List Of Word P Flashcards
Painstaking ( PAYN stay King)
Extremely careful; taking pains
The jeweler was painstaking in his effort not to ruin the $ 250 million diamond
Pacify ( PAS uh fye)
To calm someone down; to placate
A parent gives a baby a pacifier to pacify or her. A pacifist is someone who does not believe in war.
Palliate (PAL ee ayt)
To relieve or alleviate something without getting rid of the problem; to assuage; to mitigate
You take aspirin in the hope that it will palliate your head ache
Palpable ( PAL puh bul)
Capable of being touched; obvious; tangible
The tumor was palpable; the doctor could feel it with his fingers.
The opposite of palpable is impalpable
Paltry ( PAWL tree)
Insignificant; worthless
The lawyer’s efforts on our behalf were paltry; they didn’t add up to anything
Panacea ( pan uh SEE uh)
Something that cures everything
The administration seemed to believe that a tax cut would be a panacea for the country’s economic ills.
Paradigm ( PAR uh dime)
Noun A model or example Mr Hufstader is the best teacher in the whole world; his class room should be the paradigm for all classes
Paradox ( PAR uh dahks)
A true statement or phenomenon that nonetheless seems to contradict itself; an untrue statement or phenomenon that nonetheless seems logical
Mr Cooper is a political paradox; he’s a staunch Republican who votes only for Democrats
Parochial (puh ROH kee ul)
Narrow or confined in point of view; provincial
The journalist’s parochial point of view prevented him from becoming a nationally known figure
Parody ( PAR uh dee)
A satirical imitation
At the talent show the girls sang a terrible parody of a Beatles song called’ I want to hold your foot’
Parsimonious ( parh suh MOH nee us)
We tried to be parsimonious, but without success.
To be parsimonious is to practice parsimony
Partisan (PAR tuh zun)
One who supports a particular person, cause, or idea
Henry’s plan to give himself the award had no partisan except himself
Nonpartisan means neutral
Bipartisan means supported by two parties
Patent (PAYT unt)
To say the earth is flat is a patent absurdity since the world is obviously spherical
Paternal (puh TUR nul)
Fatherly; father like
Rich is paternal toward his niece
Pathology ( puh THAHL uh jee)
The science of diseases
Brad is an inveterate, incorrigible, pathological liar, we are saying that brad’s lying is a sickness
Patriarch (PAY tree ahrk)
The male head of a family or tribe
The adjective is patriarchal
Patrician ( puh TRISH un)
A person of noble birth; an aristocrat
Mr Perno was a patrician.
Patrician can also be an adjective. Polo is a patrician sport
Patronize (PAY truh nyze)
To treat as an inferior; to condescend to
We felt patronized by the waiter at the fancy restaurant; he ignored all our efforts to attract his attention and then pretended not to understand our accent
Paucity (PAW suh tee)
The plan was defeated by a paucity of support
Peccadillo (pek uh dil oh)
A minor offense
The smiling defendant acted as though first degree murder were a mere peccadillo rather than a hideous crime
Pedantic ( puh DAN tik)
Boringly scholarly or academic
The professor’s interpretation of the poem was pedantic and empty of genuine feeling
Pedestrian ( puh DES tree un)
Unimaginative; banal
The menu was pedestrian; I had encountered each of the dishes dozens of times before
Pejorative (Pi JOR uh tiv)
Negative; disparaging
Abe’s description of the college as “a pretty good school” was unintentionally pejorative.
Penchant (PEN chunt)
A strong taste or liking for something; a predilection
Dogs have a penchant for chasing cats and mailmen
Penitent (PEN uh tunt)
Sorry; repentant; contrite
Julie was penitent when Kanye explained how much pain she had caused him
Pensive ( PEN siv)
Thoughtful and sad
Norton became suddenly pensive when Jack mentioned his dead father
Peremptory (puh REMP tuh ree)
Final; categorical; dictatorial
Someone who is peremptory says or does something without giving anyone a chance to dispute it.
Perennial (Puh Ren ee ul)
Continual; happening again and again or year after year
Mr Lorenzo is a perennial favorite of students at the high school because he always gives everyone an A.
Perfidy (PUR fuh dee)
It was the criminal’s natural perfidy that finally did them in, as each one become an informant one the other.
Perfunctory (pur FUNGK tuh ree)
Unenthusiastic; careless
Sandra’s lawn mowing was perfunctory at best: she skipped all the difficult parts and didn’t not rake up any of the clippings.
Peripatetic (per uh peh TET ik)
Wandering; traveling continually ; itinerant
Groupies are a peripatetic bunch, traveling from concert to concert to follow their favorite rock stars
Periphery ( puh RIF uh ree)
The outside edge of something
Jose never got involved in any of our activities; he was always at the periphery.
Perjury ( PUR jur ee)
Lying under oath
The defendant was acquitted of bribery but convicted of perjury because he had lied on the witness stand during his trial.
Permeate ( PUR mee ayt)
To spread or sleep through; to penetrate
A horrible smell quickly permeated the room after Jock lit a cigarette
Pernicious (pur NISH us)
Deadly; extremely evil
The drug dealer conducted their pernicious business on every street corner in the city
Perquisite (PUR kwuh zit)
A privilege that goes along with a job; a perk
Free access to a photocopier is a perquisite of most office jobs.
A perquisite should not be confused with a prerequisite which is a necessity.
Pertinent (PUR tuh nunt)
Relevant; dealing with the matter at hand
Impertinent means disrespectful
Perturb ( pur TURB)
To disturb greatly
Ivan’s mother was perturbed by his aberrant behavior at the dinner table.
Peruse (puh ROOZ)
To read carefully
To lawyer perused the contract for many hours, looking for a loophole that would enable his client to back out of deal
Pervade ( pur VAYD)
To spread throughout
One of examination day, the classroom was pervaded by a sense of imminent doom.
Something that pervades is pervasive