World 4 Flashcards
signs of infant dehydration (breastfeeding failure)
↑ unconjugated bili
“brick red” urate crystals
↓ Stools
hyperbili in dubin johnson
conjugated hyperbili
usually asymptomatic
Threshold for phototherapy for bili
bili > 20
ecg in hcm
LV hypertrophy
Features of benign murmurs
normal kid
early/mid systolic
grade 1 or 2
pathologic murmurs
sick kids
harsh, holosystolic
grade 3 +
↑ with valsalva
Inspiratory stridor that is worse prone and better supine
Seen on laryngoscopy
Most common cause of urinary obstruction in boys
posterior urethral valves
What does the measles rash tend to spare
palms and soles
Risks of being small for gestational age
hypoxia polycythemia hypoglycemia hypothermia hypocalcemia
Universal lipid screening in kids, ages?
Both at
Treatment of superficial hemangioma
beta blocker
what is postural drainage
getting into positions that will allow mucus to drain from bronchos
characterized by alveolar capillary bleeding
manifests as a triad of haemoptysis, diffuse parenchymal infiltrates, and iron deficiency anaemia
Idiopathic pulmonary haemosiderosis
accumulation of haemosiderin in the lungs.
rare and life threatening- looks like epiglottis without drooling or dysphagia
several days of viral URI symptoms, followed by an acute ↑temperature and an ↑ respiratory distress.
Bacterial tracheitis
Hib vaccine is for
H influenzae type B
Morbidity and mortality in epiglottitis
Morbidity and mortality are usually related to a delay in
establishing an airway early in the disease.
Dirt-eating children ingest infectious ova.
The larvae migrate to visceral e liver, lung, and brain, but do not return to the intestine
Toxocara canis
stools do not contain the ova or parasites.
diagnosis can be made by ELISA for Toxocara.
Croup treatment
racemic epinephrine and corticosteroids
Phenytoin in utero exposure
nail/digital hypoplasia
dysmorphic face
mental retardation
Vitamin C deficiency
punctate hemorrhage
corkscrew hair
B6 deficiency
irritable/AMS/ depression
Niacin deficiency
B3 pellagra dermatitis diarrhea dementia glossitis
Riboflavin deficiency
cheilosis stomatitis glossitis normocytic anemia dermatitis
Cat scratch disease
skin lesion with ipsilateral LAD
esophageal obstruction in young children typical location
below the cricopharyngeal muscle at the
level of the aortic arch
triad of situs inversus, chronic sinusitis and otitis media, and airway disease
Kartagener syndrome- dysfunctional cilia
Congenital pulmonary airway malformation
aka Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation
an entire lobe of lung is replaced by a non-working cystic piece of abnormal lung tissue.
These asthma patients do not require daily medication and only short-acting β-agonists are needed
mild intermittent asthma
symptoms < 2/ week
< 2 nighttime episodes/ month.
severe persistent asthma- continual symptoms and frequent nighttime symptoms. Rx?
daily high-dose glucocorticoids
long-acting β-agonists
may require oral steroids as well
Sickle cell disease with painless hematuria
papillary necrosis
other renal complications: UTI, real medullary carcinoma
Howell-Jolly bodies are?
nuclear remnants of RBCs usually removed by the spleen