Season 36 (1-500) Flashcards
MOTOR TREND CAR OF THE YEAR: 2004: This pioneering Toyota model
the Prius
MOTOR TREND CAR OF THE YEAR: 2018: This maker’s Giulia was the alfa dog
Alfa Romeo
MOTOR TREND CAR OF THE YEAR: 1984: This Chevy sports car, about 30 years overdue
the Corvette
MOTOR TREND CAR OF THE YEAR: 1958: This sporty pre-Mustang Ford
HEALTH WATCH: Short periods in the sun provide this vitamin AKA cholecalciferol
HEALTH WATCH: Regular exercise can raise this “good” type of cholesterol
HEALTH WATCH: Abbreviated O.T., it’s designed to maintain &/or improve a patient’s living skills
occupational therapy
HEALTH WATCH: In public showers you’re advised to wear shower shoes to prevent this condition, tinea pedis
athlete’s foot
HEALTH WATCH: Sudden fever & neck stiffness could signal this serious inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain & spinal cord
PARTS OF SPEECHES: Douglas MacArthur, 1951: “I now close my military career and just…"
fade away
PARTS OF SPEECHES: Lou Gehrig, 1939: “Today, I consider myself…"
the luckiest man on the face of the Earth
PARTS OF SPEECHES: MLK, 1963: “They will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of…"
their character
PARTS OF SPEECHES: William Faulkner at the Nobel banquet: “I believe that man will not merely endure: he will…"
FROM PAGE TO SCREEN: This Spielberg Holocaust film was based on a book by Thomas Keneally
Schindler’s List
FROM PAGE TO SCREEN: A novel by Chuck Palahniuk was the basis for this film starring Brad Pitt & Edward Norton
Fight Club
FROM PAGE TO SCREEN: She stars as literary forger Lee Israel in “Can You Ever Forgive Me?”, based on the memoir of the same name
Melissa McCarthy
FROM PAGE TO SCREEN: This film with Ray Liotta & Joe Pesci was based on the book “Wiseguy: Life in a Mafia Family"
FROM PAGE TO SCREEN: Emma Stone played aspiring writer Skeeter Phelan in this ’60s-set film based on the novel of the same name
The Help
KITCHEN ORIGINS: Reinhold Burger held a contest to name his insulated container based on the Dewar flask–this word, Greek for “hot”, won
KITCHEN ORIGINS: This appliance was invented in the 1940s; the Radarange was one of the first commercial ones
a microwave
KITCHEN ORIGINS: The Oster company created recipes so that this appliance would be used in the kitchen as well as the bar
a blender
KITCHEN ORIGINS: This man based his airtight plastic tops on inverted paint can lids
(Earl) Tupper
KITCHEN ORIGINS: Peter Schlumbohm used a Pyrex glass carafe when he invented the Chemex brand of this
a coffee pot
GREEK & LATIN PREFIXES: When it comes to Latin prefixes, 3 letters = this one meaning “one"
GREEK & LATIN PREFIXES: Vincent van Gogh’s brother knows this 4-letter combining form is built like a Greek “god"
GREEK & LATIN PREFIXES: From the Latin for “around”, it can precede -navigation & -locution
GREEK & LATIN PREFIXES: Mal- is from Latin for “bad”; the Greeks used this prefix to indicate something bad, like when used before -function
GREEK & LATIN PREFIXES: This near-the-end-of-the-alphabet prefix often paired with “phobia” is from the Greek for “alien"
BROADWAY MUSICALS BY CHARACTER: Fraulein Schneider & the Master of Ceremonies
BROADWAY MUSICALS BY CHARACTER: Velma Kelly & her lawyer Billy Flynn
BROADWAY MUSICALS BY CHARACTER: Max von Mayerling, Norma Desmond
Sunset Boulevard
THE 1820s: "Sacr” bleu! French king Charles X’s law named for this sinful crime, like stealing communion wafers, could impose the death penalty
THE 1820s: In 1828 explorer René Caillié became the first European to visit this city now in central Mali & to survive to tell the tale
THE 1820s: British surgeon Thomas Wakley founded this “incisive” medical journal that’s still published today
WORLD CURRENCY: After the U.S. pulled out of the 2015 nuclear deal with this country in 2018, its currency plunged
WORLD CURRENCY: ISK is the currency code for this country’s krona
WORLD CURRENCY: In 2018 its pres. Erdogan urged his people to take euros & dollars from under their pillows & convert them to the native lira
WORLD CURRENCY: In 2018 this country introduced the sovereign bolívar, dropping 5 zeroes so something that cost 5 mil. old bolívars is now just 50
WORLD CURRENCY: Nicaragua’s currency is the cordoba, equal to 100 of these, from the Spanish for “100th part"
LAST NAME FLOW-TOGETHERS: Leonard, a conductor & piano player “on the town” in 1944, & Henry, who made his first grand piano in 1856
LAST NAME FLOW-TOGETHERS: Lena, one of TV’s “Girls”, & Dashiell, who wrote about hard-boiled men
LAST NAME FLOW-TOGETHERS: Journalist Ted, who brought us the news late at night, & politician Nancy, who makes news on many days
LAST NAME FLOW-TOGETHERS: Edwin, husband of Caroline Kennedy, & Ingrid, wife of Roberto Rossellini
Schlossberg & Bergman
LAST NAME FLOW-TOGETHERS: Jesse, who created a Rainbow Coalition, & Barry, who directed “Addams Family Values"
JACK LONDON: "The Star Rover” of 1915 revolves around this concept of rebirth as a man on death row recounts his past lives
JACK LONDON: In London’s early novel “A Daughter of the Snows”, a young woman seeks adventure in the Klondike region of this territory
the Yukon
JACK LONDON: In “The Game”, a man shows his fiancee the brutality of this sport in which he competes
JACK LONDON: The title of this novel refers to the brutality of ship’s captain Wolf Larsen
The Sea-Wolf
THE “BEAN” STALK: 3-word phrase meaning to divulge confidential information or secrets
spill the beans
THE “BEAN” STALK: Scientifically known as Glycine max, this member of the pea family is native to Asia
the soybean
THE “BEAN” STALK: The pope’s is white & called a zucchetto
THE “BEAN” STALK: In Del Rio, Texas you can find the grave of this notorious frontier judge
Roy Bean
THE “BEAN” STALK: In 2019 Northeastern beat Boston College to win this venerable hockey tourney
the Beanpot
BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY: A site excavated since 1899, Tell es-Safi has been identified as this Philistine city, home to a giant warrior
FASHION FROM HEAD TO TOE: Hey there, fancy (above the) pants! The name of this tuxedo staple comes from the Hindi for a waist band
a cummerbund
FASHION FROM HEAD TO TOE: Keep your eye on the prize… one of these aids is held in place by your forehead & cheek muscles
a monocle
FASHION FROM HEAD TO TOE: This tall spiked heel ends in a tiny base, & here’s a metal tip for you–1950s women rocked ‘em
a stiletto
