Season 36 (2501-3000) Flashcards
HOW’S YOUR LATIN VOCABULARY?: Someone deeply respected due to their serious nature has a lot of this 8- letter Latin term
HOW’S YOUR LATIN VOCABULARY?: Meaning an emergency force, “posse” this
NOVELS BY CHARACTERS: Heathcliff & Edgar Linton
Wuthering Heights
NOVELS BY CHARACTERS: Yuri, Uncle Kolya, Lara
Doctor Zhivago
NOVELS BY CHARACTERS: By Zadie Smith: Samad Iqbal & family, Archie Jones & family, the Chalfen family
White Teeth
NOVELS BY CHARACTERS: Nat; Joseph Travis, his master; Judge Cobb
The Confessions of Nat Turner
NOVELS BY CHARACTERS: Mildred Rogers & the clubfooted Philip Carey
Of Human Bondage
DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS: Elvis: “We’re caught in a trap, I can’t walk out, because I love you too much, baby… we can’t go on to-gether, with” these
suspicious minds
DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS: "No no no no no, oo-eee-hoo, I’ll tell you once more, before I get off the floor”, this E.L.O. title
"Don’t Bring Me Down"
DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS: Walk the Moon: “Oh don’t you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me, I said you’re holding back, she said” do this
shut up and dance with me
DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS: This group: “My hump, my hump, my lovely lady lumps, my lovely lady lumps"
The Black Eyed Peas
DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS: Tom Jones: “His fight goes on & on & on, but he thinks that the fight is worth it all, so he strikes like” this
U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS: In 2018 Forbes said this “Belt’s Demographic Delight is” this other “Belt’s Demographic Dilemma"
the Sun Belt & the Rust Belt
EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE: If you are forced out of the company, a golden this clause will make sure you are well taken care of
EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE: For a good military “retreat”, book an executive one at this service academy’s Thayer Hotel in the Hudson Valley
West Point
EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE: It’s the anatomical nickname for executive search consultants
EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE: The Toyota Century is the limousine of choice for the person with this title (a new one took over in 2019)
emperor of Japan
EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE: This brand became synonymous with a private jet after it debuted in 1963–Bombardier makes them now
MED. ABBREV.: AKI refers to “acute” this organ “injury”, which means you’re having trouble removing waste
MED. ABBREV.: Sometimes done along with a hysterectomy, a BSO is a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, a removal of these
MED. ABBREV.: Doc gets out the little rubber hammer to test your DTR, or “deep” this “reflex"
MED. ABBREV.: A CBC, or “complete” this, gets hemoglobin & platelet stats
a complete blood count
MED. ABBREV.: There’s no “Q” in this adjective for a shot given into the fatty tissue under the skin, but SQ is the abbreviation for it
U.N. INTERNATIONAL YEARS: 2019 is the Year of this array of elements, as it’s the 150th anniversary
the Periodic Table
U.N. INTERNATIONAL YEARS: 2009, the International Year of Astronomy, celebrated 400 years of this invention
the telescope
U.N. INTERNATIONAL YEARS: 2013 was the Year of this staple Andean crop, which the U.N. hopes can help eradicate world hunger
U.N. INTERNATIONAL YEARS: 2002 was the Year of this form of green travel, the visiting of natural habitats in a way that minimizes environmental impact
U.N. INTERNATIONAL YEARS: 1982 was the Year of Sanctions against this country that was suspended from the General Assembly in 1974 & readmitted in 1994
South Africa
OFFICIAL STATE STUFF: The tallest of the working breeds, it’s Pennsylvania’s state dog; William Penn is said to have owned one
a Great Dane
OFFICIAL STATE STUFF: Its state tree is the sugar maple, though it has a mighty pine at the center of its state seal
OFFICIAL STATE STUFF: Laugh maniacally as you realize the common one of these is Minnesota’s state bird
a loon
OFFICIAL STATE STUFF: Don Woods, the first weatherman on KTUL, created Gusty, the official cartoon character of this tornado-prone state
BESTSELLING BOOKS: In “Reckless”, Chrissie Hynde recounts her early years as the lead singer of this band
The Pretenders
BESTSELLING BOOKS: This 7th book in the Harry Potter series sold 8.3 million copies on its first day of release
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
BESTSELLING BOOKS: This thriller was right on track with its tale of Rachel Watson, who witnesses something shocking on her commute
The Girl on the Train
THE “O_ED": Ran against in an election
THE “O_ED": Treated a person as if she were a thing, angering feminists
THE “O_ED": Took place
THE “O_ED": Arranged systematically, or got workers to join a union
THE “O_ED": Indicated which instruments should play which notes
THE MOVIES: Forky joins Woody & the gang for the fourth outing in this animated series
Toy Story
THE MOVIES: I always tear up at the line “A toast to my big brother, George. The richest man in town!” in this Jimmy Stewart film
It’s a Wonderful Life
THE MOVIES: A line from this Tarantino film: “We ain’t in the prisoner-takin’ business; we in the killin’ Nazi business"
Inglourious Basterds
THE MOVIES: Hugh Jackman played this senator caught with Donna Rice during his 1988 presidential campaign in “The Front Runner"
Gary Hart
TROPIC OF CAPRICORN: In the Eastern Pacific, the tropic runs just north of this, AKA Isla de Pascua
Easter Island
TROPIC OF CAPRICORN: In an Argentine valley a huge one of these ancient timepieces marks the tropic’s latitude
a sundial
TROPIC OF CAPRICORN: If you’re following the tropic westward, just south of Tonga Monday becomes Tuesday as you do this
crossing the International Date Line
TROPIC OF CAPRICORN: 4 countries lie completely south of the tropic, New Zealand, eSwatini, Lesotho & this one in South America
HER FIRST PUBLISHED NOVEL: 1811: “Sense and Sensibility"
(Jane) Austen
HER FIRST PUBLISHED NOVEL: 1920: “The Mysterious Affair at Styles"
Agatha Christie
(Stephenie) Meyer
HER FIRST PUBLISHED NOVEL: 1940: “The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter"
(Carson) McCullers
Barbara Kingsolver
FAMOUS AMERICANS: This library pioneer shortened his first name from Melville to Melvil
FAMOUS AMERICANS: In 1858 this man patented a new type of reusable jar with a screw-cap lid & partnered with glassblowers to produce them
(John Landis) Mason
FAMOUS AMERICANS: During the Blitz, Edward R. Murrow borrowed this 5- word phrase from Londoners who weren’t sure they’d survive the evening
Good night and good luck.
