List of Word C Flashcards
Cadence (KAYD uns)
Rhythm; the rise and fall of sounds
Cacophony ( kuh KAHF uh nee)
Harsh sounding mixture of words, voices, or sounds
Cajole (kuh JOHL)
V to persuade someone to do something he or she doesn’t want to do
Callow ( KAL oh)
Candor (KAN dur)
Truthfulness; sincere honesty
Capitalism (KAP uh tuh Liz um)
An economic system in which businesses are owned by private citizens and in which the resulting products and services are sold with relatively government control
Capitulate (kuh PICH uh layt)
To surrender ; to give up or give in
Capricious (Kuh PRISH us)
Unpredictable ; likely to change at any moment
i.e., capriciousness of history
Caprice (kuh PREES) is a whim
Caricature (KAR uh kuh chur)
A portrait or description that is purposely distorted or exaggerated, often to prove some point about its subject
To caricature some is to creat such a distorted portrait
Castigate (KAS tuh gayt)
To criticize severely ; to chastise
Jose’s mother in law castigated him for forgetting to pick her up at the airport
Catalyst (KAT uh list)
Anyone or anything that makes something happen without being directly involved in it
Catogerical (kat uh GOR uh kul)
Unconditional ; absolute
Catharsis (kuh THAR sis)
Purification that brings emotional relief or renewal
Catholic (KATH lik)
Universal ; embracing everything
Da Vinci was a catholic genius who excelled at everything he did
Parochial means narrow minded, so parochial and catholic are almost opposites!
Caustic (KAW stik)
Like acid ; corrosive
The teacher’s caustic criticism of Sally’s term paper left her in tears
Celibacy ( SEL uh buh see)
Abstinence from sex
Censure ( SEN shur)
To condemn severely for doing something bad
The senate sometimes censures senators for breaking laws or engaging in behavior unbecoming to an elected official.
Cerebral (suh REE brul)
Brainy ; intellectually refined
Chagrin (shuh GRIN)
Humiliation ; embarrassed disappointment
To be chagrined is to feel humiliated or mortified.
Charisma (kuh RIZ muh)
A magical seeming ability to attract followers or inspire loyalty
Charlatan ( SHAR luh tun)
Fraud ; quack ; con man
Buck was selling what he claimed was a cure for cancer, but he was just a charlatan.
Chasm ( KAZ um)
A deep, gaping hole ; a gorge
Chastise ( chas TYZE)
To inflict punishment on ; to discipline
Mother chastised us for firing our bottle rockets through the living room window.
Chicanery ( sahi KAY nuh ree)
Trickery ; deceitfulness ; artifice ; especially legal or political
Political news would be full were it not for the chicanery of our elected officials .
Chimera ( kye MEER uh)
An illusion ; a foolish fancy
Jie’s dream of becoming a movie star was just a chimera.
Choleric ( KHAL ur IK)
Hot tempered; quick to anger
The choleric administration kept all the secretaries in a state of terror.
Chronic ( KRAHN ik)
Constant; lasting a long time ; inveterate
DJ’s chronic back pains often kept him from football practice, but the post game internal bleeding lasted only a day.
Chronicle ( KRAHN uh Kul)
Noun and Verb
A record of events in order of time; a history
Circuitous ( sur KYOO uh tus)
Roundabout ; not following a direct path
A circuitous argument is one that rambles around for a quite a while before making its point
Circumlocution ( sur kum loh KYOO shun)
An indirect expression; use of wordy or evasive language
To use a lot of big, vague words and to speak in a disorganized way is to be circumlocutory.
Circumscribe ( SUR kum skrybe)
To draw a line around ; to set the limits ; to define ; to restrict
The constitution clearly circumscribes the restrictions that can be placed on our personal freedoms
Circumspect ( SUR kum spekt)
As a public speaker, Nick was extremely circumspect; he always took great care not to say the wrong thing or give offense.
Circumvent ( sur kum VENT)
To frustrate as tough by surroundings
Our hopes for an early end of the meeting were circumvented by the chairperson’s refusal to deal with the items on agenda.
Polite, civilized, courteous
Clemency ( KLEM un see)
Mercy ; forgiveness , mildness
Forgiveness is an act of clemency.
Cliche ( klee SHAY)
An overused saying or idea
The expression ‘ you can’t judge a book by its cover” is a cliche; it’s been used so many times, that freshness has been worn away.
Clique ( Kleek)
An exclusive group bound together by some shared quality or interest
Complacent (kum PLAY sunt)
Self satisfied ; overly pleased with oneself ; contended to a fault
The football team won so many games that it became complacent, and the worst team in the league snuck up and beat it.