Aztec Society Flashcards
Also known as a city-state. A major city and the surrounding land that is controlled by its own leader.
Also known as clans. A Group made up of people related people that belonged to an alpetl.
Triple Alliance
The alliance between three Mexica city states Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, Tlacopan AN agrrement that unfifed these three city states.
The was the upper class that was made up of nobles, high-ranking warriors, and high-ranking priests. Are the upper clad or the nobility and had gov jobs.
The emporrer of the aztec society.
Chief of Internal Affairs
The closest advisory to the emperor and was the second person for command.
Council of Wise Men
The emperor would be elected but the council of the wise men and the wise men had the power of dismissing the emperor. The council was made up of the greatest warrior and the wisest priests elected by their calpulis.
Based on inheritance.
Basically a mayor who ruled major town and cities within the empire. A leader under the emperor that ruled a large altepl.
Ruled smaller areas comparing to the Tlatoque. A Leader under the Emperor that ruled smaller altepl. They kept records of tributes and manages the marketplace,importunate resources and local legal matters.
The Eagle Knights and the Jaguar Knights.
A special class{ for nobles} of two major leading military forces for the Aztecs.
Had an important position in the Aztec community, and had the important job of advising the emperor. They studies their religious calendar to determine religious rituals and activities. And they had the most important job because they offer human sacrifice to the gods.
Also known as the middle class, commoner part of the Aztec social class commoners provided all the labor to keep the economy of the empire flourishing and made up most of the military. Their status by gaining recognition in the military or by becoming priests,merchants,artisans
Known as the lower class or peasants. Both in the commoner part of the Aztec social class commoners provided all the labor to keep the economy of the empire flourishing and made up most of the military. That worked the land of the nobles or laboures.
Long distance traders, who organized caravans of porters all across the empire. Sometimes called spying merchants because they often traveled to enemy territories and reported back to the emperor
Known as artisans.
The communities that the Toltecah lived in.
The lowest status in the Aztec society also known as slaves.
How did the structure of Aztec society tell us what was important to the Aztec people?
Aztec people still valued religion more than anything else. The emperor was thought as a god and with that should always be obeyed. As the persists had a very high status and even emperor would listen to their every direction in hopes to keep their culture alive. Warriors having a high status and being able to move up in status as a s great warrior tell us that warfare was important to the Aztecs and it was linked very close to religion which again demonstrates the importance about religion.
Draw the Aztec social hierarchy. How was it different from the feudal hierarchy of Europe?
The hiechery of the Aztec people was way different than the European one. In the Aztec hierarchy, you were able to move up in society by achieving military success. It wasn’t limited to you being that status your whole life but if you achieved more your status would increase. Comparing to the feudalism system where everyone was stuck in one place, and the peasants had no rights. They couldn’t move up positions. In the Aztec social class, the lowest ranking still had rights. As well as the Aztec social system nobody was born into slavery, unlike the European hierarchy were if you were born as a slave you were one for the rest of your life. Slaves had rights too in the Aztec social system unlike the European one where they had none.
1: Emperor Pipilitin
2: Nobility Pipilitin.-Priests, government `officials and teachers.
3:Middle class: Macehualitn Merchants artisans and warrior.
4:Lower class mayeques: FArmers fisher labours.
Similarities: Smaller groups were on top and the lower pyramid had a greater population,same order but with different names.
The emperor was not born into that position but was elected.
How did the emperor become the emperor?
The emperor was elected by the council of wise men and they had the power to dismiss him too.
Describe the responsibilities of the emperor.
He was the commander of the Army. He was a role to be commander-in-chief of the Aztec army, as well he had to know military strategies and be a skilled warrior.
He was also the head of state and his ultimate decision, however, was his alone. The good of the entire empire rested on his shoulders
How did a person move up in status?
A person moved up status by achieving success on the battlefield. A warrior who took 4 enemy prisoners would be able to raise their staus higher.
What were the three signs of status?
In the Aztec society the tree most common ways of indicating your position in society were by your clothing your jewlery and by the size and location of your house.