courts.He collected manuscripts, Renaissance paintings, and sculptures. He
invited Leonardo da Vinci to his court after France invaded Milan in 1515.
Explain the three effects of the printing press and more books on the Renaissance.
- Now that books were cheaper and more accessible, middle-class people began to read, discuss, and eventually write about the exciting ideas of their time.
- Instead of printing books only in Latin, more books, including translations of the Bible, were printed in the vernacular, that is, the language that ordinary people spoke. The success of Luther’s 1522 New Testament was based in part on existing demand for books and Bibles in German.
- Thinkers like Erasmus made money from the books they wrote.This gave them the freedom to travel to many cities and universities spreading their ideas.
What are some of the main ideas of Humanism? You should be able to list 4 or 5
- .Humans can use the power of reason, that is , thinking to find the truth for themselves.
- It is important to have an open, curious, and questioning mind.
- People can achieve great things through learning.
- Individuals should be skilled in many different areas. They should develop not just their minds but also their body and spirit.
How did Humanist thinkers bring about change in Renaissance society?
They gave the ideas of real human value.Because of this very thinking they were able to change and spread the ideas of the normal people by making them realize and agree with the real human value.
What were Savonarola’s criticisms of the church and why do you think some church officials wanted to silence him?
Church officials wanted to silence him because he was speaking to much about his personal idea.From the Church of San Marco,
before as many as 3000 people, Savonarola preached sermons in which he accused the pope, Alexander VI, of corruption. His actions were contrary to the oath of obedience to the pope that all Roman Catholic clergy take even today.
Under Savonarola’s direction, in 1497, the citizens of Florence built a huge “bonfire of the vanities” in their town square and burned their wigs, make-up, fancy clothing, art, and books. Savonarola taught that these things kept people’s attention away from God.
What impact did the printing press have on the spread of ideas?
since many more people now had aces to books as before they were expensive and only high status or rich people could buy them, they were way easier to share idea. The easy access of books led to many people buying them and being influenced by what was wrote in them.
Increased trade within Europe lead to…
New ideas.
Increase trade and contact with the east lead to…
to riches such as spice and other things to be exchanged.
Competition among the Italian city-states for the power lead to…
a stable economy
Changing business practices and a focus on wealth lead to…
a change in the way people see business and it was more succesful