Working in China - office Flashcards
nǐ zùo shénme gōngzuò
Nǐ yǒu gōngzuò ma?
what do you do?
Do you have a job?
Wǒ zhǎo gōngzuò
Wǒ zài zhǎo gōngzuò
look for
look for a job
I’m looking for a job
Gěi wǒ kàn yíxià nǐde jiǎnlì
Jen bounced up and down but Lee fell down when have gave me his resume
wǒ Yong diànnǎo shàngwǎng
Dǎ diànnǎo
Deeann fell down but now she’s bouncing up and down because she has her computer
I use my computer to go online
to hit or type on the computer
diànzi yóujiàn
NǏ yǒu diànzi yóujiàn
Nǐde diànzi yóujiàn
nǐde email dìzhǐ shì shénme?
Deane fell down zipping her email but yo he fell up and Jen fell down.
Do you have email?
What is your email address?
chúanzhēn chúanzhēn hàomǎ Qǐng goose wǒ nǐde chúanzhēnhàomǎ chúanzhēnjī jī
fax chewing up there with Jen on the flat table is only way to send a fox fax number fax machine Gee I love flat machines
shōu chúanzhēn
shōu diànzi yóujiàn
to speak is to receive
to receive a fax
to receive email
Wǒ méiyǒu shōudào nǐde chúanzhēn
Nǐ shōudào wǒde email ma?
have received
I have not received your fax
did you receive my email?
fā chúanzhēn
Qǐng nǐ fā diànzi yóujiàn gěi wǒ
send email or fax
I sent the email so far on the flat road
send a fax
please send me an email
jì xìn
xiě xìn
to send letter or package
just don’t fall down when you send the the package
my shin hurts down their because the letter cut it
send a letter
to make a copy
I’m fooling to guys I through the copies down
the fu yin guys fell down when they made a copy.
to print documents
da print goes up and down by the yin falls down
dǎyìn huàle
wait, I fell down but still love having a broken tow
Nǐ yǒu A4 de zhǐ ma
just tell me if you have paper flied up and down in the wind
Qǐng nǐ fùyìn yíxià
zhèxiē wénjiàn
fooling around down here to print
when I fell up Jen fell down with all of the documents
please you copy this document
shàngbān Nǐ jǐdiǎn shàngbān Wǒ zài shàngbān Zhè shì wǒ shàngbān de dìfāng
sean fell down at work with a ban on flat table - get on top of work
What time do you go to work?
I’m working now.
This is the place where I work-
Nǐ shénme shíhou
I fell in the shower after work, and had to put on ban aids - under work..
shì wǒde bàngōngshì
the bon bons fell down in my office and the gong rang flat. But she still fell down
this is my office
yuè (lǎi) yuè
Wǒ yuè kàn yuè xǐhuān
Tāde Zhōngwén
yuè lǎi yuè hǎo
more and more, the more….the more… UA goes down, lies up and down the news, and UA falls down again but keeps getting better the more I see the more I like His Chinese is getting better and better
to hire, to employ.
Ge ouch I hurt on the flat table when they put the pin on me when I was hired and fell down
to fire.
I was fired but still got a nice flat kit and I chewed it as it flew up.
My colleague passed the tongs up and she fell down at the barbeque
to work hard, hardworking
the new leader walked up and down the floor then fell down because he was working so hard
the wrong e is easy when it goes up and down
zùo shēngyì
She understands lying down but understand business
to do business
julie first fell down then bounced up and down when she found out she will be an assistant manager
to use
Nǐ zài zhǎo gōngzùo ma?
Are you looking for a job?
Qǐng nǐ gěi wǒ kàn yíxìa nǐde jiǎnlì
Please show me your resume.
Qǐngwèn, yòng shǒu xǐe de kěyǐ ma?
Excuse me, is a hand-written one ok?
Bǔ kěyǐ, nǐ yīnggāi yòng diànnǎo dà.
No, you should type one on the computer.
Hǎo, nà wǒ mǐngtiān zài email lǐmiàn fā gěi nǐ,
Ok, then I will send you one in the email
tomorrow, ok?
Hǎo, méiwèntí fā chuánzhēn yě kěyǐ
OK, no problem! Sending by fax is also ok.
zhè shì wǒde bàngōngshì, wǒ zài zhèlǐ shàngbān
This is my office, I work here.
Nǐ měitiān jǐdiǎn shàngbān? Jǐdiň xiàbān?
What time do you go to work everyday? What
time do you finish your work?
Wǒ měitiān zǎoshàng 8 diǎn shàngbān, wǎnshàng 5 diǎn xiàbān
I go to work at 8am every morning and finish
my work at 5pm every evening.
Wa, Nǐde Zhōngwén shuō de yuèlái yuèhǎo!
Wow, Your Chinese is getting better and
Wǒ shōudào le yígè chuánzhēn, qǐng nǐ bāng wǒ fùyìn yíxià
I received a fax, please help me to make a
copy of it.
Stop foo ing around down there and make a copy of it
wǒmen dǎyìnjī huài le ma?
Is our printer broken?
Da in g is the printeter
méiyǒu ba, kěnéng méiyǒu zhǐ le
I don’t think so, maybe there is no paper.
Gee, paper goes up and down
Hǎo, zhèxiē dǎyìn wénjiàn xūyào jìgěi Wáng xiānshēng
Good, these printed documents need to be sent
to Mr.Wang.
xúexí Zhōngwén de rén yuèlái yuè duō
+ adjective in
indicates the change of intensity of something
with the elapse of time.
There are more and more people studying