List Of Wors T Flashcards
Taciturn (TAS i turn)
Untalktaive by nature
The chairman was so taciturn that we often discovered that we had absolutely no idea what he was thinking
Tacit (TAS it)
Implied; not spoken
Mr Rodgers never formally asked us to murder her husband, but we truly believed that we were acting with tacit consent
Tacit is related to taciturn
Tangential (tan JEN shul)
Only superficially related to the matter at hand; not especially relevant; peripheral
The Vice President’s speech bore only a tangential relationship to the topic that had been announced
Tangible (TAN juh bul)
Touchable; palpable
There was no tangible reason I could point to, but I did have a sneaking suspicion that Ernest was a rodeo fan
Tantamount ( TAN tuh mownt)
Equivalent to
Waning a banner for the visiting team at that football game would be tantamount to committing suicide; the home team fans would have tear you apart in a minute
Tautological (tawt uh LAH juh Kul)
Redundant m; circular
The testing company’s definition of intelligence ‘that which is meandered by intelligence tests’ is tautological.
A tautology is a needless repetition is words.
Temerity (tuh MER uh tee)
Boldness; recklessness; audacity
Our waiter at the restaurant had the temerity to tell me he thought my table manners were atrocious
Temperate (TEM pur it)
Mild; moderate; restrained
Our climate is temperate during the spring and fall but nearly unbearable during the summer and winter
Tenable ( TEN uh bul)
Defensible, as in one’s position in an argument; capable of being argued successfully; valid
Untenable means unable to be defended
Tenacious (tuh NAY shus)
Persistence; stubborn; not letting go
The foreign student’s tenacious effort to learn English won him the admiration of all the teachers at our school
Tenet ( TEN it)
A shared principle or belief
The tenets of his religion prohibited him from dancing and going to movies
Tentative ( TEN tuh tiv)
Experimental; temporary; uncertain
Tenuous ( TEN yoo us)
Flimsy; extremely thin
The organization’s financial situation has always been tenuous; the balance of the checking account is usually close to zero
To attenuate is to make thin
Terse (turs)
Using no unnecessary words; succinct
Terseness is not my virtue
The study of God or religion