Age of exploration. Flashcards
Explain the statement “Gold, Glory, God” in terms of the Age of Exploration.
The reason why they wanted to expand was for their faith to expand, god, the gold to come in to explore more gold,and more glory in terms of victory.
Who were four Renaissance Explorers?
Bartholomeu Dias (Portugal), 1488 Christopher Columbus (Spain), 1492 Giovanni Caboto (England), 1497 Jacques Cartier (France), 1534
What would be some for the fears for these early explorers and their crews?
The early fears were that there were sea monsters or something out there which would lead them off track.or off large distances and going nowhere.
Why did the Europeans see imperialism as a good thing?
European society was slowly moving away from feudalism; merchants and traders were responsible for great economic growth.People knew little about world geography and had a superstitious dread of the unknown. During the course of the Renaissance, humanists opened people’s eyes to the possibilities of human achievement. Not only did Europeans develop a great appetite for knowledge, they also hungered for riches and were eager to explore the world to find the
m. With economic growth in mind, Europe believed expansion would not only supply them with cheap resources, it would create new markets in which they could trade.Other countries in Europe—
France, England, and The Netherlands—saw that through imperialism, that is, by gaining power in other parts of the world, countries could grow wealthy. By the late Renaissance, they began to compete for overseas markets
and territories.
How was Queen Elizabeth a “true Renaissance monarch”?
Elizabeth was a true Renaissance monarch. She was well educated; she read Latin and Greek and was a great patron of the arts. Under her reign, England defeated Spain, the most powerful country in the Europe at the time, in a great naval battle. She sponsored explorers like Francis Drake and settlements in North America. Queen Elizabeth I contributed to England’s transformation
into a prosperous trading country and a world power.
How were Indigenous people different than Europeans?
The invention of printing made illustrated books about Indigenous peoples available to eager readers across Europe. These showed that the Indigenous peoples were closer to nature than Europeans. They did not live crowded together in noisy,dirty cities as many Europeans did. Many of their communities operated on principles of equality and sharing.
Explain how our worldview today is different than that of the Europeans in the 1400s
our worldview involvs a particular schedual in time, school and education is valued and religion do sent matter as much as it did back then since its more diverse.
Describe New Spain.
The territories in Central and South America claimed by
Columbus and other Spanish explorers became known as New Spain. The Spanish government granted land to people who wanted to settle in New Spain to mine for precious metals and set up plantations to grow crops for export to Spain.The territories in Central and South America claimed by Columbus and other Spanish explorers became known as New Spain. The Spanish government granted land to people who wanted to settle in New Spain to mine for precious metals and set up plantations to grow crops for export to Spain.
What happened with Europeans traveled West?
While the Portuguese focused their attention on reaching Asia by going around Africa, Christopher Columbus was convinced that a shorter route lay west across the Atlantic Ocean. After sailing west for 33 days,
Columbus’s expedition sighted land. In later years, he made three more voyages around the Caribbean looking for sources of gold and spices.
What was The Battle of Diu?
After Vasco da Gama’s successful voyage, Portuguese fleets began making yearly trading trips to the Indian Ocean. Arab merchants saw the Portuguese as intruders into their trading territories and regularly attacked their ships.Finally, there was a decisive sea battle
between a large fleet of Arab ships and a much smaller Portuguese force off the Indian port of Diu.
Eventually the Portuguese won
What happened when Europeans traveled East?
Portugal was the first European country to become involved in organized exploration. Prince Henry sent expeditions south along the west coast of Africa to make contact with gold-producing areas. Year after
year, voyages went farther and farther south and established a series of trading posts along the coast.Eventually dozens of ships carrying gold
and other goods were travelling between Africa and Portugal each year. The Portuguese also became involved in the slave trade in Africa. They brought African slaves to work on sugar plantations that they had
established on islands in the Atlantic Ocean.
What four new tools helped Europeans have the means to explore?
- Compass
- Astrolabe
- Cross-staff
- Back-staff
What are the two political reasons why Europeans wanted to expand?
To become rich, get all these resources. The colonies they thought they would get richer and more powerful
Give two reasons why Europeans explored to expand Christianity.
The Christian Bible quotes Jesus as saying: “Go into all the world, and proclaim the good news to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15).Renaissance explorers and the monarchs who sponsored their voyages
believed they were following Jesus’s wishes in bringing Christianity to the people in the lands they visited.
Give two reasons why Europeans explored to expand the gold supply.
The trading economy of Europe depended on the exchange of goods and resources for money. Traders used money for their business transactions; people used money to buy goods. Only coins were used and gold coins were more valuable than silver.
The problem was that European mines were running out of gold and silver. Europeans needed to find new sources of these precious metals so that their economy could
continue to grow.