FASHION FROM HEAD TO TOE: Princess Jasmine in the animated “Aladdin” wore these pants that get their name from a grouping of women
FASHION FROM HEAD TO TOE: As well as French, these shirt features can be fringed or hounds’ ears
MUSICAL STYLES: This “colorful” genre has subgroups named for Chicago & Memphis
MUSICAL STYLES: Lil Nas X made waves in 2019 with his crossover song “Old Town Road” in the genre known as “country” this
MUSICAL STYLES: Britannica calls this 3-letter genre “Jamaica’s first indigenous urban pop style"
MUSICAL STYLES: This Louisiana style follows “Buckwheat” in the name of one of its popular performers
MUSICAL STYLES: In Britain, Dave Clark’s Tottenham Sound competed with the “Beat” named for this river that’s in a song by Gerry & the Pacemakers
NAME-CALLING IN POLITICS: Critics call GOP members who have gotten too liberal RINOs, short for this
Republican In Name Only
NAME-CALLING IN POLITICS: The Progressive Party was also called this male deer
Bull Moose
NAME-CALLING IN POLITICS: Northerners against the Civil War embraced this beastly nickname & cut the heads out of Liberty pennies to wear as badges
36 TIMES THE FUN: A perfect 3-game series in bowling will require you to throw 36 strikes in a row, yielding you this total score
36 TIMES THE FUN: As a young man, this 36th president taught debate & public speaking at Sam Houston High School
36 TIMES THE FUN: A 36 is a perfect score on this college admissions test
the ACT
36 TIMES THE FUN: A famous series of prints by the Japanese artist Hokusai is called the “36 Views of” this landmark
Mount Fuji
PIG LATIN: Word maven Richard Lederer points out that this is Pig Latin for “trash”, but it’s also an (apt) English word
PIG LATIN: In a Three Stooges short, trying to explain Pig Latin, Arrylay & this guy tell Urlycay he’s umbday
PIG LATIN: The OED defines this Pig Latin word as “no; not possibly” & has citations back to around 1930
PIG LATIN: The “Historical Dict. of American Slang” defines this Pig Latin word as “to clear out” & has citations back to around 1930
PIG LATIN: Pig Latin cheered up the Depression–in 1933 a popular song debuted with a Pig Latin segment, “e’reway inay the” this
RAINFORESTS: With about 225 million acres of coverage, this Asian island nation is third to Brazil & the Congo in rainforest area
RAINFORESTS: The ipe tree was harvested from rainforests for its wood, durable enough to last 25 years as this path on Coney Island
the boardwalk
LITERARY LADIES: 1944’s “Absent in the Spring” is one of the non-mystery novels she wrote under the name Mary Westmacott
(Agatha) Christie
LITERARY LADIES: On Ursula Le Guin’s passing, George R.R. Martin called her one of the great writers of these paired genres of the past century
science fiction & fantasy
LITERARY LADIES: It’s the first name shared by bestselling authors Delinsky, Tuchman & Kingsolver
LITERARY LADIES: During the Harlem Renaissance, she wrote “Their Eyes Were Watching God"
(Zora Neale) Hurston
LITERARY LADIES: At 15 she wrote a satirical “History of England” by “a partial, prejudiced, & ignorant historian"
Jane Austen
TITL”ING” THE MOVIE: In the titles of a cinematic “Part 1” & “Part 2”, it followed “The Twilight Saga"
Breaking Dawn
TITL”ING” THE MOVIE: In 1980 it starred Jack Nicholson
The Shining
TITL”ING” THE MOVIE: 1981 movie about werewolves & the noise they made
The Howling
TITL”ING” THE MOVIE: In a comedy Jason Segal went to Hawaii so he could be doing this
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
TITL”ING” THE MOVIE: In 1991 Julia Roberts was doing this before faking her own death
Sleeping with the Enemy
PSYCHOLOGY: G. Stanley Hall, the 19th C. founder of child psychology, said, “men grow old because they stop” doing this, not the other way around
PSYCHOLOGY: In 1938 Kurt Schneider defined hearing these as a first-rank symptom of schizophrenia
auditory hallucinations (or voices)
PSYCHOLOGY: Freud distinguished “real” fear from this kind of fear, such as phobias; now it’s an adjective for anyone anxious or just high-strung
THE 20th CENTURY: In the early 20th century, he introduced a concept of nonviolent resistance called satyagraha
THE 20th CENTURY: 1902 saw the end of this conflict known to Afrikaners as the Second War of Independence
the Boer War
THE 20th CENTURY: In the 1930s Mustafa Kemal made Kemal his first name & took this last name
THE 20th CENTURY: In 1933 & in 1952 this Cuban toppled the regimes of other leaders; he himself was deposed in 1959
(Fulgencio) Batista
PIG ENGLISH: This is an old word for a sack; buy “a pig in” one & you don’t really know what you’re getting
a poke
PIG ENGLISH: In 1901 John Moore-Brabazon strapped a shoat name Icarus into a basket on the wing of his Voisin, & this impossibility was a reality
pigs flying
PIG ENGLISH: The first recorded use of “in a” this as an exclamation of derision dates to 1847
pig’s eye
PIG ENGLISH: An 1824 London news report on a boxing match said that one of the fighters did this like a pig
PIG ENGLISH: Completes a quote from Matthew 7:6: “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your…"
pearls before swine
1960s TV HISTORY: The 1967 finale of “The Fugitive” drew in 78 million viewers, surpassing the 73 million who tuned into this show Sunday, February 9, 1964
The Ed Sullivan Show
A PRINCE OF A GUY: Prince Friso of this country died in The Hague in 2013 after a skiing accident
the Netherlands
A PRINCE OF A GUY: Said just like it looks, Llywelyn ap Gruffudd died in 1282 as the last powerful independent prince of this
A PRINCE OF A GUY: In 1904 this couple welcomed Czarevitch Alexis to the family, joining his 4 sisters, but things would not end well
Nicholas & Alexandra
A PRINCE OF A GUY: Prince was one of many titles of this Prussian– he also had count, duke, prime minister & chancellor on his resume
4-LETTER WORDS: "Don’t touch that” this, the tuning knob on a radio or television
4-LETTER WORDS: "Pick up the” this, the rate of speed at which someone walks or runs
4-LETTER WORDS: It’s a fact that this word means a collection of facts & figures to be processed in some way
4-LETTER WORDS: Atomic number 30, this bluish white metal is a component of brass
HOBBIES & PASTIMES: Amateur astronomers know of the 5 planets that can be seen with the naked eye, this is the farthest from the Sun
HOBBIES & PASTIMES: Clay pigeons simulating birds in flight are mechanically lofted skyward in this pastime; pull!
