World Geography Flashcards
River mentioned most often in the Bible
What is the Jordan?
World’s largest lake
What is the Caspian Sea?
The white island disaster happened here
What is New Zealand?
Internet name .cy
What is Cypress?
What is the Federal Republic of Germany?
Largest county in England
What is Yorkshire County?
City In Somerset started by the Romans as Aquae Sulis
What is Bath?
Sherwood is found in this “shire”
What is Nottinghamshire?
Southernmost tip of England
What is Cornwall?
South African city also called Egoli
What is Johannesburg?
World capital home to University of the West Indies
What is Kingston, Jamaica?
The Giralda is a landmark of this city on the Guadalquivir river
What is Seville, Spain?
Second most populous city in Germany
What is Hamburg?
Body of water separating Scandinavian Peninsula from rest of continental Europe
What is the Baltic Sea?
Second largest city in Norway
What is Bergen?
On a visit, the queen of this place blessed Solomon & the God of Israel
What is Sheba?
Estadio Azteca in this capital city was the first stadium to host 2 World Cup Finals, 1970 & ‘86
What is Mexico City?
In La Mauricie National Park you can observe this beloved rodent, also the mascot of Parks Canada
What is Beaver?
Until 2003 this Middle East nation used ‘The Land Of Two Rivers’ as its national anthem
What is Iraq?
The term ‘bay salt’, evaporated seawater, is from the Bay of Bourgneuf in this west-central France river valley
What is Loire?
The Congo River passes through this world capital
What is Kinshasa/Brazzaville?
The Yamuna River passes through this world capital
What is New Dheli?
The Vistula River passes through this world capital
What is Warsaw?
Havarti cheese is originally from this country
What is Denmark?
The Chaobai and Yongding rivers pass through this world capital
What is Beijing?
The Amstel river passes through this world capital
What is Amsterdam?
Largest and smallest countries bordering the Mediterranean
What are Algeria and Monaco?
This headstream branch of the Nile that originates in Ethiopia is the source of almost 70% of its water
What is the Blue Nile?
On its way to the Atlantic Ocean, the Orange River crosses the vast veld region of this country
What is South Africa?
Stretching from Tibet to the Bo Hai Gulf in the Pacific, this 3,400-mile river is often called the cradle of Chinese civilization
What is the Yellow River?
They’re sister cities, but you can’t see Magadan in this country from your house in Anchorage
What is Russia?
It’s about 800 miles from South Africa’s executive capital of Pretoria to this legislative capital on the southwest coast
What is Cape Town?
These 2 national capitals lie little more than 100 miles apart across the 38th parallel
What are Pyongyang and Seoul?
In 1872 these 2 cities on opposite sides of the Danube joined hands & names
What are Buda and Pest?
Queen Maud Land in Antarctica is a dependency of this country where Maud was queen consort
What is Norway?
This river is navigable from its mouth on the North Sea to a spot near Basel on the Swiss-German border
What is the Rhine?
The United Nations Archives in this Swiss city is also where you’ll find the League of Nations Archives
What is Geneva?
Back when it was known as the Hellespont, this strait was where the mythic lovers Hero & Leander perished
What are the Dardanelles?
Sugar Loaf Mountain overlooks this bay of the Atlantic Ocean
What is Guanabara Bay?
Built with siege amenities like a 500-foot-deep well, the Königstein Fortress is aka the Saxon this, after a Paris prison
What is Bastille?
2 impact craters in the Sea of Tranquility are named for these 2 men
Who are Aldrin and Armstrong?
The name of these islands off the southern tip of South America means “land of fire”
What is Tierra del Fuego?
This “C” in the ABC Islands of the Caribbean has the oldest continuously inhabited Jewish community in the Americas
What is Curaçao?
This Australian place got its name due to “the great quantity of plants Mr. Banks and Dr. Solander” found on shore
What is Botany Bay?
This area of the North Atlantic is named for the type of seaweed prevalent there
What is the Sargasso Sea?
Televised debates dubbed “The Road to Carthage” were a new feature in this country’s 2019 elections
What is Tunisia?
A university in this U.K. city consists of 38 colleges, including All Souls, St. John’s & Trinity
What is Oxford?
Much of this capital of New South Wales lies on the Cumberland Plain, named for a British duke
What is Sydney?
Named for 19th century polymath Alexander von Humboldt, Mare Humboldtianum is a huge plain here
What is the Moon?
Quebec’s Plains of him were the site of a key 1759 battle between the British & French
Who is Abraham?
In 2018 a cornerstone was laid in Tallinn, capital of this country, for a new memorial to victims of Communist crimes
What is Estonia?