FAMOUS AMERICANS: This New York Times crossword editor graduated from Indiana with a degree in enigmatology (the study of puzzles)
Will Shortz
FAMOUS AMERICANS: This author known for her gender-disparity test wrote the graphic novel memoir “Fun Home"
(Alison) Bechdel
SOCIOLOGY: Marked by things like expensive cars or homes, this type of “symbol” of social rank comes from the Latin for “to stand"
a status symbol
SOCIOLOGY: It’s the term for the conversion of a society from an agricultural economy to one based on manufacturing
*industrialization (**an industrial revolution)
SOCIOLOGY: In the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, this ability of humans shapes how we view reality
our ability to speak
SOCIOLOGY: William Sumner, a pioneer in sociology, advocated social this -ism, where the poorly adapted die out
WORD-POURRI: Quebracho, one of the hardest woods, is from Spanish for “breaker” of this tool
an ax
WORD-POURRI: Traditionally, Brits have used this 4-letter term for any grain; as a result, they use the term maize for the yellow vegetable
WORD-POURRI: This word for a sycophant comes from medicine shows where assistants would pretend to eat amphibians & then be cured
a toady
WORD-POURRI: This word found in the name of a “Grand” dam refers to a deep ravine
WORD-POURRI: The word “fink” used for strikebreakers might come from this detective agency often used in that capacity
ITALIAN INVENTORS: In a 1644 letter he wrote, “We live submerged at the bottom of an ocean of air”, which is what his invention measures
(Evangelista) Torricelli
A WRITER’S LIFE FOR ME: One of the most prolific authors of all time, Barbara Cartland wrote more than 600 books in this genre
A WRITER’S LIFE FOR ME: John Steinbeck wanted his name taken off “Lifeboat” after seeing the film version directed by this Brit
A WRITER’S LIFE FOR ME: The German army sent him to the Western Front & in 1929 he published a novel about it
(Erich Maria) Remarque
A WRITER’S LIFE FOR ME: Echoing the title character of a book by his great uncle, he assumed the surname Melmoth after leaving prison in 1897
Oscar Wilde
SYNONYMS FOR BLACK: Corvus corax is the scientific name of this crow cousin
a raven
SYNONYMS FOR BLACK: 5-letter magazine founded in 1945 by John H. Johnson
SYNONYMS FOR BLACK: Ancient Egyptians used this 4-letter cosmetic to line the eyes
SYNONYMS FOR BLACK: The RAF’s Gloster Meteor, for example
a jet
SYNONYMS FOR BLACK: Residue of coal tar distillation used to pave roads & waterproof roofs
THE NEW NEWS: Investigative news is now separate from listicles & quizzes as this site split into 2 divisions in 2016
THE NEW NEWS: An online “project” with stories about criminal justice is named for this civil rights & Supreme Court icon
Thurgood Marshall
THE NEW NEWS: The “Pro”s at this independent, nonprofit online newsroom have won several Pulitzers for their work
THE NEW NEWS: You can anonymously leak info to the Intl. Consortium of Investigative Journalists via this 3-letter secure browser
TRANSPORTATION TERMS: It’s inserted into the crankcase to check a car’s oil level
a dipstick
TRANSPORTATION TERMS: It’s the term for weight placed low in a ship to make it more stable & seaworthy
TRANSPORTATION TERMS: A horse rented out for riding is known as this, also a slang term for a taxi driver
TRANSPORTATION TERMS: This 7-letter activity is the K in the WKA, an association excited about going 100 mph, 1 inch off the ground
BRITISH HISTORY: Only 2 British PMs have been born outside the British Isles: Andrew Bonar Law (Canada) & this 2019 arrival (NYC)
Boris Johnson
BRITISH HISTORY: In 1981 the bells were ringing for Prince Charles & Diana Spencer, married in this cathedral
St. Paul’s
BRITISH HISTORY: British colonies granted independence following WWII included India in 1947 & this nearby island in 1948
Sri Lanka
BRITISH HISTORY: On Sept. 30, 1888 Elizabeth Stride & Catherine Eddowes both ran afoul of this terrible man in London
Jack the Ripper
MOVIE MONSTERS: In this 1941 monster movie, Lon Chaney Jr. is transformed into the hirsute title character
The Wolf Man
MOVIE MONSTERS: This Oscar-winning director’s 21st century monster movies include “Pacific Rim” & “Pan’s Labyrinth"
(Guillermo) del Toro
MOVIE MONSTERS: In “The Conjuring” film franchise, a vintage doll with this title name serves as a conduit for evil
MOVIE MONSTERS: "The Thing”, about a shapeshifting alien menace crash-landing on Earth, takes place in this desolate region
HOUSE PAINTING: His “Christina’s World” depicts a woman with polio straining toward a farmhouse
(Andrew) Wyeth
HOUSE PAINTING: The house in the rear of this Brit’s painting “A Bigger Splash” features, of course, a swimming pool
(David) Hockney
HOUSE PAINTING: He eschewed more familiar urban scenes as in his “Nighthawks” to paint “Vermont Sugar House” in 1938
Edward Hopper
LAWYERS, LAW & LEGALITY: Straight up now tell me, you’re up for this case of smacking your Chevy into that Subaru & just taking off
a hit and run
LAWYERS, LAW & LEGALITY: This lawyer’s star rose while repping Stormy Daniels but fell after he was accused of trying to extort millions from Nike in 2019
Michael Avenatti
LAWYERS, LAW & LEGALITY: At the Scopes Trial, this politician said he’d seen nothing to accept the word of scientists against the inspired word of God
William Jennings Bryan
LAWYERS, LAW & LEGALITY: The Justice Dept. IDs violations of this 1890 act; timed, uniform price hikes by competitors are a sign of collusion
the Sherman Antitrust Act
LAWYERS, LAW & LEGALITY: This 3-word Latin phrase means “the thing speaks for itself” but lawyers always seem to keep talking anyway
res ipsa loquitur
PHYSICS: At earth’s surface the acceleration produced by this force is about 32 feet per second per second
PHYSICS: About 75% of all chemical elements are in this class of substances, all good conductors because of an abundance of free electrons
PHYSICS: Measured in Hertz, it’s the term for the number of complete waves passing a certain point in a unit of time
PHYSICS: Water seems to defy gravity in this “action”: the molecules’ adhesion to the walls of a tube is stronger than their cohesion
capillary action
PHYSICS: A 1976 paper has one of the first mentions of this “model” that accounts for 3 of the universe’s 4 fundamental forces
The Standard Model
TONY-WINNING ROLES: Celia Keenan-Bolger won a 2019 Tony as this daughter in “To Kill a Mockingbird"
Scout Finch
TONY-WINNING ROLES: Zero Mostel, Phil Silvers & Nathan Lane all won Tonys for playing Pseudolus in this “Funny” musical set in Rome
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
TONY-WINNING ROLES: Ali Stroker was the first wheelchair-using winner, playing Ado Annie in a 2019 revival of this Rodgers & Hammerstein musical
TONY-WINNING ROLES: Juanita Hall won at the fourth Tonys as Bloody Mary in this WWII-set musical
South Pacific
TONY-WINNING ROLES: Mr. Henry Fonda won a Tony as a lieutenant dealing with the boredom of a navy cargo ship in this play
Mister Roberts
BEASTLY NORTH AMERICAN GEOGRAPHY: The highest point on the Canadian Pacific Railway, Kicking Horse Pass is on the border of Alberta & this province to the west
British Columbia
BEASTLY NORTH AMERICAN GEOGRAPHY: In the heart of the “Silicon Forest”, Beaverton is a suburb of this western U.S. metropolis
BEASTLY NORTH AMERICAN GEOGRAPHY: This river is the largest tributary of the Columbia, which it joins near Pasco, Washington
the Snake
BEASTLY NORTH AMERICAN GEOGRAPHY: About 40 miles west of Regina, you’ll find this Saskatchewan city that sounds like a deer facial bone
Moose Jaw
TEEN-LETTER WORDS: Using the ocean itself to describe the crossing from Portugal to Haiti
TEEN-LETTER WORDS: Mirowski & Mower developed the implantable one of these medical devices–clear!