skeet (or trap shooting)
HOBBIES & PASTIMES: Forge your own knife in this hobby that takes its name from a worker of metals
NUMERIC LIT: This kid lit classic has a chapter called “The Puppies Arrive"
One Hundred and One Dalmatians
NUMERIC LIT: E.L. James self-published this first book in an erotic series that started as fan fiction loosely based on “Twilight"
Fifty Shades of Grey
NUMERIC LIT: The cover of the first edition of this 1961 military novel included a dancing figure & a little airplane
NUMERIC LIT: John Reed gave an eyewitness account of the Bolshevik Revolution in “Ten Days That” did this
Shook the World
NUMERIC LIT: "The Science of Deduction” is chapter one of this Sherlock Holmes story
The Sign of Four
THANK YOU: In her hit song “Thank U, Next”, she references former flames Pete Davidson & Mac Miller
Ariana Grande
THANK YOU: In an open letter about his Alzheimer’s, he thanked the American people for giving him the honor of serving as president
THANK YOU: Some tidying up advice from her: if an object doesn’t spark joy, say thank you & goodbye
Marie Kondo
THANK YOU: In Luke 17 Jesus healed 10 men with this skin disease but only one thanked him
THANK YOU: David Finkel’s acclaimed follow-up to “The Good Soldiers”, about those soldiers returning home, has this 5-word title
Thank You for Your Service
NEXT: "Tonight Show” hosts: Paar, Carson, him, Conan, him
NEXT: Rolling Stones Top 40 hits: “Heart of Stone”, “The Last Time”, this signature song, the band’s first no. 1
"(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” (“Satisfaction” accepted)
NEXT: World Series winners since 2016: the Cubs, the Astros, this A.L. team
the Red Sox
NEXT: Movie James Bonds: Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, him
(Pierce) Brosnan
NEXT: Grisham novels: “The Client”, “The Chamber”, “The Rainmaker”, this title 12
The Runaway Jury
IT IS ROCKET SCIENCE: Beginning in 1989 the solid rocket boosters in this NASA program carried radio transponders so they could be recovered & reused
the Shuttle program
IT IS ROCKET SCIENCE: Hutchings was the middle name of this notorious RHG who pioneered rocket science
(Robert H.) Goddard
IT IS ROCKET SCIENCE: This force that propels a rocket is equal to the rate at which it expels mass times the velocity of its exhaust
HOTELS: In a classic kids’ book by Kay Thompson, Eloise lives at this NYC hotel
the Plaza
HOTELS: The Belmond Hotel Monasterio offers oxygen-enriched rooms because it’s in this Peruvian city that’s at 11,000 feet
HOTELS: This luxurious hotel in Paris opened in 1928 with a name honoring the British monarchy
George V
NAME-LETTER PEOPLE: From his 1952 parole to his 1964 hajj, Malcolm Little went by this name
Malcolm X
NAME-LETTER PEOPLE: Kat Von D rose to TV fame on “Miami Ink” & “L.A. Ink” in this profession
a tattoo artist
NAME-LETTER PEOPLE: This British pop singer revealed she survived a stroke at 18 & “there’s no real reason for the J"
Jessie J
NAME-LETTER PEOPLE: In 2014 the Queen signed her first tweet “Elizabeth R.”, the R. short for this Latin word
CLASSICAL DANCE: Not “sausage” but this dance follows “Vienna Blood” in a Johann Strauss Jr. title
CLASSICAL DANCE: Between 1915 & 1917, after traveling among rural people, Bela Bartok wrote 6 “Romanian” these “Dances"
CLASSICAL DANCE: Bach’s keyboard suites include music for this happy dance, 5 letters long (not 3) & starting with “G” (not “J”)
a gigue
CLASSICAL DANCE: Jean-Baptiste Lully pioneered music for this dance whose name, from the Latin for “small”, comes from its small, dainty steps
a minuet
PROVERBS & EXPRESSIONS: Shakespeare noted that “all the world’s” one of these
a stage
PROVERBS & EXPRESSIONS: Boxers embrace the pithy old saying “don’t lead with your” this
PROVERBS & EXPRESSIONS: Snitches get stitches, & these “tell no tales"
dead men
PROVERBS & EXPRESSIONS: Ask Pinocchio– one of these “should have a good memory"
a liar
PROVERBS & EXPRESSIONS: Be prepared! “Put your trust in God, but keep” this “dry"
your powder
THAT PLACE USED TO BE CALLED…: Until 1784 music out of his city had the Fort Nashborough sound
THAT PLACE USED TO BE CALLED…: The Portuguese name for this island was Ilha Formosa, “Beautiful Island"
THAT PLACE USED TO BE CALLED…: St. Petersburg was once called Leningrad; similarly, Volgograd was once called by this name
THAT PLACE USED TO BE CALLED…: Much of what makes up the Czech Republic today was once this kingdom, which was, oddly, once ruled by the Luxembourg Dynasty
THAT PLACE USED TO BE CALLED…: Until 1855 this Western Hemisphere capital city was known as Bytown
CHILDREN’S BOOKS: The original title of this 1900 classic included a gem; another working title mentioned a Plains state
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
SEPTEMBER: The third Saturday in September is the start of this German festival first observed in 1810 to celebrate a royal wedding; cheers!
SEPTEMBER: September is the heritage month for this style of music that rose to new heights in the Black church
gospel music
SEPTEMBER: In 2019 Sept. 8-14 is the national week for this type of facility housing seniors who need help but not full-time nursing care
assisted living centers
SEPTEMBER: These heavenly occurrences due in September 2019 include the Southern Taurids
a meteor shower
EVERYDAY FOOTBALL TERMS: A long walk through the woods
a hike
EVERYDAY FOOTBALL TERMS: "Explosive” word denoting a giant failure, maybe at the box office
a bomb
a Hail Mary
EVERYDAY FOOTBALL TERMS: A sudden rushed or ill-informed type of judgment
EVERYDAY FOOTBALL TERMS: A mental pause related to a certain subject, perhaps due to a psychological issue
BLANK THAT GUY: Connived his way to control of the New York City Treasury in the 1870s: William “____” ____
"Boss” Tweed
BLANK THAT GUY: Alliterative SS chief: Heinrich ____
BLANK THAT GUY: Ran a brutal gang in Prohibition-era NYC: Dutch ___
BLANK THAT GUY: Shot near a Virginia farmhouse in April 1865: ____ ____ ____
John Wilkes Booth
BLANK THAT GUY: Took over in Cambodia in 1975: ____ ____
Pol Pot
CISTERN CITIES: Ancient cisterns were basically rainwater barrels; in 79 A.D., some Pompeiians tried to hide in them from this disaster
the eruption of Vesuvius
CISTERN CITIES: This tippy-top area of Athens employed wells & cisterns
the Acropolis
CISTERN CITIES: This western U.S. city, fire-prone since the Shades Hotel burned in 1849, still has around 200 buried cisterns
San Francisco
IT’S HYPHENATED: It’s a synonym for carousel
IT’S HYPHENATED: According to the Flag Code, for 30 days after the death of a president, the flag should be flown this way
at half-staff
IT’S HYPHENATED: Like the platypus, dinosaurs known as hadrosaurs have this descriptive facial adjective applied to them
IT’S HYPHENATED: It takes about a week to travel the 5,700-mile route from Moscow to Vladivostok on this railway
the Trans-Siberian
IT’S HYPHENATED: During the Revolutionary War, George Washington had many of these confidential assistants including Alexander Hamilton
ANATOMICAL ETYMOLOGY: The name of this joint means “arm bend"
the elbow
ANATOMICAL ETYMOLOGY: From the Latin for “neck”, it’s the narrow, necklike lower end of the uterus
ANATOMICAL ETYMOLOGY: The name of this hard protein found in hair & nails derives its name from a Greek word for “horn"
ANATOMICAL ETYMOLOGY: This other word for the windpipe comes from the Greek for “rough”; it was the “rough artery"
the trachea
ANATOMICAL ETYMOLOGY: Aristotle was the first to call the bones of the fingers these; they are arranged in rows like Greek soldiers
THE NON-ADVERB “-LY” WORD: A young female horse
a filly
THE NON-ADVERB “-LY” WORD: In scientific classification, it’s between order & genus
THE NON-ADVERB “-LY” WORD: 2 independent countries lie within the borders of this nation
THE NON-ADVERB “-LY” WORD: 5-letter piece of ornamental lace or embroidery found on a table
THE NON-ADVERB “-LY” WORD: Hospital attendant job with nonmedical duties
CANADIAN TV SHOWS: Several incarnations of this sci-fi show about an ancient space portal were filmed in British Columbia
CANADIAN TV SHOWS: After witnessing the death of her double, a hustler is drawn into a clone-spiracy on this drama
Orphan Black
CANADIAN TV SHOWS: Showing bush pilots at work & at play, “Arctic Air” is set in this “colorful” capital of the Northwest Territories
CANADIAN TV SHOWS: This Canadian sketch comedy troupe including Dave Foley & Kevin McDonald had its own show
Kids in the Hall
BEEN AROUND AWHILE: History’s longest papacy, that of Pius IX, included the 1854 affirmation of this doctrine that Mary was born without original sin
the Immaculate Conception
BEEN AROUND AWHILE: During China’s 800-year Zhou Dynasty, these came into common use, maybe as cooks dealt with scarcity by serving tinier bits of food
BEEN AROUND AWHILE: To raise money for his army, King Charles I called the “Long” one of these in 1640; it lasted past the king’s death in 1649
BEEN AROUND AWHILE: Ernest Hollings, who died in 2019 at age 97, was a junior senator longer than anyone else–36 years from this state
South Carolina
YOGA POSES: Upward-facing this is part of the sun salutation sequence
YOGA POSES: It can be a challenge to stand as strong as an oak on one leg in vrksasana, this pose
YOGA POSES: The hip-opening fire log pose is often suggested to treat this leg pain named for a nerve
SUN SALUTATIONS: An optimistic tune from this Broadway show promises that “the sun’ll come out tomorrow"
SUN SALUTATIONS: This Thoreau work ends, “There is more day to dawn. The Sun is but a morning star"
SUN SALUTATIONS: Playing hooky, George Harrison wrote this Beatles song on a warm day in Eric Clapton’s garden
"Here Comes The Sun"
SUN SALUTATIONS: Ernest Hemingway took the title of this novel about a group of expatriates from a passage in Ecclesiastes
The Sun Also Rises
SUN SALUTATIONS: A poem by him asks, “What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?"
