World History Flashcards
He played the lyre while Rome burned
Who is Nero?
2019 Mexican president
Who is Lopez Obrador?
Cuban defense minister from 1959 to 2006, then became acting president
Who is Raul Castro?
Venezuelan president from 1999 to 2013
Who is Hugo Chavez?
Argentinian president from 1913 to 1945
Who is Juan Peron?
Afghanistan president from 2002 to 2014
Who is Hamid Karzai
Killed by the Bolsheviks in 1918
Who is Nicholas II?
The Persian empire fell to him in the 330s B.C.
Who is Alexander the Great?
Sultan took Belgrade in 1521
Who is Suleiman?
Title claimed by Ottoman sultans since the 16th c.
What is caliph?
Came to power in 1923 after Turkey’s sultanate was abolished
Who is Ataturk
Combatants in the Kalmar War (1611 - 1613)
What are Denmark and Sweden?
Type of Marriage without ceremony banned in England in 1753 by Lord Hardwicke
What is common law marriage?
Title earned by Henry VII in 1312 when he invaded Rome
What is Holy Roman Emperor?
Helped by Lord Byron, in 1830 it became the first of the Ottoman Empire’s subject nations to achieve independence
What is Greece?
Inventor of the radio
Who is Marconi?
Elizabeth Kenny came up with a treatment for this disease
What is Polio?
English social reformer, statistician and the founder of modern nursing; came to prominence while serving as a manager and trainer of nurses during the Crimean War, in which she organized care for wounded soldiers at Constantinople.
Who is Florence Nightengale?
German-born American aerospace engineer and space architect. He was the leading figure in the development of rocket technology in Nazi Germany and a pioneer of rocket and space technology in the United States.
Who is Wernher von Braun?
World’s first under-ocean tunnel
What is Kanmon Tunnel?
British businessman established steamship line to carry royal mail to America
Who is Samuel Cunard?
Last Plantagenet king of England
Who is Richard III?
Was Pope when the Holy Roman Empire sacked Rome in 1527
Who is Clement VII?
Isabella d’Este ruled this city
What is Mantua?
Paris Palace comissioned by a 16th century queen (gone now but gardens remain)
What are the Tuileries?
Elizabeth II’s only daughter
Who is Anne?
Military dictator to rule Uganda from 1971 to 1979
Who is Idi Amin?
Country with Rodrigo Duterte as president
What is The Phillippines?
This policy, Russian for “Openness”, was begun by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985
What is Glastnoust?
Harold II was vanquished by this King at the 1066 Battle of Hastings
Who is William the Conqueror?
From 1840 to 1860 this island of 8 million sent 1.7 million immigrants to the United States
What is Ireland?
In Britain, a pound equaled 20 shillings; this gold coin named for a region of Africa equaled 21 shillings
What is Guinea?
Millennia ago Eratosthenes calculated this at 252,000 stadia, thought to equal about 25,000 miles
What is the Circumfrence of Earth?
In 1960 Geoffrey Fisher, the 99th man in this post, became the first modern one to visit the Vatican
What is Archbishop of Canterbury?
The red guard were the vanguard of this decade-long Chinese revolution
What is the cultural revolution?
World leader who recaptured Jerusalem from the Christiands and held off Richard Lionheart’s attempts to win it back
Who is Saladin?
Hamburg and Lubeck were 2 of the first cities allied in this medieval mercantile league
What is the Hanseatic League?
2 cities leading the opposing sects of Christianity in the great schism of 1054
What are Rome and Constantinople?
According to legend, a medieval sorceress name Libuse founded this Czech capital around the 8th century
What is Prague?
In 1963 he studied at Baghdad Law College; he then spent a few years in prison but was in power soon after
Who is Hussein?
On Jan. 18, 1943 Mordecai Anielewicz led the uprising in this capital against German troops trying to ship Jews to the Treblinka death camp
What is Warsaw?
The first historical woman on a U.S. coin was this 15th century Spanish queen
Who is Isabella?
In 1949 Belgium was a founding member of this military organization that is headquartered in Brussels today
What is NATO?
Found in 1982, a ship that sank off turkey c. 1300 B.C. carried 1 ton of tin & 10 tons of copper, the perfect mixture to make this alloy
What is bronze?