a defibrillator
TEEN-LETTER WORDS: Thinking about the past, or an exhibit spanning the career of one artist
a retrospective
TEEN-LETTER WORDS: Ascribe human traits to that cute puppy
TEEN-LETTER WORDS: "V” aware it’s the job of one who makes flags
OLD TESTAMENT BOOKS: By Hebrew word count, the longest book bears this name that led to a word for a long complaint or rant
THE NIFTY ’50s: A toast to Coors, which started making its cans with this metal in 1959
THE NIFTY ’50s: Cleveland DJ Alan Freed gets the credit for popularizing this term for the music he played on the radio
rock and roll
THE NIFTY ’50s: In 1958 the United States entered the space race with the launch of this satellite that shares its name with a Ford SUV
THE NIFTY ’50s: Eating out became easier with the introduction of this first multipurpose charge card in 1950
Diners Club
MOUNTAINS OF ASIA: These imposing peaks have a name meaning “abode of snow"
the Himalayas
MOUNTAINS OF ASIA: Rising to almost 13,000 feet, the Pontic Mountains of Northern Turkey bend along the southern shore of this body of water
the Black Sea
MOUNTAINS OF ASIA: Mount Apo is the highest peak in this Asian nation & its name means “grandfather” in Tagalog
the Philippines
MOUNTAINS OF ASIA: These continent-separating mountains stretch 1,550 miles from the Arctic Ocean to Kazakhstan
the Urals
WHAT’S BEING MEASURED?: Bunders, hectares, jeribs
WHAT’S BEING MEASURED?: Knots, Mach number
WHAT’S BEING MEASURED?: The Rankine scale, the Réaumur scale
WHAT’S BEING MEASURED?: Grams per cubic meter
WHAT’S BEING MEASURED?: Barrels, fifths, pecks
SNAILS: The eyes of most land snails are found atop the pairs of long stalks called these, like the limbs of a cephalopod
SNAILS: Snails are eaten in many countries, including as this Provençal-named delicacy in French cuisine
SNAILS: Snails make up part of the more than 45,000 species in this class of animals that has a name meaning “stomach foot"
SNAILS: Be careful around the aquatic cone snail; it produces these “nerve poisons” that can be venomous to humans
SNAILS: Tasmania produces around 25% of the world’s wild caught supply of this large edible sea snail, mainly the black lip variety
SITCOMS: Randall Park stars in this sitcom about a family of Asian immigrants in the United States
Fresh Off the Boat
SITCOMS: On this 1990s sitcom a well-to-do Southern California family took in a streetwise relative from Philadelphia
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
SITCOMS: This series is a spin-off of “The Big Bang Theory” & also a prequel to it
Young Sheldon
SITCOMS: As grouchy, narrow-minded Calvin, Cedric the Entertainer heads up this show set in a black area of Los Angeles
The Neighborhood
SITCOMS: Eddie Haskell could tell you that in a popular 1950s sitcom, these were the 2 sons in the Cleaver family
Wally and Beaver
ALL “STAR”s: The right side of a sailing ship
ALL “STAR”s: Judy Greer’s memoir is “I Don’t Know What You Know Me From: My Life as” this type of actor
a Co-Star
ALL “STAR”s: An Olympian who starts running less than a tenth of a second after the gun is guilty of this violation
a false start
ALL “STAR”s: One word meaning not wearing any clothes, in Nottingham
ALL “STAR”s: Jesus tells a parable about this seed of condiment fame
a mustard seed
FEMALE FIRSTS: In July 1923 Italian actress Eleanora Duse became the first woman to grace the cover of this U.S. magazine (issue No. 22)
FEMALE FIRSTS: Kathryn Bigelow became Oscar’s first female Best Director for this film with only one named female character
The Hurt Locker
FEMALE FIRSTS: 250 years after Magellan’s expedition, Jeanne Baret became the first woman to do this
circumnavigate the Earth
FEMALE FIRSTS: In 1919 this “Lady”, the former Nancy Langhorne of Virginia, was the first woman to sit in the British Parliament
(Lady) Astor
FEMALE FIRSTS: The first woman in space was Valentina Tereshkova, riding into the heavens on the 6th launch in this Soviet space program
JIM CLASS: On Father’s Day in 1964, Jim Bunning (father of 9), tossed one of these for the Phillies; nobody reached base!
a perfect game
JIM CLASS: Jim Lovell was aboard Apollo 8, the 1st manned craft to make this circuit; aboard Apollo 13, Jim made the same trip–unplanned
rounding the Moon
JIM CLASS: He’d assumed Mexican citizenship years before, but his exploits as a colonel in the Texas army in 1836 made him famous
(Jim) Bowie
JIM CLASS: This Marine Corps general was the first Defense Secretary in the Trump administration
JIM CLASS: This former District Attorney of New Orleans was played by Kevin Costner in “JFK"
(Jim) Garrison
CLASSIC AMERICAN PLAYS: This Arthur Miller character makes his way “on a smile and a shoeshine"
Willy Loman
CLASSIC AMERICAN PLAYS: In this Jason Miller drama, members of a high school basketball team celebrate the 20th anniversary of their state title
That Championship Season
CLASSIC AMERICAN PLAYS: In 1933 his play “Ah, Wilderness!” opened in New York with George M. Cohan as one of the leads
Eugene O’Neill
CLASSIC AMERICAN PLAYS: Junk dealer Harry Brock hires a tutor to give his mistress Billie Dawn some culture & class in this play
Born Yesterday
BEFORE, DURING & AFTER: AMC zombie spin-off about the last thing Wild Bill was dealt, an antiseptic cleansing agent
Fear the Walking Dead man’s hand sanitizer
BEFORE, DURING & AFTER: 2011 NYC protest movement composed of the Jets or Sharks & Mao’s elite quartet
Occupy Wall Street Gang of Four
BEFORE, DURING & AFTER: "Rug-cutting” 1984 Bruce Springsteen tune about Sophie Turner’s title X-Men character who plays NBA hoops in Arizona
"Dancing In The Dark” Phoenix Suns
BEFORE, DURING & AFTER: The singer who voiced the Ape King in “The Jungle Book” was a leading female opera soloist & the “Queen of Disco"
Louis Prima Donna Summer
BEFORE, DURING & AFTER: Andrew Lloyd Webber collaborator whose flooded Asian crop field won an Oscar for writing “Network"
Tim Rice Paddy Chayefsky
"R”CHITECTURE: They’re the beams supporting a sloping roof; having them exposed can give a funky industrial look
"R”CHITECTURE: Edward Durell Stone was the architect of this theater at Rockefeller Center with the fabulous interior by Donald Deskey
Radio City Music Hall
"R”CHITECTURE: This drawing of a proposed building can be much more detailed than a blueprint, including little people & trees
a rendering
"R”CHITECTURE: As a style, it was early 19th century British; as a building, it’s the Atlanta Hyatt that began the hotel atrium era
MOVIE FOREIGN CITIES: 1958: “Seven Hills of ____"
MOVIE FOREIGN CITIES: 1964: “The Umbrellas of ____"
MOVIE FOREIGN CITIES: 2007: “The ____ Limited"
MOVIE FOREIGN CITIES: 1989: “Jesus of ____” (not in the Holy Land)
MOVIE FOREIGN CITIES: 1959: “____, My Love” or “Mon Amour”, if you prefer
INTERNATIONAL DISPUTES: A dispute over Etorofu, Habomai, Kunashiri & Shikotan has kept these 2 countries from ever signing a WWII peace treaty
Japan & Russia
RHYME TIME: Hippies advocated this nonviolent strategy to promote peace & love
flower power
RHYME TIME: This type of shirt bares the midriff
a crop top
RHYME TIME: Let’s go tropical with this Polynesian-style cocktail made with rum, Curacao & fruit juices
a mai tai
RHYME TIME: It calls itself “the nation’s leading online and mobile food-ordering and delivery marketplace"
RHYME TIME: "Jeopardy! “ categories include Potpourri & this 10-letter synonym for “potpourri"
ON THE CUSPS OF GREATNESS: Dates shared by Sagittarius & Capricorn in this month are the Cusp of Prophecy, so if born then, you know what next year holds
ON THE CUSPS OF GREATNESS: My birthday of July 22 is on the cusp of Cancer & this beastly sign–it means I have good memory, I seem to recall
ON THE CUSPS OF GREATNESS: The cusp of Cancer & this sign is known as the Cusp of Magic &, after all, the best magic tricks are done with twins
ON THE CUSPS OF GREATNESS: November has the Cusp of Revolution; this woman who revolutionized tennis with “The Battle of the sexes” was born on Nov. 22
Billie Jean King
ON THE CUSPS OF GREATNESS: These 2 signs meet in September during the Cusp of Beauty
Virgo & Libra
BIOPICS: Joaquin Phoenix played this “Man in Black” in “Walk the Line"
Johnny Cash
BIOPICS: Gary Busey was nominated for an Oscar for his 1978 portrayal of this Texas singer
Buddy Holly
BIOPICS: "La Vie en Rose” took a look at the not always rosy life of this French chanteuse
(Édith) Piaf
BIOPICS: Babe Ruth played himself in this 1942 biopic of Lou Gehrig