(Langston) Hughes
AMERICAN MUSEUMS: President Johnson signed a law that added 2 words to the name of this museum established in 1946, D.C.’s most popular
the Air & Space Museum
FANTASY ISLAND: Peter Pan can bring visitors to this island, home to the Lost Boys
Never-Never Land
FANTASY ISLAND: This title character travels to the islands of Laputa & Lilliput
FANTASY ISLAND: This titular tank engine & his friends inhabit the island of Sodor
FANTASY ISLAND: The temple of Poseidon was on this legendary island that was said to lie west of the Strait of Gibraltar
FANTASY ISLAND: In one version of the legend, King Arthur was offered Excalibur when Merlin brought him to this island
MOTTOES: This full Latin motto of the U.S. Marine Corps symbolizes its members’ lifelong commitment
"Semper Fidelis"
MOTTOES: When asked “For what?” with regard to this motto of the Boy Scouts, Robert Baden-Powell said, “Why, for any old thing"
"Be Prepared"
MOTTOES: Like Truman, Carter had a sign with this motto in the Oval Office
"The Buck Stops Here"
MOTTOES: "God, Home and Country” is the motto of this patriotic group, DAR for short
Daughters of the American Revolution
MOTTOES: The New York times has used this 7-word motto on its front page since 1897
"All the News That’s Fit to Print"
LIVE ENTERTAINMENT: A group of street performers in Quebec became this circus troupe that puts on shows like Mystère
Cirque du Soleil
LIVE ENTERTAINMENT: The Bruise Brothers are a Chicago-based men’s team in this contact sport on wheels
roller derby
LIVE ENTERTAINMENT: Want to see this PBS music series live? Head to Texas’ Moody Theater
Austin City Limits
LIVE ENTERTAINMENT: Woody Harrelson & Jamie Foxx were in the casts of these 2 Norman Lear shows performed live on ABC in 2019
The Jeffersons & All in the Family
LIVE ENTERTAINMENT: The UCB is this “Brigade” that does improv shows 7 nights a week
Upright Citizens Brigade
OFFICIAL LANGUAGES: On Cyprus, these 2 languages
Turkish & Greek
OFFICIAL LANGUAGES: In Brunei, this language of a nearby peninsula
HUNTING & FISHING: Also a poker hand, in hunting this word means to cause game birds to break cover or take flight
HUNTING & FISHING: Make sure all flesh is removed from the hide before you begin this process of turning it to leather or things will get smelly
HUNTING & FISHING: In Florida, the bag limit for the largemouth type of this is 5 a day, so don’t get greedy
HUNTING & FISHING: This style of fishing means to tow a baited line, not a net, behind a slow-moving boat
HUNTING & FISHING: In Maryland, there are 3 seasons for deer: regular firearms, muzzle-loaded firearms & this non-firearm activity
ANTONYMS: This verb, the opposite of “succeed” , has made a comeback as a noun, especially following “epic"
ANTONYMS: PC Magazine’s online encyclopedia uses these 2 antonyms for hard-to-figure-out & easy-to-figure-out passwords
strong & weak
ANTONYMS: Katy Perry’s opposites primer “Hot n Cold” rhymes, “we fight, we break up, we kiss, we” do this
make up
ANTONYMS: This adjective is the opposite of “attentive”; legally, it refers to one who fails to use “due care” & “ordinary prudence"
ANTONYMS: Leptodermous means having a thin skin–elephants know this similar word means the opposite
SAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE: Railing against these machines, philosopher C.E.M. Joad said, “The only way to see the country is to walk in it"
cars (automobiles)
SAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE: His “Das Kapital” says that a machine “ immediately becomes a competitor of the workman"
SAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE: Some cybersecurity experts warn about Russian-developed FaceApp, best known for virtually doing this to people’s faces
aging them
SAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE: This author’s 1952 novel “Player Piano” deals with a man rebelling against a machine-filled dystopia
(Kurt) Vonnegut
SAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE: In 1816 Lord Byron penned a “Song for” these loom-smashing rioters who were being displaced by new technology
CROSSWORD CLUES “O": A person in their 80s (12)
CROSSWORD CLUES “O": To swing back & forth (9)
CROSSWORD CLUES “O": A musical composition (4)
CROSSWORD CLUES “O": Spanish stew pot (4)
SURNAMES: It’s the occupational surname shared by Plymouth Colony governor John & scientist George Washington
SURNAMES: Reasonably enough, this last name of Canadian author Margaret refers to one who lives in or near a forest
SURNAMES: In the names Kirkman & Kirkland, Kirk refers to one of these
SURNAMES: In Vietnam, an estimated 40% of the population answer to this last name, the country’s most popular
SURNAMES: Horvat & Knezevic are common surnames in this country; Horvat comes from the country’s name for itself in its own language
INTERNATIONAL LITERATURE: The novel titled this “Patient” is set in Italy & was written by Sri Lankan-Canadian Michael Ondaatje
The English
INTERNATIONAL LITERATURE: Born off Queensland, Kath Walker, aka Oodgeroo Noonuccal, wrote “We Are Going”, the 1st book of poems by a person of this ethnicity
INTERNATIONAL LITERATURE: Gabriel Sundukian wrote this language’s greatest dramas in what’s now the country of Georgia
INTERNATIONAL LITERATURE: This poet told the Nobel Banquet, “Our Irish theatre could (never) have come into existence but for” Henrik Ibsen
(William Butler) Yeats
INTERNATIONAL LITERATURE: Son of a Polish patriot, he was born in what’s now Berdychiv, Ukraine & wrote works like “Typhoon” in English
(Joseph) Conrad
THEIR ENTIRE OSCAR SPEECH: Not opening with “Good even-ing”, this thriller director took the Thalberg in 1968 with “Thank you…very much indeed"
THEIR ENTIRE OSCAR SPEECH: Music Score winner Dimitri Tiomkin, for this Cooper-Kelly western: “Thank you very much. Thank you”; now give us the time of day!
