"the war to end war" Flashcards
'the great war'
‘Glorification of war’ created an arms race or a military buildup of forces and weapons.
Alliance System (military allies)
Created a world conflict out of a minor incident.
created rivalries between empires for power.
(deep devotion to one’s country) created a desire for self-rule.
Triple Alliance
made up of Germany. Austria-Hungary and Italy
Triple Entente
made up Great Britian, France, and Russia
Powder Keg
ready to explode was the Balkin Peninsula
A national movement was created to bring independence to the region.
To create a Slavic State (country)
countries begin preparing for war.
Information used to influence public opinion.
Schlieffen Plan
German plan to attack France through neutral Belgium.
Battle of the Marne
German attempt to capture Paris
Western Front
Extended from the North Sea to Switzerland, between France and Germany
Easten Front
Extended from the Baltic Sea, between the borders of Russia and Germany/ Austria.
No Man’s Land
Area Between the trenches “terrain of death”
Battle of the Somme
Over 1.2 million causalities and gained about 7 miles of turf.
Battle of Verdum
Largest and Longest
War of Attrition
Goal was to wear the other side out.
Gavrilo Princep
The assassin that killed Fernandez.
The Black Hand
Serbian Terrorist Group
The Archduke of Austria-Hungary
Franz Ferdinand
King of Austria-Hungary
Franz Joseph
The Belligerents
(Warring sides)