Pride of the Yankees
WE SAY JUMP: Jump-starting 101: positive (red cable) to positive, negative (this color cable) to ground on the dead car
WE SAY JUMP: An allusion to old circus acts, “to jump through” these is to do exasperatingly hard tasks to reach a goal
WE SAY JUMP: Though no longer a kid, in 1999 Ashrita Furman bounced up the 1,899 steps of Toronto’s CN Tower on this
a pogo stick
WE SAY JUMP: Satan tempted Jesus to jump off this Judean king’s temple in Jerusalem
Herod (the Great)
HOW HIGH: A full grown Robert Wadlow, the world’s tallest man: about 1 inch under this many feet
9 feet
HOW HIGH: 4,101’ & steeper than vertical: Mount Thor, which noted maphead Ken Jennings calls the world’s tallest this (step back from the edge)
a cliff
HOW HIGH: The Nurek Earth-Fill this structure: 984 feet above the Vakhsh River
a dam
HOW HIGH: This stopping point for Everest’s southern face; 17,600 feet
base camp (the Khumbu glacier)
HOW HIGH: The cruising altitude of this alphanumeric spy plane AKA “Dragon Lady”: 70,000 feet
"MIS”INFORMATION: It’s a name mistakenly applied to someone or something
a misnomer
"MIS”INFORMATION: Calling 911 for purposes other than an emergency may be classified this type of crime
a misdemeanor
"MIS”INFORMATION: It’s another name for a written message or letter
a missive
"MIS”INFORMATION: This city is home to the University of Montana
"MIS”INFORMATION: It can be a collection of writings by different authors, or a mixture of various items
HOME IS WHERE THE ART IS: This London residence of the queen is home to Fabergé eggs & to drawings by Leonardo da Vinci
Buckingham Palace
HOME IS WHERE THE ART IS: Jan Six Xi of this country grew up with Rembrandts in his home–heck, the old master even painted his ancestor Jan Six I
the Netherlands
HOME IS WHERE THE ART IS: A full-length portrait of George Washington from this 18th c. artist is often admired by tourists at the White House
Gilbert Stuart
HOME IS WHERE THE ART IS: Frescoes by Raphael & Pinturicchio adorn the walls of the Vatican in what’s usually known as the “papal” these living spaces
papal apartments
BOND, IONIC BOND: Ionic bonding happens when these particles in atoms of 2 different elements permanently switch places
BOND, IONIC BOND: Table salt is an ionic bonding of these 2 elements
sodium & chlorine
BOND, IONIC BOND: Fe2O3 AKA this problem for your car, is the result of some ionic bonding
BOND, IONIC BOND: Magnesium hydroxide is ionic & soothes your stomach issues with this Phillips product patented in 1873
Milk of Magnesia
BOND, IONIC BOND: In ordinary saltpeter this element forms an ionic bond with nitrate
A MAN OF THE CLOTH: A shirt once used for rowing, or the last name of the Eagles member who had a solo hit with “The Boys Of Summer"
a henley
A MAN OF THE CLOTH: Before he controlled New York City, this boss served a single term in Congress from 1853 to 1855
(Boss) Tweed
A MAN OF THE CLOTH: In 1878 this retailing pioneer suggested the price of a nickel for items that weren’t selling quickly
F.W. Woolworth
A MAN OF THE CLOTH: This West Virginia country star teamed up with LL Cool J on “Accidental Racist"
Brad Paisley
A MAN OF THE CLOTH: This FBI official was the source known as “Deep Throat"
Mark Felt
WAR STORIES: "When Britain Burned the White House” by Peter Snow
the War of 1812
WAR STORIES: "When the Emperor was Divine” by Julie Otsuka
the Second World War
WAR STORIES: "The Green Berets” by Robin Moore
the Vietnam War
WAR STORIES: "Copperhead” by Bernard Cornwell
the Civil War
WAR STORIES: "The African Queen” by C.S. Forester
World War I
U.S. CITIES: Celebrating electricity & technology, an exposition in this U.S. “City of Light” in 1901 was overshadowed by another major event
(C.S.) Lewis
(A.A.) Milne
(Roald) Dahl
(Suzanne) Collins
(Garrison) Keillor
SO YUMMY THEY NAMED IT TWICE: Chopped pickles go into this mayo-based sauce that’s often served with fried fish
tartar sauce
SO YUMMY THEY NAMED IT TWICE: For starters, you might enjoy this appetizer platter featuring shrimp toast, wontons & spare ribs
pu pu platter
SO YUMMY THEY NAMED IT TWICE: A popular Tunisian staple, this semolina dish is served with a fiery hot sauce called harissa
SO YUMMY THEY NAMED IT TWICE: A warm water fish, the dorado is also known by this Hawaiian name
SO YUMMY THEY NAMED IT TWICE: This Japanese dish is raw meat & raw veggies cooked in a pot of hot broth by the diner at the table
shabu shabu
"VO”CABULARY TEST: Current multiplied by resistance
"VO”CABULARY TEST: It’s your calling, truly
"VO”CABULARY TEST: A period of popularity, like the 24 weeks the Madonna song spent on the charts in 1990
"VO”CABULARY TEST: 2-word parliamentary procedure in which the outcome is determined by relative volume
a voice vote
"VO”CABULARY TEST: A whirlwind or a whirlpool in the form of a spiral
a vortex
HISTORICAL HODGEPODGE: Britannica notes that this Russian ruler “had young lovers up to the time of her unexpected death…at…67"
Catherine the Great
HISTORICAL HODGEPODGE: The battle of this city that helped make Andrew Jackson a hero was actually fought after the War of 1812 ended
New Orleans
HISTORICAL HODGEPODGE: Lasting 40 minutes, an 1896 battle between Britain & this island, now part of Tanzania, is considered to be the shortest war
HISTORICAL HODGEPODGE: On March 30, 1981 this Secretary of State & retired general told the press, “As of now, I am in control here, in the White House"
(Alexander) Haig
HISTORICAL HODGEPODGE: A 1945 telegram from Churchill to Truman mentioned Soviet power & “the descent of” this “between us and everything to the eastward"
the Iron Curtain
BASKETBALL: PIC & ROLE: Yosemite Sam ropes hoop-erstar Michael Jordan into a meeting with Bugs Bunny & friends in this movie
Space Jam
BASKETBALL: PIC & ROLE: Wesley Snipes & Woody Harrelson leapt into starring roles hustling some basketball in this film
White Men Can’t Jump
BASKETBALL: PIC & ROLE: As Monica, Sanaa Lathan gives a movie its title when she tells Omar Epps, “All’s fair in” this “& basketball, baby"
BASKETBALL: PIC & ROLE: Before moving on to Golden State, this NBA star was “thunderstruck” , losing his hoops talent in a “Freaky Friday” way to a kid
(Kevin) Durant
BASKETBALL: PIC & ROLE: In a 1996 comedy basketball fans Mike O’Hara (Daniel Stern) & Jimmy Flaherty (Dan Aykroyd) have lots of this “Pride"
CHARACTERS IN THE AENEID: The main character, Aeneas survives the fall of Troy & is destined to be the ancestor of this great civilization
CHARACTERS IN THE AENEID: The sister of Pygmalion, Dido is the queen of this North African city & becomes Aeneas’ lover
CHARACTERS IN THE AENEID: Sinon is a Greek who persuades the Trojans to take this object into their city as an offering to the goddess Minerva
a wooden horse (the Trojan Horse)
CHARACTERS IN THE AENEID: This god calms the storm at sea that begins the epic, letting Aeneas get to dry land
CHARACTERS IN THE AENEID: Allecto is one of these goddesses of vengeance; her machinations get the Trojans into yet another war
the Furies
MISLEADING NAMES: When you wish upon a shooting star, it’s not actually a star but one of these streaking across the sky
a meteor
MISLEADING NAMES: It sounds like a bakery treat rather than the thymus or pancreas of a young animal eaten as a delicacy
MISLEADING NAMES: The funny bone isn’t funny & it’s not a bone; that weird sensation you feel is this nerve pressing against the end of the humerus
the ulnar nerve
11-LETTER WORDS: Describing a whole order of mammals, this adjective is from the Latin for “flesh eating"
11-LETTER WORDS: In 2018 a $10 million Houston mansion made news as the USA’s most expensive property in this unfortunate status
11-LETTER WORDS: An artificial mannerism, like extending the pinky while drinking tea
an affectation
11-LETTER WORDS: Someone who dislikes people in general, or the title subject of a 1666 play by Molière
11-LETTER WORDS: This type of makeup is a symbol of acting in the theater
HUSBANDS & WIVES: In 1479 this husband & wife (& cousin) team became king & queen of Aragon
Ferdinand and Isabelle
HUSBANDS & WIVES: Diego Rivera totally wanted to leave his wife, this artist, in 1939 & soon totally wanted her back, remarrying in ‘40
(Frida) Kahlo
HUSBANDS & WIVES: Director Roman Polanski married this actress in 1968 but tragedy ended their romance the following year
Sharon Tate
HUSBANDS & WIVES: This leader & his first wife Evelyn were married from 1944 until she told him, it’s the ANC or me!