High Noon
THEIR ENTIRE OSCAR SPEECH: This Viennese-Amer. Best Director for “The Apartment”: “Thank you so much, you lovely discerning people. Thank you"
(Billy) Wilder
THEIR ENTIRE OSCAR SPEECH: Best actor William Holden, for this “numeric” 1953 film set in a German P.O.W. camp: “Thank you. Thank you"
Stalag 17
GET HIM TO THE ANCIENT GREEK: The 60 or so works bearing the name of this “Father of Medicine” likely weren’t written by him, nor was his oath
GET HIM TO THE ANCIENT GREEK: After Ptolemy I wished for an easier way to study it, Euclid said, “there is no royal road to” this branch of math
GET HIM TO THE ANCIENT GREEK: He said, “The unexamined life is not worth living”, so let’s examine it–he wed Xanthippe & was an Athenian Hoplite soldier
GET HIM TO THE ANCIENT GREEK: Aeschylus penned the tale of this title Titan, visited by Oceanus & Io… C’mon, you’re bound to remember him!
GET HIM TO THE ANCIENT GREEK: We can give you at least 300 reasons you should know this king of Sparta who headed the Persians off at the pass in 480 B.C.
PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES: This is the most recent presidential election year when both major presidential candidates were residents of the same state
FAMILY TELEVISION: Judy & Elroy were (or is that will be) the kids on this visionary show
The Jetsons
FAMILY TELEVISION: Blackmail, betrayal & bravado were always on tap for this scheming oil family on “Dallas"
the Ewings
FAMILY TELEVISION: On “The Simpsons” she’s Bart & Lisa’s pacifier-equipped baby sister
FAMILY TELEVISION: Salinger was the last name of the siblings living without parents on this 1990s TV show
Party of Five
FAMILY TELEVISION: This “Happy Days” family included Richie, Joanie & Chuck, who was last seen at Christmas but didn’t make it to New Year’s
the Cunninghams
ACRONYMS & ABBREVS.: HGH stands for this hormone secreted by the pituitary
human growth hormone
ACRONYMS & ABBREVS.: In business, the CFO is this job title
chief financial officer
ACRONYMS & ABBREVS.: In the 1990s we had PDAs, “personal” these, used for organizing
digital assistants
ACRONYMS & ABBREVS.: JSYK is texting shorthand for this 4-word phrase
just so you know
POPULAR INVENTION: This treat was first introduced to a wide audience as Fairy Floss at the 1904 World’s Fair
cotton candy
POPULAR INVENTION: Around 1870 Thomas Adams was experimenting with Central Amer. tree resin to replace rubber, but instead developed this
(chewing) gum
POPULAR INVENTION: Popularized by boxer Jack Broughton in the 18th century, the early version of these were used only in training bouts
boxing gloves
POPULAR INVENTION: During WWII a fabric mesh was sandwiched between polyethylene & adhesive layers to make this sticky roll
duct tape
ART & ARTISTS: This popular name for Rembrandt’s 1642 portrait of a militia group is a result of its old darkened varnish, now cleaned off
The Night Watch
ART & ARTISTS: The pensive pose of the figure in a Rodin sculpture originally called “The Poet” earned it this name
The Thinker
ART & ARTISTS: Pastel colors & asymmetry are features of this style of Antoine Watteau, a reaction against Baroque art
GIMME “5": At a poker table it precedes “draw” or “stud"
GIMME “5": L.A. Dodgers Dusty Baker & Glenn Burke have been credited with inventing this gesture after a 1977 home run
a high five
GIMME “5": has tips on avoiding this
five o’clock shadow
GIMME “5": Omar Bradley or Dwight Eisenhower, for example
a five-star general
GIMME “5": Shoplifting is also known as this anatomical “discount"
200 YEARS OF WALT WHITMAN: Whitman’s 1865 poems “O Captain! My Captain!” & “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d” are elegies for this hero of his
200 YEARS OF WALT WHITMAN: In an 1856 essay, Walt wrote, “You young men!…You are either to abolish” this, “or it will abolish you"
200 YEARS OF WALT WHITMAN: "Every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you”, wrote Walt in this groundbreaking long poem
"Song of Myself"
200 YEARS OF WALT WHITMAN: After Walt published his first book of verse, this “Sage of Concord” wrote to him, “I greet you at the beginning of a great career"
WHICH PRESIDENT?: Promised “the final triumph over poverty” in accepting the 1928 nomination
WHICH PRESIDENT?: He was left an invalid by a paralytic stroke suffered while in office
Woodrow Wilson
WHICH PRESIDENT?: The year he left the presidency, he became president (of the American Bar Association)
William Howard Taft
WHICH PRESIDENT?: 7 of the first 10 presidents were born south of the White House; Martin Van Buren & these 2 men were from the north
John Adams & John Quincy Adams
WHICH PRESIDENT?: He got contract offers from the Lions & Packers to play in the NFL
(Gerald) Ford
THIS CATEGORY HAS PLATEAUED: The Cumberland Plateau is located in the southern section of this mountain range
the Appalachians
THIS CATEGORY HAS PLATEAUED: The Udi-Nsukka Plateau of this country is home to the Igbo people
THIS CATEGORY HAS PLATEAUED: The Saharan al-Hamra Plateau is mostly located in Tripolitania in this country
THIS CATEGORY HAS PLATEAUED: The Yangtze & the Mekong are 2 of the rivers emerging from the plateau named for this lofty land
MYTHS & LEGENDS: Thought by some to be in Cornwall, it’s the legendary site of King Arthur’s palace & court
MYTHS & LEGENDS: This voyeur who is struck blind has been connected with the legend of Lady Godiva
Peeping Tom
MYTHS & LEGENDS: Makemake is the chief god of a divine race of bird beings in the Rapa Nui mythology of this island
Easter Island
MYTHS & LEGENDS: For his 11th labor Hercules nabs some golden apples from the garden of these nymphs at the western edge of the world
the Hesperides
MYTHS & LEGENDS: In Norse myth, it’s the rainbow bridge between the home of the gods & Earth
COMEDY: YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO BE THERE: You didn’t have to catch Rodney Dangerfield live–he was recorded in 1980 for an album with, of course, this 2-word title
No Respect
COMEDY: YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO BE THERE: Samuel L. Jackson played the uncle of this comedian in a sketch from the 1987 concert film “Raw"
Eddie Murphy
COMEDY: YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO BE THERE: Aussie comic Hannah Gadsby undermined traditional stand-up in this show on Netflix with a woman’s name as the title
POTPOURRI: Luke 11:4 says, “lead us not into” this, “but deliver us from evil"
POTPOURRI: Lying at the junction of the Bow & Elbow Rivers, this Alberta city was Canada’s first to host the Winter Olympics
POTPOURRI: In 1953 a fisherman paralleled “The Old Man and the Sea” by bringing in a 1,560-pound black one of these
a marlin
POTPOURRI: 46,368, 75,025, 121,393 & 196,418 are specific to the work of this 12th & 13th century Italian man
HERE COMES THE JUDGE WORD: The person who presides over a debate, or over an ecclesiastical body in the Presbyterian Church
a moderator
HERE COMES THE JUDGE WORD: One who makes calls on taxable value
HERE COMES THE JUDGE WORD: AKA justice of the peace; I present the gift of the…
