World List Of I Flashcards
Ideology (eye dee AHL uh jee)
A system of social or political ideas
Iconoclast (eye KAHN uh klast)
One who attacks popular belief or institutions
The one who breaks the images
Herbert’s iconoclastic views were not popular with the older members of the board
Idiosyncrasy (id ee oh SINK ruh see)
A peculiarity ; an eccentricity
Eating green beans drenched in ketchup for breakfast was one of Jordana’s idiosyncrasies.
Idyllic (eye DIL ik)
Charming in a rustic way; naturally peaceful
Our vacation in the country was idyllic; we went for long walks down winding dirt roads and didn’t see a newspaper all week.
An idyllic time or place could also be called an idyll
Ignominy ( IG nuh min ee)
Deep disgrace
After the big scandal, the formerly high flying investment banker fell into a life of shame and ignominy
Illicit ( i LIS it)
Illegal; not permitted
The police interviewed hundreds of witnesses, trying to elicit clues that might help them stop an illicit business
Immigrate (IM i grayt)
To move permanently to a new country
Emigrate means exit and immigrate means come in
Imminent (IM uh nunt)
Just about to happen
The pink glow in the east made it clear that sunrise was imminent.
Immutable (i MYOO tuh bul)
Jerry’s mother had only one immutable rule: no dancing on the dinner table
Impartial (im PAHR shul)
Fair; not favoring one side or the other; unbiased
Impeccable (im PEK uh bul)
Flawless; entirely without sin
Hal’s clothes were always impeccable; even the wrinkles were perfectly creased
Imperial (im PEER ee ul)
Like an emperor or an empire
Imperious (im PEER ee us) which means bossy and usually arrogant
Impervious (im PUR vee us)
Not allowing anything to pass through; impenetrable
A raincoat, if if is any good, is impervious to water. It is made of an impervious material
Impetuous (im PECH oo wus)
Impulsive; extremely impatient
Samantha was so impetuous that she never took more than a few second to make up her mind
Implement (IM pluh munt)
To carry out
The government was better at creating new laws than at implementing them
Impotent (IM puh tunt)
Powerless; helpless; unable to perform sexual intercourse
Omnipotent (ahm NIP uh tunt) means all powerful.after winning a dozen games in a row, the football team began to feel omnipotent.
Impugn (im PYOON)
To attack, especially to attack the truth or integrity of something
The critic impugned the originality of Jacob’s novel, claiming that long stretches of it had been lifted from the work of someone else
Inane (i NAYN)
Silly; senseless
Their plan to make an indoor swimming pool by flooding their basement was inane.
Inaugurate (in AW gyuh rayt)
To begin officially ; to induct formally into office
The team’s loss inaugurated an era of defeat that lasted for several years
Incandescent (in kun DES unt)
Brilliant; giving off heat or light
Jan’s ideas were so incandescent that simply being near her made you feel as though you understood the subject for first time
Incantation (in kan TAY shun)
A chant; the repetition of statements or phrases in a way reminiscent of a chant
The students quickly became deaf to the principle’s incantations about the importance of school spirit
Incense (in SENS)
To make very angry
Jeremy was incensed when I told him that even though he was stupid and loathsome, he would be my best friend
Incessant (in SES unt)
I will go deaf and lose my mind if your children don’t stop the incessant bickering
Incipient (in SIP ee unt)
Beginning; emerging
Support for the plan was incipient, and the planners hoped it would soon grow and spread
Incisive (in SYE siv)
Cutting right to the heart of the matter
Lloyd’s essays were always incisive; he never wasted any words, and his reasoning was sharp and persuasive.
Incongruous (in KAHN groo us)
Not harmonious; not consistent; not appropriate; not fitting in
Bill’s membership in the motorcycle gang was incongruous with his mild personality and his career as a management consultant
Incorrigible (in KOR uh juh bul)
Incapable of being reformed
The convict was an incorrigible criminal; as soon as he got out of prison, he said, he was going to rob another doughnut store