HUSBANDS & WIVES: Perhaps the birth of their baby c. 1118 was enough of a hint for Abelard to wed this woman, but in secret; that did not end well
HIT TUNES: Bradley Cooper teamed with Lady Gaga to climb the Billboard charts with this song from “A Star is Born"
HIT TUNES: Let’s go country with Luke Bryan, who completed his hitmaking day with “Sunrise, Sunburn”, this
HIT TUNES: He first hit the Top 40 in 1964 with 3 pals & was still going strong in 2018 on the adult contemporary chart with “Come On To Me"
(Paul) McCartney
HIT TUNES: Streaming hits of Oct. 2018 included songs by Lil Baby, Lil Pump, Lil Uzi Vert & “Uproar” & “Dedicate” by him
Lil Wayne
HIT TUNES: Bryce Vine cracked the Mainstream Top 40 with this tune named for an ex-child star-turned-“Charlie’s Angel"
Drew Barrymore
ISLANDS IN THE “C": Barbados & Bonaire: this big “C"
the Caribbean
ISLANDS IN THE “C": Tiburon Island: this sea named for a conquistador, AKA the Gulf of California
the Sea of Cortez
ISLANDS IN THE “C": Puget Island: this river
the Columbia
ISLANDS IN THE “C": Ile Sumba: this river in a “Democratic Republic"
the Congo
ISLANDS IN THE “C": Bird Islet & Cato Island, near the Great Barrier Reef: this sea
the Coral Sea
BUSINESS & INDUSTRY: Peaking at 9,000 locations in 2004, this chain of stores was down to one in 2019, located in Bend, Oregon
THERE’S A NATIONAL DAY FOR THAT: The second Monday in February is Clean Out Your this Day, so shake the crumbs out of that keyboard & delete those unused .exes
a Computer
THERE’S A NATIONAL DAY FOR THAT: Write (actually write, on paper) a letter on June 1, the National Day for these alliterative & friendly correspondents
Pen Pals
THERE’S A NATIONAL DAY FOR THAT: On February 1, I scream, you scream, we all scream for this fancy dessert named for the 49th state
baked Alaska
THERE’S A NATIONAL DAY FOR THAT: Spare a thought for the humphead wrasse & Oahu tree snail on the third Friday in May, the national day for these
endangered species
YOU’RE CREEPING ME OUT: Sounding like a truly gross salad item, these “sea” creatures expel their organs & grow new ones
a cucumber (sea cucumbers)
YOU’RE CREEPING ME OUT: A type of crab found near Antarctic hydro-thermal vents is called this, like the Abominable Snowman
THE GREAT AMERICAN READ’S TOP 100 BOOKS: This Harper Lee classic topped the list & was the favorite book of 48 states as well
To Kill a Mockingbird
THE GREAT AMERICAN READ’S TOP 100 BOOKS: Only one title from each author could make the list; these 2 sisters represented the Bronte family at No. 10 & No. 21
Charlotte and Emily
THE GREAT AMERICAN READ’S TOP 100 BOOKS: This author made the list at No. 24 with his epic “The Stand"
Stephen King
THE GREAT AMERICAN READ’S TOP 100 BOOKS: Sci-fi entries on the list ranged from Frank Herbert’s “Dune” to this much sillier Douglas Adams book
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
THE GREAT AMERICAN READ’S TOP 100 BOOKS: 7 of the top 10 books on the list were written by women, including this series by Diana Gabaldon
RACKET SPORTS: The name of this racket game that’s played on a 4-walled court also means “to crush"
RACKET SPORTS: What’s the dill, yo? The USAPA promotes this racket sport, one of the USA’s fastest-growing sports
RACKET SPORTS: The Thomas Cup & the Uber Cup are presented by the BWF, this racket sport’s world federation
RACKET SPORTS: Spanish for “ball”, this basque court game was a 1924 Olympic demonstration sport
flight attendant
PLUNDER WOMAN: Pirates Anne Bonny & Mary Read avoided execution by the British because they both happened to be in this condition
PLUNDER WOMAN: Lagertha was formidable in the 9th century among these Scandinavian invaders
the Vikings
PLUNDER WOMAN: 18th century pirate Rachel Wall went ashore & met her downfall for this type of “robbery”–she took a bonnet on a Boston public road
PLUNDER WOMAN: Sayyida al-Hurra, 16th century pirate queen of the Western Mediterranean, was one of these French-named pirates of the Barbary Coast
FIRST NAME SONG TITLES: Stop! Police! This title woman, “you don’t have to put on the red light"
FIRST NAME SONG TITLES: Lady Gaga titled this song the Spanish version of late designer McQueen’s first name
FIRST NAME SONG TITLES: "I’m begging darling, please”! Eric Clapton wrote this love song for Pattie Harrison, then wed to Eric’s good pal George
FIRST NAME SONG TITLES: This British singer-songwriter introduced us to both “Veronica” & “Alison"
Elvis Costello
FIRST NAME SONG TITLES: Kiss got all ballad-y singing this woman, “I hear you callin’, but I can’t come home right now"
WHAT IS THAT PERSON DOING?: Reading this part of the paper; “Mutts” really has him holding his sides
the comics
WHAT IS THAT PERSON DOING?: With the service Carbonite, doing an alliterative “business” this, an important but often neglected computer task
WHAT IS THAT PERSON DOING?: Packing a picnic basket & being sure to include these pickled flower buds to flavor the salad
WHAT IS THAT PERSON DOING?: Folding the U.S. flag in the official manner, bending it over onto itself this many times
WHAT IS THAT PERSON DOING?: The bachata–or is it the merengue? Anyway, a dance from this Caribbean country
the Dominican Republic
ISLAND NATION CAPITAL CITIES: Roseau, Dominica was burned by the French in 1805 & suffered near-total destruction by one of these in 1979
a hurricane
ISLAND NATION CAPITAL CITIES: Valletta, Malta was named for the grand master of the Knights Hospitaller after they survived a 1565 siege there by this empire
the Ottoman Empire
ISLAND NATION CAPITAL CITIES: With room for 7,000 worshippers, Al Fateh Mosque in Manama, capital of this island kingdom, is the nation’s largest
I GOT RELIGION: 1/4 of the Noble Eightfold Path of this religion is saying nothing to hurt others & gaining knowledge of the truth
I GOT RELIGION: In 1990 Father Gabriele Amorth co-founded the International Association of these people who deal with the possessed
I GOT RELIGION: This “directional” group formalized its split from Northerners in Augusta, Georgia in 1845
the Southern Baptists
I GOT RELIGION: At the Passover seder, a cup of wine is poured & left untouched for this prophet, due to his role in the coming of the Messiah
I GOT RELIGION: Often called Islamic law, it’s broader than secular law codes & uses “recommended” & “disapproved”, not “legal” & “illegal"
Sharia law
STUCK IN THE MIDDLE WITH U: The quills of this rodent consist of long, sharp bristles of fused hairs
a porcupine
STUCK IN THE MIDDLE WITH U: It’s the opposite of diurnal
STUCK IN THE MIDDLE WITH U: It’s another name for whooping cough
STUCK IN THE MIDDLE WITH U: Doing some speechifying? Work on this, the study & practice of oral delivery
STUCK IN THE MIDDLE WITH U: Daimyo, who controlled vast territories, employed many of these warriors
MOVIE & BOOK TITLES: This title of a 1962 novel & 1975 film refers to the direction the last of 3 geese took in an old nursery rhyme
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
PUTTING OUT THE WELCOME MATH: This branch of math uses symbols to represent numbers or variables in arithmetic operations, like 2x + y = 10
PUTTING OUT THE WELCOME MATH: Sometimes you see the sines; others, you go off on 1 of these, a straight line that touches a curve without cutting through it
a tangent
PUTTING OUT THE WELCOME MATH: In 1,431 divided by 53, which we will not have you solve, 53 is the divisor & 1,431 is this
the dividend
PUTTING OUT THE WELCOME MATH: "O” say can you say this kind of triangle having no right angle? Or at least make some kind of indirect reference?
