World War II (Key Terms) Flashcards
Eva Bruan
Hitlers Mistress
Winston Churchill
Great Britian’s Prime Minister
James Doolittle
leader of Tokyo raid/ suicide mission
Dwight Eisenhower
General who led the allied during operation torch
Charles de Gaulle
Leader of the French government
Henrich Himmler
head of the SS leader of holocaust
Hideki Yoji
Militarism who heads Japan’s military government
The emperor of Japan
Douglas MacArthur
Commander of the Pacific theater who promises he will return for his men.
Robert Oppenheimer
A chief scientist who developed two types of bombs
Erwin Rommel
German General aka the desert fox
Franklin D Roosevelt
The President of the US during WWII
Joseph Stalin
Dictators of the Soviet Union
Paul Tibbets Jr.
He piloted the Enola Gay which dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan.
Harry S Truman
Vice president who took over for FDR when he died/ decided to use atomic bomb.
Adolf Hitler
crazed dictator of Germany who led the Nazi and hated certain groups of people.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
German protestant pastor who gave his life for helping Jews
Corrie Ten Boom
Dutch Christians who hide jews.
Anne frank
Jewish girl who wrote a diary
Isoroku Yamamoto
Admiral of the Japanese navy plane attacks
location of the death camps
London attacked for 57 consecutive days
Invasion of Europe by Germany
Japanese warrior’s code: fight to the death or commit suicide
Oun Kirk
Amphibious operation that mordaciously rescued the British and French armies.
Enola Gay
plane that dropped the atomic bomb
The Japanese city that was targeted witht he atomic bomb
The mass genocide of Jews and “undesirables” by the Nazis
Island hopping
conquer island one loyalty in order to get close enough o launch bombing attacks.
Hitler Youth
Group of young, brainwashed Germans that were final; loyal to hitler
Japanese suicide planed used in desperation.
“Night of broken glass” program organized massacre against German Jewish community.
living space for German people
Lend Lease Program
The US could lend lease arms or other supplies to any country
Manhattan Project
USA secrets atomic bombs program
Native- Americans who took advantage of their complicated language to send secret messages
Japanese Americans
Nuremberg Laws
Anti-Jewish laws in Germany
Pearl Harbor
Navy base in Hawaii that was brutally bombed by Japan.
Swing Kids
Third Reich