HERE COMES THE JUDGE WORD: Someone who knows what’s good & bad is this “of taste”; author Petronius was declared to be one in Nero’s court
EUROPEAN AUTHORS: When he didn’t win the inaugural 1901 Nobel Prize, 42 of his peers apologized to him, calling him “the most revered patriarch of today’s literature"
Leo Tolstoy
HALLEY’S COMET IN HISTORY: It’s been speculated that Halley’s Comet in 12 B.C. was this star from Matthew 2:2
the Star of Bethlehem (the star that the Magi followed accepted)
HALLEY’S COMET IN HISTORY: When the comet showed up in 451, it added to the “Scourge of God” reputation for this invader of Europe
Attila the Hun
HALLEY’S COMET IN HISTORY: A probe designed to study Halley’s Comet was one of the many casualties of this 1986 space program disaster
the Challenger disaster
HALLEY’S COMET IN HISTORY: This author can’t have been surprised to die April 21, 1910, the day after Halley’s Comet reached perihelion
(Mark) Twain
VERBS: To identify the nature of a person’s illness
VERBS: It can mean to work jointly on a scientific activity; or in wartime, to cooperate traitorously with an enemy
VERBS: It can mean to present the way something works, or to publicly protest
VERBS: Samuel Taylor Coleridge defended this then-new verb, saying that to “render intense” just didn’t work
VERBS: This 4-letter verb means “to beget”; use it as a noun when addressing a king
HELPING THE ENVIRONMENT: In 2019 Germany announced it would phase out power plants that use this fossil fuel
HELPING THE ENVIRONMENT: Airborne wind energy systems use drones or these tethered playthings like the diamond or sled kind
a kite
HELPING THE ENVIRONMENT: Proceeds from this Ben & Jerry’s flavor inspired by a Vermont band benefit environmental causes
Phish Food
HELPING THE ENVIRONMENT: Worried about pollution, in 2019 residents of Toledo, Ohio voted to give personhood status to this lake
HELPING THE ENVIRONMENT: Preserving outdoor America is the goal of the league named for this author of “The Compleat Angler"
(Izaak) Walton
LET’S HAVE A BALL: 3 inches in diameter, 108 double stitches
a baseball
LET’S HAVE A BALL: Long axis 11 to 11 1/4 inches, inflated to (important!) at least 12.5 pounds per square inch
a football
LET’S HAVE A BALL: Wilson makes the official AVP one
a volleyball
LET’S HAVE A BALL: The yellow ones were introduced for TV in 1972
tennis balls
BURGERS: Hamburger U.’s main campus is a sprawling Illinois facility that trains this company’s employees
BURGERS: The first hamburger chain in the U.S. was this one that sounds like it could’ve benefitted from a moat
White Castle
BURGERS: Not seen on In-N-Out’s drive-thru menu is the “Protein Style” burger, which uses this instead of a bun
BURGERS: Hamburger is sometimes turned into this kind of “steak”, as in the name of a British city
BURGERS: The FleurBurger 5000 is a $5,000 burger with black truffles & foie gras, made from wagyu, a type of beef originally from this country
CAL. “A": The name of this city near Los Angeles is from the German for “home” on the Santa “Ana” River
CAL. “A": AKA “The Rock”, this island is a prime stop on your San Francisco tour schedule
CAL. “A": This street intersects with Haight Street to create the name of a San Francisco neighborhood
CAL. “A": This Spanish word refers to a deep gully & precedes “Grande” in the name of a cute village on the Central Coast
CAL. “A": It’s paired with Oakland in the name of a coliseum in the Bay Area
AWARDS & HONORS: Cardi B won Best New Artist at these MTV awards in 2018
the VMAs (Video Music Awards)
AWARDS & HONORS: The MacArthur Fellows Program gives out what are nicknamed these Grants, though IQs are not measured
AWARDS & HONORS: Sylvia Plath was awarded one of these scholarships whose name contains a synonym for “smart"
a Fulbright Scholarship
ACTOR-DIRECTORS: His career as an actor-director has been largely a “rocky” one but also includes “The Expendables"
(Sylvester) Stallone
ACTOR-DIRECTORS: Clint Eastwood transports cartel drugs in this 2018 film he also directed
The Mule
ACTOR-DIRECTORS: He directed “Tropic Thunder”; Steve Coogan directed the film within that film
(Ben) Stiller
ACTOR-DIRECTORS: As Variety would say, he toplined & helmed 2014’s “A Million Ways to Die in the West"
Seth MacFarlane
ACTOR-DIRECTORS: "You should lay off those candy bars”, Marlene Dietrich tells this great film auteur in “Touch of Evil"
(Orson) Welles
FROM C TO D: helps you find this type of place to put up your tent
FROM C TO D: In a 1982 no. 1 hit The J. Geils Band sang, “My blood runs cold, my memory has just been sold, my angel is” this
FROM C TO D: Motion picture film substance
FROM C TO D: Goods imported or exported illegally
NEVER TO RETURN: This 3-named naval hero sailed from America in 1787 & died bitter in Europe in 1792
John Paul Jones
NEVER TO RETURN: In 1194 Richard I left England to fight for disputed land in this country, where he caught an arrow 5 years later
NEVER TO RETURN: Local boy made good Napoleon paid a sentimental visit to this island in 1799 & never saw it again
NEVER TO RETURN: Pablo Picasso, who died in 1973, last set foot in Spain in this decade, not long before the Fascist takeover
the ’30s
NEVER TO RETURN: In December 1949 this man who had led China for 20 years left the mainland forever
Chiang Kai-shek
SHAKESPEARE’S EXIT LINES: "My kingdom for a horse!"
Richard III
SHAKESPEARE’S EXIT LINES: "O true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die"
SHAKESPEARE’S EXIT LINES: "I kiss’d thee ere I kill’d thee: no way but this; killing myself, to die upon a kiss"
NATIONAL ANTHEMS: With lyrics by Sir Adolphe-Basile Routhier, it debuted on June 24, 1880, at a celebration of St. Jean Baptiste Day
"O Canada\”
good dog!
get off the couch!
play dead!
fetch the stick!
SCIENCE: The greatest incidence of tornadoes is in this country, where more than 1,000 happen annually
the United States
SCIENCE: In physics, it’s when 2 waves meet & sometimes neutralize each other; in broadcasting, it’s disturbance by outside signals
SCIENCE: To make binoculars compact, they may contain these pieces of glass with precise angles & faces to “fold” the light path
a prism
SCIENCE: During a total solar eclipse, you can glimpse this “colorful” layer of the Sun just above the photosphere
the chromosphere
BRAND NAMES: SPELL IN THE BLANK: Play-____ modeling compound
BRAND NAMES: SPELL IN THE BLANK: Making pictures with illuminated pegs: Lite-____
BRAND NAMES: SPELL IN THE BLANK: "Silly rabbit! ____ are for kids"
BRAND NAMES: SPELL IN THE BLANK: ____-It crackers come in flavors like Cheddar Jack, White Cheddar & Hot & Spicy
BRAND NAMES: SPELL IN THE BLANK: Double ____ Oreo Cookies are twice as creme-y as the regular kind
RECENT BESTSELLERS: It’s a whole new world for Annie in Mitch Albom’s sequel “The Next People You Meet” here
RECENT BESTSELLERS: This Jr. of NASCAR probably never figured to be a N.Y. Times bestselling author, but in 2018 he was “racing to the finish"
Dale Earnhardt, Jr.
RECENT BESTSELLERS: As if he weren’t busy enough, this Broadway musical creator provided some self-help in “Gmorning, Gnight!"