an oblique triangle
WEIRD LEGAL NEWS: In 2009 maybe a teen should not have robbed a cop…at a police convention…& tried to flee via taxi…near this Penn. capital
WEIRD LEGAL NEWS: A novelist who penned an essay on how to do this to your husband got arrested for allegedly doing it to her husband
WEIRD LEGAL NEWS: The BBC said in 2012 after a Sea World trip, Welsh tourists woke up hungover & “with (this type of) flightless bird in their apartment"
a penguin
WEIRD LEGAL NEWS: A Burglar in Vancouver, Wash. was arrested after he broke into one of these fun experience places & naturally, couldn’t get out
an escape room
WEIRD LEGAL NEWS: Blowing our minds in 2010, a Neb. native got nailed for DUI costumed as this device that depicted a blood alcohol level of 6.9%
a breathalyzer
SOUP TO NUTS: The Campbell’s Soup website calls this & a grilled cheese sandwich a dinner combination that can’t be beat
Tomato Soup
SOUP TO NUTS: You can’t make traditional pesto sauce without basil & these “nuts"
pine nuts
SOUP TO NUTS: Small meatballs & vegetables are “joined together” in this Italian soup that sounds perfect for a nuptials dinner
Italian wedding
SOUP TO NUTS: It’s the nut in Nutella
a hazelnut
SOUP TO NUTS: A French chef in New York gets the credit for creating this creamy potato-&-leek soup that’s served cold
"HOLD” IT: There’s an initial preposition in this word meaning to support
"HOLD” IT: To perceive, old-time-ily
"HOLD” IT: A 2016 report said Ford had “revolutionized” this central console compartment
the cup holder
"HOLD” IT: In this game there are 5 community cards
Texas hold’em
"HOLD” IT: An official who continues in a job from one administration to another
a holdover
20th CENTURY HISTORY: On December 19, 1984 Margaret Thatcher & Zhao Ziyang signed a joint declaration to end British rule in this place
Hong Kong
20th CENTURY HISTORY: The 381-day bus boycott in this city was triggered by Rosa Parks’ arrest for refusing to give up her seat to a white man
20th CENTURY HISTORY: Queen Victoria’s eldest son took the throne in 1901 with this name & number
Edward VII
NICKNAMES FROM TONY STARK: Tony’s name for this web-slinging hero is Underoos
NICKNAMES FROM TONY STARK: Hawkeye gets this moniker of a “Lord of the Rings” archer
NICKNAMES FROM TONY STARK: Tony’s nicknames for this group of Avengers lite: Blue Meanie (Nebula), Build-a-Bear (Rocket) & Mr. Clean (Drax)
the Guardians of the Galaxy
NICKNAMES FROM TONY STARK: Tony refers to amnesiac assassin the Winter Soldier by the title of this 1962 Frank Sinatra thriller
The Manchurian Candidate
NICKNAMES FROM TONY STARK: Tony calls Loki by the title of this 2009 Broadway musical about 1980s hair bands
Rock of Ages
THE BOOK OF LAKE (& POND & RIVER): Thoreau’s goal in writing about his time by this body of water was to “front only the essential facts of life"
THE BOOK OF LAKE (& POND & RIVER): In an 1884 novel Jim is held as an escaped slave after rafting down this river
the Mississippi
THE BOOK OF LAKE (& POND & RIVER): Chapter XXV of “Le Morte d’Arthur” is “How Arthur By the Mean of Merlin Gat Excalibur His Sword of” this woman
the Lady of the Lake
THE BOOK OF LAKE (& POND & RIVER): "I’ve never been in a boat before”, says Mole to the Rat as the 2 head down a river in this Kenneth Grahame novel
The Wind in the Willows
NEW TO THE OED: This adjective meaning “swindled” that sounds like a chess castle was the culprit
NEW TO THE OED: This derisive 4-letter word for a novice in an online community
NEW TO THE OED: This 2-word term for the spot from which conspiracy theorists think an unknown second gunman fired on JFK
the grassy knoll
PILLARS OF THE EARTH: The Rock of Gibraltar is one of the 2 pillars of this mythical figure
PILLARS OF THE EARTH: This British hero’s column is in Trafalgar Square; his pillar was in Dublin until an IRA member blew it up in 1966
PILLARS OF THE EARTH: The Egyptian pillar called by the name of this “Great” foe of Julius Caesar was built 300 years after he lived
THE AMERICAN MUSIC AWARD: The 2015 AMAs saw Taylor Swift take home the trophy for Pop/Rock Album–this one named for the year of Taylor’s birth
THE AMERICAN MUSIC AWARD: At the 2017 AMAs, Favorite Song–Pop/Rock went to this one by Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee featuring Justin Bieber
KLAUS ENCOUNTERS: Physicist & spy Klaus Fuchs was convicted in 1950 of supplying this country with secrets about the allies’ atomic bomb research
the Soviet Union
KLAUS ENCOUNTERS: Klaus Baudelaire is a character in this 13-book “Series"
A Series of Unfortunate Events
KLAUS ENCOUNTERS: This German actor & father of Nastassja was as well known for his eccentric behavior as for his acting
(Klaus) Kinski
KLAUS ENCOUNTERS: Václav Klaus was president of this Central European republic from 2003 to 2013
the Czech Republic
KLAUS ENCOUNTERS: As Bror Blixen, Austrian actor Klaus Maria Brandauer was married to Meryl Streep in this film
Out of Africa
OF THE THIRD KIND: The second of these German empires ended in 1918; the third came along just 15 years later
the Reich
OF THE THIRD KIND: The Third Amendment to the Constitution is about the right to not have these people in your house
OF THE THIRD KIND: The third Winter Olympic site, & the first one in the U.S., it’s not far from Saranac Lake & Tupper Lake, N.Y.
