List Of Word F Flashcards
Facetious ( fuh SEE shus)
Humorous ; not serious ; clumsily humorous
David was sent to the principal’s office for making a facetious remark about the intelligence of the French teacher.
Fabrication ( FAB ruh kay shun)
A lie; something made up
Facile ( FAS il)
Fluent ; skillful in a superficial way ; easy
Paola’s poems were facile rather than truly accomplished.
Faction ( FAK shun)
A group, usually a small part of a larger group, United around some cause ; disagreement within an organization
The faculty was relatively happy, but there was a faction that called for higher pay
Farcical ( FARS i Kul)
Absurd ; ludicrous
The serious play quickly turned farcical when the leading man’s belt broke and his pants fell to his ankles
Fastidious ( fa STID ee us)
Meticulous; demanding ; finicky
Jeb was so fastidious in his work habits that he needed neither a wastebasket nor an eraser
Fatalist ( FAYT uh list)
Someone who believes that future events are already determined and that humans are powerless to change them
A fatalist is someone who believes that fate determines everything
Fatuous ( FACH oo us
Foolish ; silly ; idiotic
Pauline is so pretty that her suitors are often driven to fatuous acts of devotion . They are infatuated with her
Fauna ( FAW nuh)
Fecund ( FEE kund)
Fertile ; productive
The fecund mother rabbit gave birth to hundreds of babies.
Felicity ( fuh LIS uh tee)
Happiness m, skillfulness, especially at expressing things; adeptness
Fervor ( FUR vur)
Great warmth or earnestness , ardor ; zeal
Fervor for the game
Fetter ( FET ur)
To restrain; to hamper
In his pursuit of the Nobel Prize for Physics, Professor Jenkins was fettered by his near total ignorant of the subject
Fidelity ( fuh DEL uh tee)
Faithfulness; loyalty
Figurative ( FIG yur uh tiv)
Based on figures of speech; expressing something in terms used for something else ; metaphorical
Finesse ( fi NES)
Skillful maneuvering; subtlety ; craftiness
The boxer moved with such finesse that his opponent never knew what hit him
Flagrant ( FLAY grunt)
Glaringly bad; notorious; scandalous
Flagrant spelling mistake
Flaunt ( flawnt)
To show off; to display ostentatiously
The brand new millionaire annoyed all his friends by driving around his old neighborhood to flaunt his new rolls Royce
Flout ( flowt)
To disregard something out of disrespect
A driver flouts the traffic laws by driving through red lights and knocking down pedestrians
Foible ( FOY bul)
A minor character flaw
Patti’s foible included a tendency to prefer dogs to people
Foment ( foh MENT)
To stir up; to instigate
The bad news from abroad fomented pessimism among professional investors
Forebear ( for BAYR)
To refrain from; to abstain
George forbid to punch me in the nose, even though I had told him that I thought he was a sniveling idiot.
A forebear - sometimes also spelled forbear is an ancestor
Forgo ( for GOH)
To do without; to forebear
Can be spelled forgo
Forsake ( for SAYK)
To abandon ; to renounce ; to relinquish
We urged Buddy to forsake his life with the alien beings and return to his job at the drugstore.
Fortuitous (for TOO uh tus)
Accidental; occurring by chance
The object was so perfectly formed that its creation could not have been fortuitous
Fortuitous is often misused to mean lucky or serendipitous. Don’t make that same mistake. It means merely accidental.
Founder ( FOWN dur)
To fail; to collapse; to sink
The candidate’s campaign for the presidency foundered when it was revealed that he had once been married to a drug addict.
Don’t confuse this word with flounder; which means to move clumsily or in confusion
Fraternal ( fur TUR nul)
Like brothers
The fraternal feelings of the group were strengthened by the monthly fishing trips that were planned.
Frenetic ( fruh NET ik)
Frantic; frenzied
There was a lot of frenetic activity in the office, but nothing ever seemed to get accomplished
Frugal ( FROO gul)
Economical ; penny pinching
Zahra is frugal.
Furtive ( FUR tiv)
Secretive ; sly
Cal wiggled his ears while the countess was talking to him in a furtive attempt to catch our attention
Futile ( FYOOT ul)
Useless; hopeless