(Lin-Manuel) Miranda
RECENT BESTSELLERS: Readers liked this Oscar-winning actress…you liked this Oscar-winning actress! & also her memoir “In Pieces"
(Sally) Field
DESCRIBING THE CASINO GAME: It’s a wheel that can bring you fortune; bet even or odd; I’m seeing red
DESCRIBING THE CASINO GAME: There’s no joy in a push; soft numbers, hard choices; a “split” personality
DESCRIBING THE CASINO GAME: The stickman cometh; easy “come”, easy go; get the point? Good for you!
DESCRIBING THE CASINO GAME: Dressed & playing to the 9s; banker’s hours; what brings you to Monaco, Mr. Bond?
DESCRIBING THE CASINO GAME: The joker is semi-wild & dressed as an ace; one hand becomes 2; the Asian name of the game
pai gow poker
"M” PORTS: This city’s port on Biscayne Bay calls itself “Cruise Capital of the World"
"M” PORTS: A peninsula in the Mississippi called Presidents Island is the center of this Tennessee city’s port
"M” PORTS: It’s home to the Alabama State Docks
"M” PORTS: In June 2018 the Ovation of the Seas, the largest cruise ship ever to dock in the Philippines, arrived in this port’s South Harbor
CAREER HIGHLIGHTS: U.S. congressman & senator from Calif., vice president, president; played by Anthony Hopkins in a biopic
Richard Nixon
CAREER HIGHLIGHTS: U.S. congressman & senator from Massachusetts, president; played by Cliff Robertson in a biopic
John F. Kennedy
CAREER HIGHLIGHTS: U.S. congressman & senator from Virginia, vice president; president, 1841-45; never been played in a biopic
CAREER HIGHLIGHTS: Financier; White House director of communications, July 21-31, 2017; “Celebrity Big Brother” contestant
Anthony Scaramucci (“The Mooch” accepted)
CAREER HIGHLIGHTS: Governor, secretary of energy; “Dancing with the Stars” contestant
(Rick) Perry
CLASSIC METAL BANDS: Megadeth founder Dave Mustaine partied so hard he got kicked out of this band whose very name says “metal"
CLASSIC METAL BANDS: "And I want! And I need! And I lust!” are primal lyrics from this band’s “Animal"
Def Leppard
CLASSIC METAL BANDS: "We’re Not Gonna Take It” by this Dee Snider band has some musical roots in “O Come, All Ye Faithful"
Twisted Sister
CLASSIC METAL BANDS: In 2010 this band’s frontman Vince Neil took to the ice for ABC’s “Skating with the Stars"
Mötley Crüe
CLASSIC METAL BANDS: In the ’90s singer Rob Halford told this Brit band, “You’ve got another thing comin’” (I’m leaving the group)
Judas Priest
ITTY BITTY CITY: The California studio tour where you can see King Kong & Jaws is in this “city” named for the movie studio
Universal City
ITTY BITTY CITY: On Valentine’s Day 2019, this company said it was breaking up with Long Island City as future home for its second headquarters
ITTY BITTY CITY: Arlington County, Virginia is home to a neighborhood called this “City”, after a nearby Department of Defense building
ITTY BITTY CITY: Black Rock City is created & torn down every year as part of this Nevada arts festival
Burning Man
ITTY BITTY CITY: Nevada City, Montana is one big historical museum; visit the area & you can learn this water-based skill & maybe get rich
panning for gold
PLAYS & PLAYWRIGHTS: As Act 1 of this Neil Simon play begins, we’re told, “it is a warm summer night in Oscar Madison’s apartment"
The Odd Couple
PLAYS & PLAYWRIGHTS: Alfred Uhry based the character of Hoke in this play on the black chauffeur of his childhood
Driving Miss Daisy
PLAYS & PLAYWRIGHTS: Tom Stoppard first came to Broadway with this play featuring 2 minor characters from “Hamlet"
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
PLAYS & PLAYWRIGHTS: Parisians knew Georges Feydeau as a master of this 5-letter type of comedic play like “Keep an Eye on Amélie!"
PLAYS & PLAYWRIGHTS: In 1981 Elizabeth Taylor made her Broadway debut in a revival of this playwright’s “The Little Foxes"
(Lillian) Hellman
EX-SPORTS: The UFC of the ancient world, pankration debuted at the XXXIIIrd of these in 648 B.C.
the Olympics
EX-SPORTS: Ancient Romans rooted for the red, white, blue & green teams that raced these around the Circus Maximus
EX-SPORTS: Playing this rough sport in 1559, France’s Henry II was mortally wounded by a splintered lance
THE 1940s: This nickname for a history-changing weapon of 1945 came from a character in “The Maltese Falcon"
Fat Man
THE HINTING OF HULL HOUSE: Founded in 1889 on Halsted St. in this city, Hull House was the most famous settlement house, kind of an immigrant community center
THE HINTING OF HULL HOUSE: Hull House did political work, starting with lobbying for a max 48-hour work week for women in these “shops"
sweat shops
THE HINTING OF HULL HOUSE: Immigrants from all over lived in the area; a group from this country put on “Ajax” in the original on the Hull House stage
THE HINTING OF HULL HOUSE: Hull House was a center of the Arts & Crafts movement & in 1901 this architect spoke there on “the art & craft of the machine"
(Frank Lloyd) Wright
THE HINTING OF HULL HOUSE: Hull House is now a museum named for her, its founder & the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize
(Jane) Addams
NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES: "The Family Circus” is a comic strip; this is the similar name of the magazine founded by Charles Merrill of Merrill Lynch
Family Circle
NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES: In 2018 billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong bought this newspaper & moved its headquarters to El Segundo, California
L.A. Times
NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES: Henry Windsor founded this “Popular” magazine in 1902 for laymen interested in emerging technologies
Poplular Mechanics
NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES: In 1906 H.L. Mencken joined the staff of this Maryland newspaper that’s still around today
The Baltimore Sun
FERDINAND: This explorer was joined on his 4th voyage in 1502 by illegitimate son Ferdinand, who later wrote dad’s biography
FERDINAND: With a pickaxe blow in 1859 Ferdinand de Lesseps began construction of this
Suez Canal
FERDINAND: Judge Ferdinand Pecora led a 1933 Wall Street investigation & later served on this newly created federal commission
SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission)
FERDINAND: Before he became pres., he argued his way out of a murder conviction with an appeal to the Philippine Supreme Court
(Ferdinand) Marcos
FERDINAND: This German count spent his retirement & fortune developing rigid airships
(Ferdinand von) Zeppelin
THE U.S. WOMEN’S NATIONAL SOCCER TEAM: All red, white & blue with a dash of purple (hair), this star did it all at the 2019 World Cup, winning the Golden Boot & Golden Ball
Megan Rapinoe
THE U.S. WOMEN’S NATIONAL SOCCER TEAM: In 2019 Jessica Chastain tweeted, “Guys, I just met” this same-surnamed hero of the ‘99 tournament
Brandi Chastain
THE U.S. WOMEN’S NATIONAL SOCCER TEAM: As we taped in 2019, Jon Hamm had not tweeted, “Guys, I just met” this same-surnamed legend who scored 158 intl. goals for the team
Mia Hamm
THE U.S. WOMEN’S NATIONAL SOCCER TEAM: The 2015 World Cup titlists were the first women’s sports team honored with this NYC tradition featuring obsolete paper
ticker tape parade
