Science Flashcards
Ermine coats are made of this
What is a weasel?
Genus Rana
What is a frog?
Indicates acid vs base; compound found in lichens
What is litmus?
Instead of seeds, non-flowing plants use these to reproduce
What are spores?
Plant living more than 2 years
What is perennial?
Conducts nutrients from the leaves to the rest of a plant
What is floam?
Conducts nutrients from the roots to the rest of a plant
What is xylem?
2 main bones in the forearm
What are the radius and the ulna?
This order of mammals includes lemurs, monkeys, apes & humans
What are primates?
A practicing physician, he became professor of botany as well as medicine at the University of Uppsala in 1741
Who is Carl Linnaeus?
Used to move equipment & supplies, the 55-foot-long Canadarm2 is a giant robotic arm on this facility
What is the International Space Station?
Discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930, it got a big demotion in 2006
What is Pluto?
Though in Chile, the exoplanet-searching telescope dubbed Trappist is a project of this country
What is Belgium?
The periosteum is a membrane of connective tissue that surrounds these body parts
What are bones?
The PDL, the periodontal this connective tissue, helps keep your teeth in place–& yes, you can sprain it
What is ligament?
The first place nutrients go after they are absorbed by the small intestine is this largest gland in the body
What is the liver?
As its name indicates, this heart valve regulates blood flow to the lungs, if it’s damaged, the heart gets stressed
What is the pulmonary valve?
This 13-letter word describes medical conditions that are caused or heightened by one’s mental or emotional state
What is psychosomatic?
Blooms of the algae of Trichodesmium erythraeum give this body of water its color & perhaps its name
What is the Red Sea?
The patella is more commonly known as this
What is the knee cap?
You’ve got some nerve! This nerve, the body’s thickest, which goes from the lumbar part of the spine down the back of the thigh
What is the sciatic nerve?
MCL is short for this
What is the medial collateral ligament?
Reflective ratios of light relative to the surrounding surface
What is albedo?
Bananas were an important lab tool for Thomas Hunt Morgan as he used these insects to prove chromosome theory
What are fruit flies?
This 6-letter grouse gets its name from its collar of neck feathers displayed by the male
What is ruffed?
This root vegetable is believed to be a cross between a cabbage & a turnip
What is a rutabaga?
genus Aedes
What is a mosquito?