Lake Placid
OF THE THIRD KIND: In July 2019, around a big anniversary, there was renewed interest in this 88-year-old often called the “Third Man"
(astronaut) Michael Collins
AMERICAN HISTORY: One a Civil War hero & one a U.S. Senator, brothers with this last name were both considered for the 1884 Republican presidential nomination
BLACK-&-WHITE FILMS: In “The Maltese Falcon”, this actor tells Mary Astor, “if you…were as innocent as you pretend to be, we’d never get anywhere"
Humphrey Bogart
BLACK-&-WHITE FILMS: Grabbing a shower at a motel seems like a good idea to Janet Leigh in this 1960 thriller–it is not a good idea at all
BLACK-&-WHITE FILMS: This actor is defiant in “Raging Bull”–“I never went down, Ray. You never got me down, Ray"
Robert De Niro
BLACK-&-WHITE FILMS: Gen. Jack D. Ripper, Col. “Bat” Guano & Major “King” Kong are characters in this 1964 doomsday comedy
Dr. Strangelove
BLACK-&-WHITE FILMS: On “Seinfeld”, Jerry caught serious grief for making out with his date during this 1993 World War II-set drama
Schindler’s List
RED ALERT: In the 1940s Kim Philby, Britain’s head of anti-communist counter-espionage, was one of these “2”-timing spies
a double agent
RED ALERT: 1948’s Battle of Huaihai left Communist forces finally & firmly in control during this country’s civil war
RED ALERT: From the Latin for “offspring”, it was the Communist term for the working class that was meant to be liberated
the proletariat
RED ALERT: When he became the USSR’s leader, Mikhail Gorbachev was the youngest member of this chief Communist Party policymaking body
the Politburo
RED ALERT: This first leader of Communist North Korea was an officer in the Soviet Red Army during World War II
Kim Il-sung
IN THE PINK: If you’re vegan or vegetarian, you may struggle to get enough of this in your diet, so try some seitan & tofu
IN THE PINK: Careful with raw milk, AKA this 13-letter kind; it can contain harmful bacteria
IN THE PINK: Eat & exercise to keep your BMI, short for this, within the proper range; shoot for between 18.5 & 24.9
body mass index
IN THE PINK: Floss & brush regularly to get the jump on this gum disease; if left untreated, it can lead to periodontitis
IN THE PINK: NAMI, the National Alliance on this, tries to fight the stigma associated with the condition
Mental Illness
YELL “O": It measures a car’s travel
an odometer
YELL “O": This instrument has a tubular body & a double-reed mouthpiece
an oboe
YELL “O": Someday you may find me by a well or spring at this small green area in a desert
an oasis
YELL “O": Get a leg up after an injury with this type of M.D. who specializes in your skeletal system
an orthopedist
YELL “O": Some people of the 46th state have reclaimed this dust bowl-era epithet, putting it on mugs & t-shirts
IT’S ALL ABOUT THAT GREEN, BABY: At 22 this Aussie native inherited a newspaper after his father’s death; in 2019 he & his family were worth 11 figures
Rupert Murdoch
IT’S ALL ABOUT THAT GREEN, BABY: He rebounded nicely after getting fired from Salomon Brothers, becoming mayor of NYC & being worth about $50 billion in 2019
(Michael) Bloomberg
IT’S ALL ABOUT THAT GREEN, BABY: Last name of brothers Charles & David, worth around a combined $100 billion at the time of David’s death in 2019
IT’S ALL ABOUT THAT GREEN, BABY: Talk about Amazon Prime! This woman pledged more than half her $37 billion fortune to charity in 2019
(MacKenzie) Bezos
IT’S ALL ABOUT THAT GREEN, BABY: Very rich men Larry Page & Sergey Brin head up this parent company of Google
I GOT THE BLUES: This company’s crayons come in more than a dozen shades of blue, including cornflower & cadet
I GOT THE BLUES: This “seafaring” shade of blue is one of the most popular colors for school uniforms in the United States
navy blue
I GOT THE BLUES: The name of this often blue fabric points to its place of origin, the city of Nimes
I GOT THE BLUES: Katy Perry voiced this blue animated movie character with blonde hair
WINDY CITY POLITICS: Riots hit Chicago in this year as the Democratic national convention stirred up emotions
WINDY CITY POLITICS: For all but 12 years from 1955 to 2011, Chicago had a mayor with this last name
WINDY CITY POLITICS: From 1915 to 1917 Oscar de Priest sat on Chicago’s city council after becoming the first African American elected to this post
WINDY CITY POLITICS: Chicago’s most famous community organizer before Barack Obama, he wrote books like “Rules for Radicals"
Saul Alinsky
7-LETTER WORDS: If one of these, AKA a turkey vulture, is circling overhead, call 911
a buzzard
7-LETTER WORDS: 2 basic types of college courses are the seminar & this, basically the professor speaking to a large group
7-LETTER WORDS: An oubliette was a secret one of these beneath a trapdoor in a castle & a place you did not want to end up
a dungeon
7-LETTER WORDS: A type of poker game where A-2-3-4-6 is a winning hand, or to underestimate on purpose
7-LETTER WORDS: A place where metal is cast in molds
a foundry
QUOTABLE BOOKS: 1865: “She was walking by the White Rabbit, who was peeping anxiously into her face"
Alice in Wonderland
QUOTABLE BOOKS: 1958: “It was some little while before I could bring myself to open the window, and ask Miss Golightly what she wanted"
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
QUOTABLE BOOKS: 1990: “You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose"
Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
QUOTABLE BOOKS: 1873: “Phileas Fogg had won his wager of twenty thousand pounds!"