A “DROP": Ricola makes them
cough drops
A “DROP": This onstage action has become a metaphor for a stylish ending
mic drop
A “DROP": In 2006 Doug Flutie made one of these for an extra point, the first time that had been done in the NFL since 1941
drop kick
A “DROP": 3-verb advice for what to do if your clothing catches fire
stop, drop & roll
A “DROP": When you read in an old book about a death from this, it means what we now call edema
IN THE OCEAN: The Kuroshio Current
IN THE OCEAN: The Sunda Double Trench
IN THE OCEAN: The Bismarck Archipelago
IN THE OCEAN: The Lomonosov Ridge
MOVIES ABOUT GEOGRAPHY: The 1857 search by Richard Burton & John Speke for the source of this river plays out in “Mountains of the Moon"
MOVIES ABOUT GEOGRAPHY: After a plane crash in “Alive”, a Rugby team stranded in these snow-swept peaks struggles to survive
MOVIES ABOUT GEOGRAPHY: A treasure map takes Kathleen Turner to Colombia & into the arms of Michael Douglas in this 1984 adventure
Romancing the Stone
MOVIES ABOUT GEOGRAPHY: 2017’s “Queen of the Desert” is the story of Gertrude Bell, a British writer & explorer on this peninsula in the early 20th century
Arabian Peninsula
MOVIES ABOUT GEOGRAPHY: He played a cartographer in the 1995 film “The Englishman who Went up a Hill but Came down a Mountain"
Hugh Grant
BRITISH NICKNAMES: A 17th century writer: “The Blind Poet"
BRITISH NICKNAMES: The “Nine Days’ Queen"
Lady Jane Grey
BRITISH NICKNAMES: Lived in the 1400s: “The Father of English Printing"
William Caxton
ONE-WORD BOOK TITLES: This book by Malcolm Gladwell subtitled “The Power of Thinking Without Thinking” is a real eye-opener
ONE-WORD BOOK TITLES: Born a slave, Sethe escapes to Ohio but is haunted by memories of a lost baby in this Toni Morrison novel
ONE-WORD BOOK TITLES: 2 psychics have a pyrokinetic child in this Stephen King work
ONE-WORD BOOK TITLES: This 1974 James Michener novel covers centuries, not just 1 significant year, in the history of Colorado
ONE-WORD BOOK TITLES: In this 1984 William Gibson cyberpunk classic, a data thief matches wits with a powerful artificial intelligence
TRANSPORTATION: In March 2019, following 2 recent crashes, this company’s 737 Max planes were grounded
TRANSPORTATION: The theft of this Southern locomotive by Northern spies during the Civil War inspired a classic Buster Keaton film
The General
WE INTERRUPT THIS PROCESS: Boron is used in control rods to interrupt fission in reactors, as it’s good at capturing these subatomic particles
WE INTERRUPT THIS PROCESS: Interruptions at work make you constantly do this, the more technical name for switching between computer windows
WE INTERRUPT THIS PROCESS: In your home, GFCI stands for this circuit interrupter; it makes sure the electricity doesn’t go through you
ground fault
16-LETTER WORDS: A toast of grog to Sir Francis Drake, who completed this type of round-the-world voyage on Sept. 26, 1580
16-LETTER WORDS: Made popular in a 1982 Spielberg film, this word means “originating outside of the Earth"
16-LETTER WORDS: Type of coordinated activity designed to prevent or thwart groups like ISIS that use violence for political aims
16-LETTER WORDS: Regarding a new business, it means having insufficient funds for effective operation
16-LETTER WORDS: This method of cooling your home is pretty simple: open windows on opposite walls
TOYS & GAMES: Invented in 1974 as a model to teach 3-D problems, it became one of the bestselling toys of all time
Rubik’s Cube
2019 MOVIES: Arcade Fire performs the song “Baby Mine” during the end credits of this Tim Burton film based on a Disney cartoon
2019 MOVIES: Tyler Perry said this woman’s “Family Funeral” would be the last time he plays the iconic character
2019 MOVIES: Don’t let the sun go down on 2019 without seeing this biopic in which Jamie Bell plays Bernie Taupin
2019 MOVIES: Ryan Reynolds gave voice to the little yellow guy in “Pokémon Detective” him
2019 MOVIES: In “The Upside”, a remake of a French film, Kevin Hart cares for a quadriplegic man played by this actor
Bryan Cranston
THE TECH WORLD: In 1991 “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” became the first work of fiction turned into this format
THE TECH WORLD: In 2018 Microsoft unveiled its All Access program that allowed gamers to get this console on a rent-to-own basis
THE TECH WORLD: Before this Apple program was released in 2003, engineers jokingly referred to it as iBrowse
THE TECH WORLD: News of another 10 million or so hacked accounts might have you paraphrase Shakespeare & say, “Once more unto the data” this
TRIAL OF THE CENTURY: Sacco & Vanzetti trial
20th century
TRIAL OF THE CENTURY: Salem witch trials
TRIAL OF THE CENTURY: Amistad mutiny trial
TRIAL OF THE CENTURY: Trial of Thomas More
TRIAL OF THE CENTURY: Heresy trial of Joan of Arc
15th century
2-WORD ALLITERATION: To have this guffaw is to gain satisfaction & final vindication
last laugh
2-WORD ALLITERATION: It’s something that personally annoys you, not Fluffy or Fido
pet peeve
2-WORD ALLITERATION: Powerful influence from your equals to act in a way acceptable to them
peer pressure
2-WORD ALLITERATION: Alliterative phrase for a situation that seems okay but is “inclined” to gradually lead to a bad outcome
slippery slope
FABRICS: Chiffe, a French word for an old rag, gave us this word for an elegant, often sheer fabric
FABRICS: Duck cloth & sailcloth are types of this strong, plain weave fabric usually made of cotton
FABRICS: In “Sunset Blvd.” William Holden is told, “as long as the lady is paying for it, why not” a coat of this llama & alpaca relative
CHIEFS OF STATE: Title of Japan’s head of state; Naruhito is the 126th
CHIEFS OF STATE: Like the U.S., Italy chooses its president by this 2-word body, but Italy’s is mostly members of parliament
electoral college
CHIEFS OF STATE: This Mideast country is run by a supreme leader appointed for life by an Islamic group called the Assembly of Experts
CHIEFS OF STATE: In 2019 Andry Rajoelina was the 1st elected pres. in the history of this Indian Ocean island to succeed another elected president
CHIEFS OF STATE: This position is not only for Commonwealth nations–Alfonso Boekhoudt reps King Willem-Alexander in Aruba
governor general
THE BOOK NOOK: "Pebble in the Sky” was his first novel, the “Foundation” of a long & prolific career writing science fiction
THE BOOK NOOK: "The Fastest Kid in the Fifth Grade” is chapter 3 of “Bridge to” this enchanted land
THE BOOK NOOK: He taught us “The Power of Myth"
Joseph Campbell
THE BOOK NOOK: The title of this debut novel by Gillian Flynn is an allusion to cutting, part of Camille Preaker’s traumatic past in the book
Sharp Objects
THE BOOK NOOK: The first book in a series, it opens in Inverness in 1945 & begins. “It wasn’t a very likely place for disappearances"
THAT USED TO HAPPEN?: If you wanted someone’s phone number or address back in the day, you could dial these 3 numbers for free & get help
THAT USED TO HAPPEN?: Once common in schools but now frowned upon, it was not dispensed by an army NCO, despite the name
corporal punishment
THAT USED TO HAPPEN?: At the 1900 Olympics more than 300 of these birds were killed in a single sporting event