Word List Of O Flashcards
Obfuscate (AHB fuh skayt)
To darken; to confuse; to make confusing
The professor’s inept lecture gradually obfuscated a subject that had been crystal clear to us before.
Obdurate (AHB duh rit)
Stubborn and insensitive
The committee’s obdurate refusal to listen to our plan was heartbreaking to us since we had spent ten years coming up with it
Oblique ( oh BLEEK)
Indirect; at an angle
An allusion could be said to be an oblique reference.
An oblique argument is one that does not directly confront its true subject
Oblivion (uh BLIV ee un)
Total forgetfulness ; the state of being forgotten
A few of the young actors would find fame, but most were headed for oblivion.
To be oblivious is to be forgetful or unware
Obscure (ub SKYOOR)
Unkown, hard to understand; dark
The features of the forest grew obscure as night fell
Obsequious ( ub SEE kwee us)
Fawning; subservient; sucking up to
Ann’s assistant was so obsequious that she could never tell what he really thought about anything
Obtuse ( ahb TOOS)
Insensitive; blockheaded
The obtuse student could not seem to grasp the difference between addition and subtraction
Officious (uh FISH us)
Annoyingly eager to help or advise
The officious officer could never resist sticking his nose into other people’s business
Onerous (AHN ur us)
Burdensome; oppressive
We were given the onerous task of cleaning up the fairgrounds after the carnival
Opaque (oh PAYK)
Impossible to see through; impossible to understand
The statement was opaque; no one could make anything of it
Opulent (AHP yuh Lunt)
Everything in the opulent palace was made of gold, except the toilet paper holder, which was made of platinum
Opulence is often ostentatious
Orthodox (OR thuh dahks)
Conventional; adhering to established principle of doctrines, especially in religion ; by the book
Ostensible ( ah STEN suh bul)
Apparent (but misleading) ; professed
Trevor’s ostensible kindness to squirrels belied his deep hatred of them
Ostentatious (ahs ten TAY shus)
Excessively conspicuous ; showing off The young lawyer had ostentatiously hung his Harvard diploma on the door to his office