What was The Battle of Diu?
What happened with Europeans traveled West?
what happened during the battle of dui was that.
Give two reasons why the Europeans explored to expand trade.
Commerce and manufacturing also
expanded as merchants, bankers, and manufacturers invested their profits in new business ventures. The economic worldview of the time encouraged growth and expansion. The demanding luxury goods.
-Renaissance Europeans spent huge amounts of money on luxury goods and spices from the East. Spices were expensive because they were moved over great distances and passed through so many hands on their way to European consumers.
- They also began to wonder how they could get involved in this valuable trade. High prices for luxury goods were one problem with trade.Another problem was the security of the trade routes. Over the centuries, trade had been affected by conflicts and power shifts among
the peoples of the East.
What is expansionism?
Expansion is what happens when something becomes bigger or more extensive. Governments and states expand their territory, power, wealth or influence through economic growth, soft power, or the military aggression of empire-building and colonialism.
What is imperialism?
a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
basically using war to extend a countries power.
Discuss the motivations for expansion.
Them being for the sake of their economy, religion and glory. They wanted to improve their economy for instance by acquiring more spices, gold, and better and faster trading routes. Also, they really believed in the need to spread their religion, Christianity.
How can exploration and expansion affect the worldview of a society and the societies it comes into contact with? Link your answer to specific worldview elements.
when thinking about the worldview it affects how geographical we think. If then back then if it was found out that there was so much land just waiting to be explored then people would think that there are so many things they still don’t know about. Such as the people, religions, animals,and reasorces.
What factors might motivate a society to venture into unknown regions beyond its border?
Riches,spices, the unlimited amount of land and gold that could help improve their economy. New foods, and resources that would make their life more interesting.
Who was prince Henry?
Prince Henry was the king of Portugal who sponsored many proper expeditions .He is most famous for the voyages of discovery that he organized and financed, which eventually led to the roundin Henry the Navigator Prince Henry the Navigator.he sponsored Portuguese voyages of discovery to the Atlantic coast of Africa, which later led to the discovery of the route to India via the Cape of Good Hope.
What influence did the Renaissance have on the early explorers?
tools that were developed during the Renaissance were being used for benefits of exploration during this time.The Renaissance led indirectly to the “discovery” of the Americas because it created an intellectual atmosphere that promoted exploration. Before the Renaissance, there was relatively little interest in science.
What attitude did Europeans have toward indigenous people they found in the new territories that partly resulted in imperialism?
the attitudes towards the fn when finding was that they were like under them.
What does the European treatment of people they came into contact with reveal about their worldview?
Europeans thought highly of themselves. The way they thought about themselves compared to the First nations made them believe that they were way more important,high and powerful than them. Their worldview about themselves made them think that they were better up in the aspects of lifestyle, religion, nationality.
How did the Spice Trade help lead to the Age of Exploration?
the spice trade was really demanded as spices were new and were a great demand in Europe. From here they wanted more and an easier way to reach and get so, that’s how it led to the age of exploration,
How did the desire and means to explore help create an expansionist worldview?
The reason why the Europeans were actually successful in their discoveries was because of the main desire and competition.It was because of the exact desire and passion for them to go that far to explore many unknown lands, resources and people. The worldview did very well advance into a bigger and more open mindset of not just themselves and what they already have– but expanded more when they realized that there was way more than just europe and asia. There were so many things that these Europeans had no idea about but because of theses voyages and expeditions they were able to discover things that they never had and never knew about.Such as gold,and many more resources.Creating more opportunities, more resources, new people, new animals and many more new things that would affect the worldview and help create an expansionist worldview.
How did the Age of Exploration affect Europeans’ lives and worldview?
The age of exploration greatly impacted the lives of many, as new ideas and things were being introduced. New products were being introduced exploring was no longer found dangerous but more victorious. The worldview like geographics was probably most greatly impacted after the discoveration two massive continents. There was so much to explore and find than just europe.The age of exploration opened many new opportunities and discoveries. These average European lives were greatly affected too as there was new resources coming in, lands,gold, and new crops such as potatoes and tomatoes making them think”wow there’s so much more than just what we have here, there are probably so many things that we haven’t discovered yet.’’ In conclusion there worldview expanded to an even bigger on and acknowledged that there were so many things that were unraveling during this age of exploration that they had no clue about.
How did the exchange of knowledge and technology help make European exploration possible?
The exchange of knowledge and technology made european exploration possible as it helped them colonize and get more knowledge of other lands. The new technologies helped them to navigate more easily meaning that it was getting easier for them to get out and explore.The knowledge that they were receiving also helped them interpret it into what they could to make their society and exploration easier and more advanced.