American History Flashcards
Cornerstone of Massachusets; Bears date 1620
What is Plymouth Rock?
Place John Handcock signed the Declaration of Independence
What is Independence Hall?
Target of November ‘83 bomb blast
What is the Capitol?
General who said “I shall return” [to the Philippines]
Who is Douglas MacArthur?
Quarantined from 1915 - 1938 in the Bronx
Who is Typhoid Mary?
1980s NYC mayor buried in Manhattan; “The idea of leaving Manhattan permanently irritates me”
Who is Ed Koch?
Training ground in Florida for aviators in WWII
What is Pensacola?
Hellen Keller’s teacher
Who is Anne Sullivan?
Famous suffragette; 19th amendment passed on her bicentennial
Who is Susan B. Anthony?
Issue defining LBJ’s presidency
What is Vietnam?
In 1856, this west pointer cast his only vote for president before his own election – for Buchanan
Who is Ulysses S. Grant?
Most common presidential religious affiliation
What is Episcopalian?
Act putting a duty on deeds, wills, newspapers, and playing cards
What is the Stamp Act?
On Nov. 3 1948 the Chicago Tribune erroneously reported that this New York Governor defeated Truman for President
Who is Thomas E. Dewey?
Carrying up to 400 passengers the first jumbo jet entered airline service in 1970
What is a Boeing 747?
Before he was Vice President, he was the CEO of the energy firm Haliburton
Who is Dick Cheney?
Sadly, of the 17,000 Union soldiers buried in the national cemetery at this battle site, 75% are listed as unknowns
What is Vicksburg?
Creator of the Boy Scouts
Who is Lord Baden Powell?
This Vietnam vet was senator from Massachusetts from 1985 to 2013
Who is John Kerry?
Captain Max Pruss was in command of this vehicle over New Jersey on May 6, 1937
What is the Hindenburg?
The Constitution gets its first state ratification: State, year
What is Delaware in 1787?
An official of the FBI’s New York office said in 1992, “The Don is covered in Velcro” & every charge stuck when the Bureau, at last, succeeded in convicting mafia boss John Gotti, known by this slippery nickname
What is The Teflon Don?
The Hughes Flying Boat was also known by this nickname
What is The Spruce Goose
In 1971 Nixon presented the first proof of the dollar coin featuring this president to his widow Mamie
Who is Eisenhower?
First minted in 1809, the “Liberty Cap” this was .74 inches in diameter, just a bit bigger than today
What is a dime?
Old West artist James Earle Fraser designed this 1913 coin with a Native American design
What is a nickel?
On May 31, 1921 a white mob began attacking what was called “Black Wall Street” in this Oklahoma city
What is Tulsa?
This major Vietnam offensive began January 31, 1968 during the Vietnamese lunar new year
What is the Tet Offensive?
This former slave & orator wrote, “You have seen how a man was made a slave; you shall see how a slave was made a man”
Who is Frederick Douglas?
Marian Wright Edelman, the first Black woman admitted to the Mississippi bar, also founded the CDF, short for this
What is the Children’s Defense Fund?
Her friendship with Robert Baden-Powell inspired her to establish the Girl Scouts
Who is Juliette Lowe?
In 1938 he was lead chair in the NAACP’s legal office; nearly 30 years later, he began making supreme decisions
Who is Marshall?
1973 Kentucky Derby winner
Who is Secretariat?
Now owned by Mattel, they began rolling off the assembly line in the 1950s & were named for their small cardboard containers
What are matchbox cars?
About midway between L.A. & San Francisco, Fresno was founded by this railroad co.; Leland Stanford was said to have picked the site
What is the Central Pacific?
“Wild Bill” Donovan headed this 1940s U.S. intelligence service
What is the Office of Strategic Services?
In 1986, Ralph Hollis & Dudley Foster joined Robert Ballard aboard the submersible Alvin to explore this wreck
What is the Titanic?
Michael Collins was in the command module Columbia while Armstrong & Aldrin made it to the moon on this “avian” craft
What is the Eagle?
This cartographer set out to explore the Mississippi in birchbark canoes with Jacques Marquette in 1673
Who is Louis Jolliet?
Of the last 12 sitting U.S. presidents, the only one Elizabeth never met; she had her youngest child 3 months into his presidency
Who is Lyndon Johnson?
At the age of 12 this future Founding Father was apprenticed to his brother James, a printer
Who is Ben Franklin?
Begun in 1764, this Hartford, Connecticut Journal is the oldest continuously published newspaper in the USA
What is the Hartford Courant?
True Treats in W.V. sells candy from many eras, including peanut brittle from this 19th century horticulturist’s recipe
Who is George Washington Carver?
Though their exploits promoted a Depression-era chic, this pair is thought to have murdered about a dozen people
Who are Bonnie and Clyde?
In 1961, the Foreign Assistance Act gives birth to this agency
What is U.S.AID?
$5,800 of this parachuting hijacker’s money turned up near the Columbia River in 1980
Who is D.B. Cooper?
In 1825, during his celebrated return visit to the U.S., this Frenchman laid the cornerstone for the Bunker Hill Monument
Who is Lafayette?
EPITAPHS & TRIBUTES: Revolutionary War hero: “His spirit is in Vermont now”
Who is Ethan Allen?