Stone tools from Gabon have been dated to 850,000 years ago, the earliest evidence of humans in this African river basin
What is the Congo River?
In 1932 & ‘33 Stalin decimated Ukraine by exporting most of its grain, bringing on the Holodomor, or “Great” this
What is famine?
In 1794 a Paris factory for this military stuff exploded, devastating what’s now the 15th arrondissement
What is gunpowder?
In 1258 Baghdad made the mistake of resisting these invaders who promptly sacked the city & slaughtered its inhabitants
Who are the Mongols?
The Vatican Apostolic (formerly “Secret”) archives hold a 200’ scroll recording the 14th century trial of these knights
Who are the Knights Templar?
The National Library of Israel has an archive on this unjustly accused French officer, including his marriage contract
Who is Dreyfus?
The Vassiliev Notebooks of information from Soviet archives show that yes, this NYC-born man executed in 1953 was an atom spy
Who is Rosenberg?
In 1840 the Unicorn became this British line’s first ship to set sail; its later ships included the Queen Mary & QE2
What is the Cunard line?
Hours before her death in 1587, this queen wrote, “I am to be executed like a criminal at eight in the morning”
Who is Mary, Queen of Scots?
In the 1070s this monarch who’d been in power only a short while ordered the building of the Tower of London
Who is William the Conqueror?
In 1991 the this union of 15 republics was no more
What is the U.S.S.R.
A “rear column” of depraved upper-class twits tagged along with Henry Stanley to explore this river’s basin in 1887
What is the Congo?
Around 1895 these brothers devised an early motion picture camera & projector they called the Cinematographe
Who are the Lumiêre brothers?
An English rebel called Hereward the Wake led resistance to this Norman king even after the conquest
Who is William the Conqueror?
This 231-foot-long strip of linen is an important source of knowledge about the conquest
What is the Bayeux tapestry?
At the decisive Battle of Hastings, the Normans had many more bowmen than the English, & one of them may have hit this king in the eye
Who is Harold II?
Though large & powerful, this South American empire flourished for only about 100 years until the Spanish conquered it in 1532
Who are the Inca?
country with the Sandinista revolution (1979)
What is Nicaragua?
This 19th c. German invented an engine that, unlike gasoline engines, achieves ignition with no external spark
Who is Rudolph Diesel?
Tom Lehrer sang, “Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down? That’s not my department, says” this man
Who is Wernher von Braun?
April: this cosmonaut makes history when he takes Vostok 1 about 200 miles above the Earth
Who is Yuri Gagarin?
In 2011, 6 years after a comprehensive peace agreement, this African country came to be
What is South Sudan?
March: with other nations disapproving of apartheid, South Africa withdraws from this body rooted in the British Empire
What is the British Commonwealth?
On August 15, 2004 this Venezuelan president won a recall election, garnering 59% of the vote
Who is Hugo Chavez?
In 1653 King Louis XIV performed as this Greco-Roman god in the ballet “de la Nuit”
Who is Apollo?
Render unto us the name of this Caesar whose reign ended in 37 A.D. & was followed by Caligula’s
Who is Tiberius?
Going by the reign of the person it’s named for, this age of history lasted from 1837 to 1901
What is the Victorian age?
Around 10,000 B.C. the paleolithic phase of this age ended in Europe
What is the stone age?
Great wealth was held by but a few while large numbers of people lived in poverty in this 1800s “Age” with a novel name
What is the gilded age?
The Iron Age in Britain began around 800 B.C. & ended with the invasion of this empire about 800 years later
What is the Roman empire?
Large glaciers on Asia, Europe & North America began forming about 2.6 million years ago, kicking off this epoch of the Ice Age
What is Pliestocene?
In 1163 Pope Alexander III laid the cornerstone for this iconic Paris cathedral that would take 200 years to complete
What is Notre Dame?
AIRLINE TRAVEL: In 2003 this airline agreed to buy KLM, creating Europe’s largest airline
What is Air France?
THAT OLD-TIME RELIGION: With Mary I’s accession in 1553 he ran to Geneva; he returned in 1559 & reformed the Church of Scotland
Who is John Knox?