Terminology Flashcards
Long loose Turkish dress
What is a kaftan?
Small, 2-inch nail
What is a six-penny?
Highest military honor
What is a congressional medal of honor?
Latin word for horn
What is cornu?
Black pudding is a type of this
What is sausage?
Free swimming stage in a jellyfish’s life
What is medusa?
Large marching band instrument
What is a sousaphone?
Type of sleeve that extends all the way to the neck
What is a raglan sleeve?
Latin for death
What is mors?
Latin for soul or spirit
What is animus?
Title for Gandhi meaning “Great Soul”
What is Mahatma?
Name for coin collecting
What is numismatics?
These slips of the tongue that bear a man’s name include ‘it is now kisstomary to cuss the bride’
What are spoonerisms?
Saying they raised ‘customers’, Adam Smith called the English ‘a nation of’ this profession
What are shopkeepers?
Spanish word meaning aged - often applied to rum or tequila
What is Añejo?
Medallion worn by Christians for protection
What is a St. Christopher Medallion?
Fragola means this in Italian
What is Strawberry?
Term for lawyers who seek injured clients
What is ambulance chasing?
Basar means this - one of the 7 divine attributes of God in Islamic philosophy
What is sight?
Philosophy based on doing what is beneficial to the world
What is utilitarianism?
You give someone this phrase when you use extreme methods to extract a confession out of them
What is the third degree?
Illeism is using this when talking about themselves
What is the third person?
From the Greek for “Written with one’s own hand”
What is autograph?
From the Greek for “Having the same name”
What is homonym?
From the Greek for “Mother city”
What is metropolis?
In mythology, from the Greek for “round-eyed”
What is cyclops?
The name of this dessert made with sponge cake also means “of little importance”
What is trifle?
It is the interpretive body part of an orchestra conductor; an 1889 book says it has 100 “shades of delicate expression “
What is the left hand?
You can actually book a dinner in this part of London’s St. Paul’s Cathedral where many notables have been laid to rest
What is the crypt?
It’s a 5-letter word for a secret rendezvous between lovers
What is a tryst?
Though made in a manner closer to brewing, this Japanese drink is known as rice wine
What is sake?
Perhaps Don Ho meant Hula o Maui, a sparkling wine made of this fruit, when singing of “tiny bubbles in the wine”
What is pineapple?
Blackberry wine from this “#1 Kosher Wine Brand in America” is kosher for Passover
What is Manischewitz?
In Europe moose are known as these, our word for a different big North American deer
What are elk?
An 18th c. group of lovers of everything from archaeology to opera introduced this word for one who flits from one interest to another
What is a dilettante?
The wavy pattern in the metal of the knife indicates that it is made of steel named for this Mideast capital
What is Damascus steel?
From the French for horsehair, this 19th c. array of fabric & hoops under a skirt was revived by Jean Paul Gaultier
What is crinoline?
A furious rivalry between NYC’s World & Journal papers in the 1890s led to this term used for sensational news reporting
What is yellow journalism?
Using care is treating something with these, as if you had delicate handwear
What are kid gloves?
This term describes children who have to unlock the door when they come home to an empty house
What are latchkey kids?
Of dubious authenticity, specifically like non-canonical Bible books
What is apocryphal?
A new term for a suddenly old version of something, like “film camera”
What is a retronym?
A 1950s psychiatrist predicted the Mad Bomber wore a double-breasted suit, buttoned, using this technique; he was right
What is profiling?
“X”s & “O”s: This stiff silken fabric is favored for bridal gowns, like Christina Applegate’s in 2001
What is organza?