Aztec Flashcards
Why were mountains considered sacred sites?
Mountains were considered sacred as they were a sacred or holy site. They believed that the higher you were up to the sky the closer you were to the gods.Height of the mountains brought you physically closer to the gods.
Why did the Aztecs choose to make their home where they did?
They chose to make their home because their god said that they could permanently settle if they saw an eagle on a cactus eating a snake.and that was the area where they saw it.
On orders of the god Huitzilopochtli the Aztecs were to abandon the place where they lived and start a pilgrimage to find a place where an eagle perched on a cactus eating snake.This would be their permanent settlement place After 200 years they found an eagle exactly doing that on the middle of lake Texaco this is where they built there home..
Describe the landscape, including geography and climate.
The geography was a dessert area, tropical forests, mountains,and sea coasts on the east and west.There was a mountain rage also known as the valley of mexico. Mexico is found in the mescoamerica and has a dessert like climate along with tropical coast areas.
What is one benefit of the mountains and what are two drawbacks of the mountains?
One benefit of the mountains is that it keeps them isolated from the rest of the society.The mountains were an isolation factor such as wall to be safe and be protected from any potential enemies.One draw back is that since mountains were steep when it rained water had no where to go so it would stay there in low areas causing floods.The second draw back is that since again mountains were steep there military wasn´t that strategic as invaders could not be seen if they invaded because of the mountains. Two draw backs was that there was salty water and soils as well as the lack of water due to the mountains.
How did the Aztecs use Lake Texcoco to protect them?
They used lake Texaco as it surrounded
there city by water which provided safety from invaders.They also built roads or bridges on top of the water to the mainland and could be token down to protect the city from invasion.
Explain two ways the Aztecs altered the geography to help them survive.
One way that the Aztec altered geography is that they built something called a chinampas. These things were artificial or man made land that was added for better growth of crops.Since the population was big all those people had to be fed so this was known as a floating garden this was an altered geographic example as they are altering or adding more land that is fake.As well as the aqueducts that provided them clean water for their city and a dam across the lakes to the east of the city to provide protection from flooding.As well as causeways
Where is modern day Mexico City located?
It is located in the valley of mexico in central mexico where Tenochtitlan once was.
A steep height of land and completely flat at the top like a table.
A culture or a civilization of people who thrived in Mexico during the 13th -15th century.Member of the indigenous people that were dominant in mexico.
The area or homeland of the ancient Aztec people.Th Aztec people were from Aztlan. The name of the mythical homeland of the Aztec the ancient mesoamerican civilization also known as Mexica.
Originally means people from Mexico. When the Aztec civilization found a permanent settlement in Mexico they changed their name to mexica. So its another name for Aztec people
A group of indigenous people that settled in Mexico and el Salvador historically also present in parts of Guatemala Honduras and Nicaraguan. Known as the largest indigenous group. The original people that formed the Aztec people.
One of the most important gods of the Aztec people. The god of sun and war,human sacrifice and the patron of the city of Tenochtitlan. He was also the national god of the Mexicans also known as Aztecs of Tenochtitlan. It was believed that he should be listened and the Aztec people strictly went by the gods supposed by the god’s wishes.
A historical are located in north America, specifically central Mexico. Refers to the diverse civilizations that shared similar cultural characteristics in the geographic areas comprising the modern day countries of the mexico Guatemala Honduras Belize el Salvador Nicaragua and costs rica.
Lake of Texcoco
The lake where finally an eagle was seen sitting on a cactus eating a snake. The Aztec civilization permanently settled in this lake on an island located in it. A natural lake with the valley of mexico. Lake Texaco is where the Aztecs built the city of Tenochtitlan which was located
A high concentration of salt dissolved in water.
Tenochtitlan was the name of the city that the Aztec civilization were permanently settling on. A city that flourished in between A.d 1325 and 1521.Butil on an island on lake Texaco it had a system of canals and causeways that supplied the hundreds of thousands of people who lived there.
There were specifically three causeways that were bridges that connected the island that they settled on to the mainland for easier transportation.A road on the upper point of an embankment across a low or wet place or piece of water.
A chinampas were an agricultural system. A tipple pace of artificial land or beds that were placed on water. This crop bed provided a good supply of food for the Aztec civilization and it was a good condition to grow plants in it.An artificial land built on a freshwater lake for agricultural purposes.
An aqueduct was a system of water canals that transported the source of water to a spot that was needed.Structures that are good for conducting in a water stream across a valley.