List Of Word N Flashcards
Nebulous ( NEV yuh lus)
Vague; hazy ; indistinct
Oscar’s views are so nebulous that no one can figure out what he thinks about anything
Narcissism ( NAHR si siz um)
Excessive love of one’s body or one self
The selfish students were bound up in narcissistic concerns and gave no thought to other people
Nefarious ( ni FAR ee us)
Evil; flagrantly wicked
The radical’s nefarious plot was to destroy New York by filling the reservoirs with strawyJell O
Neologism (née OL uh jiz um)
A new word or phrase; a new usage of a word
Pedants don’t like neologisms
Nepotism ( NEP uh tiz um)
Showing favoritism to friends or family in business or politics
Clarence had no business acumen, so he was counting on nepotism when he married the boss’s daughter
Nihilism ( NYE uh Liz um)
The belief that there are no values or morals in the universe
A nihilist does not believe in any objective standards of right or wrong
Nominal ( NOM uh nul)
In name only; insignificant; A-OK (during rocket launches)
Bert was the nominal chair of the committee, but Sue was the one who ran things!
Nostalgia (nahs TAL juh)
Sentimental longing for the past; home sickness
Notorious ( noh TOR ee us)
Famous for something bad
To be notorious is to have notoriety (noh tuh RYE uh tee)
Jesse’s notoriety as a bank robber made it difficult for him to him to find a job in banking
Novel (NAHV ul)
New; original
Ray had a novel approach to homework. He didn’t do it.
Noxious (NAHK shus)
Harmful: offensive
Smoking is a noxious habit in every sense.
Nuance ( NOO ahns)
A subtle difference or distinction
Harry was incapable of nuance; everything for him was either black or white!