American History - Glided Age Test Flashcards
the glided age - study guide
Mark Twain
Coined the term “glided age.”
Ulysses S. Grant
Corrupt with the exception of ore/ non- corrupt president.
Jane Addams
Founder of the Hull House for Women and Children
Andrew Carnegie
“Steel worth $350”
William Booth
Founder of Salvation Army
Cornelius Vanderbilt
“railroads” bill worth $76
George Williams
“Founder of the YMCA”
John D. Rockefeller
“Kerosene oil”
Jacob Riis
a social reformer journalist/ photographer showed “how the other half lived.”
William Tweed
boss tweed was a political machine (Boss Tweed)
Henry Ford
“automobile tycoon”
large companies that controlled most of the industry
(single seller, and controlled all)
Populist Party
party of the working class
“Founder James Weaver”
Working Class
people working “low” paying Jobs/ dumbbell tenements.
Horace Mann
Founder of public school education
people standing together..
Thomas Nast
drew political cartoons, expose the corruption of bosses and robber barons
“Stoppage of work”
“lin Chopin” (connected America) made it go more (move goods and people)
JP Morgan
Financial Tycoon
Emma Lazarus
American Poet
Exposed the evils of society.
Industry controlled by private owners.
Robber Barons
To limit the power of the industrialists
illegal use of political influence for personal gain.
Dumbbell Tenements
(multi-family dwellings)
overcrowded and unsanitary
Row Houses
‘middle class’s very small
Gentlemen’s Agreement
Limited the number of Japanese immigrants to the US
Promoting Native Cultures/
anti-immigrant settlement
“Become like” the rest of American society.
Moving from the country to a city
Ethnic Islands
Area Populated by the ethnicity.
(same ethnic groups)
Factories in the Clothing Industry / (dark, crowded, and unsafe)
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
Stopped Chinese Immigration of 30 Years
American Party
Political Party designed to restrict and stop immigration.
Immigrant Act of 1917
Required them to be able to read and write before they can enter the country.
Ellis Island
Immigration station in NYC
Angel Island
Immigration station in San Francisco
Golden Door
The Statue of Liberty
Prohibiting by Authority
Statue of Liberty
“Opportunity and freedom” meaning the Golden Door
Mass Transit
designed to move large groups of people.
Thomas Edison
Creates the First Light Bulb
Industrial Workers “working class”
Private Business Owners/ Big Business controlled by robber barons.