Around the World in Eighty Days
QUOTABLE BOOKS: A recent Pulitzer Prize winner set during WWII: “Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever"
All the Light We Cannot See
U.S. NAVAL ACADEMY GRADUATES: This late senator from Arizona, class of 1958
John McCain
U.S. NAVAL ACADEMY GRADUATES: This author of “Stranger in a Strange Land”, a 1929 graduate
(Robert) Heinlein
U.S. NAVAL ACADEMY GRADUATES: Wally Schirra, who was the only astronaut to fly in all 3 of these NASA programs
Mercury, Gemini & Apollo
U.S. NAVAL ACADEMY GRADUATES: An 1858 graduate, he would become the “Hero of Manila"
George Dewey
GEOGRAPHIC AKAs: As it flows through Oxford, it’s called the Isis
the Thames
GEOGRAPHIC AKAs: Mount Godwin-Austen
GEOGRAPHIC AKAs: Van Diemen’s Land
GOOD TELEVISION: This “Cheers” actor plays Michael, designer of “The Good Place"
Ted Danson
GOOD TELEVISION: David Hartman was the host for this ABC a.m. show when it premiered in 1975
Good Morning America
GOOD TELEVISION: This 2-word title got Michelle Dockery’s Letty out of prison early on a TNT drama
Good Behavior
GOOD TELEVISION: This actress fights “The Good Fight” as Diane Lockhart, as she did on “The Good Wife"
Christine Baranski
HOME & GARDEN: In 1847 eccentric horticulturalist Sir Charles Isham popularized these when he imported terra cotta ones from Nuremberg
garden gnomes
THE 1960s: A 1964 report from the surgeon general said this was “causally related to lung cancer in men"
THE 1960s: He was stripped of his heavyweight boxing title after he refused to be drafted into the Army
(Muhammad) Ali
THE 1960s: Timothy Leary famously told young people to “Turn on, tune in”, do this
drop out
THE 1960s: Popular in surfer culture, this energetic dance style shares its name with an ethnic group of East-Central Africa
the Watusi
THE 1960s: In 1964 he went from leader of the Soviet Union to obscure pensioner
MEDICAL IDIOMS: It can mean to measure body heat but idiomatically, it means to survey the attitudes of a group of people
take the temperature
MEDICAL IDIOMS: Someone being treated the way he has treated others is “getting” this
(taste of) their own medicine
MEDICAL IDIOMS: A blow to one’s reputation, or bruising around the organ of sight
a black eye
MEDICAL IDIOMS: An unpleasant fact that one must accept
a bitter pill
MEDICAL IDIOMS: A medical professional is mentioned in this phrase for exactly the thing needed
just what the doctor ordered
NEW YORK-SET NOVELS: When the Book-of-the-Month Club asked about changing this novel’s title, its author said, “Holden Caulfield wouldn’t like that"
Catcher in the Rye
NEW YORK-SET NOVELS: 9-year-old Oskar Schell searches for clues about his father who died on 9/11 in the novel “Extremely Loud &” this
Incredibly Close
NEW YORK-SET NOVELS: It begins, “Amerigo Bonasera sat in New York criminal court …and waited for justice; vengeance on the men who… hurt his daughter"
The Godfather
NEW YORK-SET NOVELS: In this classic, Francie Nolan lives with her family in the poorer part of the Williamsburg neighborhood
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
NEW YORK-SET NOVELS: Psychologist Dr. Laszlo Kreizler & his team track down a brutal serial killer in this bestseller set in 1896
The Alienist
IF IT WERE AN ACTION MOVIE: "Losers’ Club? No. Not tonight. That clown came after my friends. That clown came after me. Tonight, that clown…goes down"
IF IT WERE AN ACTION MOVIE: To an Aussie dentist: “I know where you work–42 Wallaby Way. Release my son from your tank, or I will come for you"
Finding Nemo
IF IT WERE AN ACTION MOVIE: Audrey Tautou: “I tried to help people be happy. But your relative killed my mom. Now this French waitress is serving revenge…cold"
IF IT WERE AN ACTION MOVIE: A 2008 film: “I may or may not be your father, but know this. If anyone ever kidnaps you, I will find you. Now, let’s all sing ‘Waterloo”'
Mamma Mia!
IF IT WERE AN ACTION MOVIE: In a 2016 musical, “You fired me for playing jazz piano, not Xmas songs. We each made a choice. But you won’t get to live with yours"
La La Land
WORD ON THE STREET: In Manhattan: Lexington or Madison
WORD ON THE STREET: In L.A.: Glendale, Sunset or Wilshire
WORD ON THE STREET: In Chicago: North Lake Shore or South Wacker
WORD ON THE STREET: In London: Drury or Leather this little road
WORD ON THE STREET: In Rome: Dei Condotti or Giuseppe di Vittorio
MODELS OF THE HEAVENS: In Sweden’s scale model of the solar system, Stockholm’s 230-foot Globe Arena is the Sun & this dwarf planet is 5” wide, 185 miles away
MODELS OF THE HEAVENS: Almost 2,000 years old, a celestial globe called the Farnese Atlas does not show individual stars but only these
MODELS OF THE HEAVENS: A model kit for this last moon mission contains parts to make a lunar module & lunar rover
Apollo 17
MODELS OF THE HEAVENS: A NASA scale model uses a grapefruit-sized sun in D.C.; the Sun’s “neighbor”, Proxima this, would be a cherry in California
1990s LYRICS: Right Said Fred: “I’m a model, you know what I mean, & I do my little turn on the catwalk"
"I’m Too Sexy"
1990s LYRICS: No Doubt: “Take this pink ribbon off my eyes"
"Just A Girl"
1990s LYRICS: Mariah Carey: “I feel good, I feel nice, I’ve never felt so satisfied"
1990s LYRICS: R.E.M.: “Now, Andy, did you hear about this one? Tell me, are you locked in the punch?"
"Man On The Moon"
1990s LYRICS: The Goo Goo Dolls: “And I’d give up forever to touch you"
PHILOSOPHY: "Our discussion is …on the right way to conduct our lives”, this Greek philosopher wrote in “The Republic"
PHILOSOPHY: According to Karl Marx, this is “the opium of the people"
PHILOSOPHY: A persistent issue in bioethics is the fate of patients in PVS, persistent this state
PHILOSOPHY: Francis Bacon is considered a father of this school of philosophy that holds that all knowledge comes from experience
DOUBLE LETTERS IN THE MIDDLE: A place to house your hound when you head out of town
a kennel
DOUBLE LETTERS IN THE MIDDLE: It can mean a small mug but is usually a way to refer to your head; use yours now!
a noggin
DOUBLE LETTERS IN THE MIDDLE: A thickened area of skin, perhaps on your hands
a callus
DOUBLE LETTERS IN THE MIDDLE: In machine sewing, thread is wound upon this spool
a bobbin
DOUBLE LETTERS IN THE MIDDLE: An 8-letter Olympic game of horse
WORLD GEOGRAPHY: A small chapel marks the source of this river in the Valdai Hills about 200 miles northwest of Moscow
the Volga
WORLD GEOGRAPHY: This peninsula stretches south about 700 miles from the Isthmus of Kra to Singapore
the Malay Peninsula
WORLD GEOGRAPHY: This Yemeni capital lies at the foot of Mount Nuqum more than 7,200 feet above sea level
WORLD GEOGRAPHY: Italy’s highest point is on this Alpine peak it shares with France
Mont Blanc
HISTORIC MERCENARIES: 900 Hessian mercenaries spent new year 1777 as prisoners after Washington crossed this river & captured them
the Delaware
HISTORIC MERCENARIES: Sir John Hawkwood fought for Florence, for the pope & for the English in the first few decades of this long war with France
the Hundred Years’ War
HISTORIC MERCENARIES: In the 400s B.C., Athenian soldier & historian Xenophon fought in a rebellion in this empire against its ruler Artaxerxes II
the Persian Empire
HISTORIC MERCENARIES: With a name meaning “lord”, in the 11th century he fought for the king of Castile & later for the Moorish ruler of Zaragoza
El Cid
BUSINESS 2019: The New York Stock Exchange allowed jeans on the trading floor for the initial public offering of the stock with this 4-letter symbol
BIG BODIES OF WATER: Approximately 60 million square miles: this largest ocean
the Pacific
BIG BODIES OF WATER: More than 950,000 square miles: this sea that touches Africa & Asia, among others
the Mediterranean
BIG BODIES OF WATER: 5.4 million square miles: this ocean that touches the U.S., Canada & Russia, among others
the Arctic
BIG BODIES OF WATER: About 378,000 square miles: also called the East Sea, it borders Sakhalin Island
the Sea of Japan
BIG BODIES OF WATER: Around 900,000 square miles: this sea that touches North America & Asia
the Bering Sea
WHAT DO “I” STAND FOR: In IRS, an agency of the Treasury Department
WHAT DO “I” STAND FOR: In IBS, a disorder of the intestines
WHAT DO “I” STAND FOR: In DPI, a measure of printing resolution
WHAT DO “I” STAND FOR: In F.I., a feature of some car engines
WHAT DO “I” STAND FOR: In AFIS, a system law enforcement uses to compare fingerprints
DEEP STUFF: This “Star Trek” spin-off boldly stayed in place–it took place on a station instead of a ship
Deep Space Nine
DEEP STUFF: The Internet that has not been indexed by these is the deep web
search engines
DEEP STUFF: This 8-letter type of digitally manipulated video has realistic face swaps, like Nicolas Cage’s face on Amy Adams’ body
DEEP STUFF: In 1947 this Iowa company introduced its DeepFreeze Upright freezer