Key people Flashcards
Francesco Petrarch
Petrarch is best known for discovering and translating ancient classical Greek and Roman texts and promoting their study. He believed artists, writers, and scholars should return to the sources, to the original manuscripts, for their humanist studies. He discovered writings by the ancient Roman politician and orator, Cicero.Italy’s first
great humanist scholar and
writer was Petrarch.italian
a Dutch philosopher and Christian humanist who is He believed that the role of the Church was to teach and support faith and that faith was a necessary part of human life. He believed that the Bible should be
translated from Latin and Greek into the vernacular languages of Europe so that more people could read it
Erasmus’s considered the greatest Renaissance Christian humanist in northern Europe..
Michel de Montaigne
a French philosopher who believed that people should behave honorably, respecting both themselves and others. He believed that friendship, love, and courage should form the basis of human actions.a French philosopher who believed that people should behave honorably, respecting both themselves and others. He believed that friendship, love, and courage should form the basis of human.French philosopher and writer who created the essay writing form. He promoted the ideas
of questioning ideas and developing.self-awareness.actions.
Leonardo de Vinci
italian Da Vinci made a number of scientific advancements.He recorded plans for numerous
inventions such as parachutes, tanks,
and submarines.
influential artists of the early Italian Renaissance. He developed a unique technique for casting bronze statues that was used by later artists.the first artist to add a sense of depth to marble sculpture. His statues became a measure of excellence for the next hundred years.
Nicolaus Copernicus
Polish mathematician and astronomer,used mathematics
and careful observations to develop a different theory
about the universe.Copernicus’s observations and calculations proved that the Earth and the other planets revolved around the sun. Copernicus also proved that the
Earth rotated on its axis once a day.
Geoffrey Chaucer
English poet and author. Widely seen as the greatest English poet of the Middle Ages, he is best known for The Canterbury Tales. Chaucer has been styled the “Father of English literature”. He was the first writer buried in Poets’ Corner of Westminster Abbey. He was admired for his philosophy as well as for his poetic talents. His best-known works are The Canterbury Tales and Troilus and Crises.
Sir Tomas More
Sir Thomas More, venerated in the Catholic Church as Saint Thomas More, was an English lawyer, social philosopher, author, statesman, and noted Renaissance humanist. He was also a Chancellor to Henry VIII, and Lord High Chancellor of Eng book Utopia and for his untimely death in 1535, after refusing to acknowledge King Henry VIII as head of the Church of England. land from October 1529 to 16 May 1532. London united kingdom.
Martin Luther
a German professor of theology, composer, priest, monk, and a seminal figure in the Protestant Reformation. Luther was ordained to the priesthood in 1507. He came to reject several teachings and practices of the Roman Catholic Church; in particular, he disputed the view on indulgences.
is writings were responsible for fictionalizing the Catholic Church and sparking the Protestant Reformation.a German monk who forever changed Christianity when he nailed his ‘95 Theses’ to a church door in 1517, sparking the Protestant Reformation.
Lorenzo de Medici
an Italian statesman, de fact ruler of the Florentine Republic and the most powerful and enthusiastic patron of Renaissance culture in Italy. Also known as Lorenzo the Magnificent by contemporary Florentines, he was a magnate, diplomat, politician and patron of scholars, artists and poets.
Sir Francis Bacon
an English philosopher and statesman who served as Attorney General and as Lord Chancellor of England. His works are credited with developing the scientific method and remained influential through the scientific revolution. Bacon has been called the father of empiricism.English Renaissance statesman and philosopher, best known for his promotion of the scientific method.
Henry The Navigator
Portugal, Duke of Viseu, better known as Prince Henry the Navigator, was a central figure in the early days of the Portuguese Empire and in the 15th-century European maritime discoveries and maritime expansion. Portuguese prince. A son of John I, he sponsored Portuguese voyages of discovery to the Atlantic coast of Africa, which later led to the discovery of the route to India via the Cape of Good Hope.
Christopher Columbus
an Italian explorer and colonizer who completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean that opened the New World for conquest and permanent European colonization of the Americas. He led the first European expeditions to the Caribbean, Central America, and South America, initiating the permanent European colonization of the Americas. Columbus discovered a viable sailing route to the Americas, a continent that was then unknown to the Old World
Ferdinand Magellan
a Portuguese explorer who organised the Spanish expedition to the East Indies from 1519 to 1522, resulting in the first circumnavigation of the Earth.leet of five ships to discover a western sea route to the Spice Islands. En route he discovered what is now known as the Strait of Magellan and became the first European to cross the Pacific Ocean
Francis Drake
-an English sea captain, privateer, slave trader, pirate, naval officer and explorer of the Elizabethan era.
discovered that Tierra del Fuego, the land south of the Magellan Strait, was not another continent as Europeans believed, but instead a group of islands. This meant that ships could sail between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans around the bottom of South America (later known as the Cape Horn route.He played a major role in the destruction and defeat of the mighty Spanish Armada. This helped England to create a great empire in the New World. He also became the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe.
Vasco da Gama’s
a Portuguese explorer and the first European to reach India by sea. His initial voyage to India was the first to link Europe and Asia by an ocean route, connecting the Atlantic and the Indian oceans and therefore, the West and the Orient
Queen Elizabeth I
The Renaissance was a time of great advances in technology, art, and architecture. … During this time, while Queen Elizabeth I was ruling, England was a literature powerhouse.Elizabeth I was Queen of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until her death on 24 March 1603. Sometimes called the Virgin Queen, Gloriana or Good Queen Bess, Elizabeth was the last of the five monarchs of the House of Tudor