General Words Flashcards
It’s nothing not important
Mia went up the hill to sit down, but that’s nit important
Wo3 jīntiān he3n máng
I today very busy
Today I am busy
Jīntiān Wo3men he3n máng
Today we very busy
Today we are very busy
Míngtiān xiàwu3, xīngqīyī shàngwu3
Tomorrow afternoon, Monday morning
Bigger time unit comes first
Wo3 zài fēijīcha3ng
Wo3 zài fējīcha3ng zuò fēijī
I am in airport
I am in airport taking plane
Zài can be predicate telling you where something is happening. It comes before the verb
Able to do something or not
Willing to use or permission to use skills
Ni4 hùi hē jiu3 ma?
Ni3 hùi dhuō hànyu3 ma?
Can you drink
Can you speak chinese
Ni3 néng hē ji3 píng báijiu3
How many bottles of vodka can you drink?
Ni3 ke3yi3 bù ke3yi3 jièsháo yíxià ni3de péngyo3u
Can you introduce your friend
Zhèli bù ke3yi3 hējiu3
Permission here it’s not allowed to drink
Mi3 míngtiān néng bù néng lái
Can you come tomorrow
Tā yīnggāi lái shàngkè
Need to do something
He should come to take classes
Kàn nǐ xiǎng jiào nǎge míngzì dōu kěyǐ
what name you call me is both OK
Nǐ yǐjīng bāngmáng wǒ hěnduōle
You already helped me so much
Zhè jiàn yīfú kàn qǐlái hěn hǎokàn
this piece of clothing looks great!
Zhè shì yī píng cù
this is one bottle of vinigar
Zhè bēi kāfēi hē qǐlái suān yòu kǔ
This cup of coffee is sour and bitter
Nǐ xīn kǔ le
you are working hard
hua1 yua2n
Flower garden
Qia2n ba1o
Bu4 yong4 don1 xi11
Don’t worry
Boo yong fell down but Don xin did not worry because it was a on a flat table.
Mi4 mi4
Mimi has a secrete, she fell down twice
I want Chung to be finished up there it’s a good thing
Joe lies down but wants to Moe down the street on weekend
kilometers -
I’ve gone straight down the flat road for one kilometer and Lee was jumping up and down
Huh? is the lake up there?
Méiyǒu shēngmìng de dōngxī
No life in this thing (inanimate)-
Pǔbiàn lái shuō
Generally speaking
Generally speaking, Poo went up and down because he lied up there about his shoe on the flat table
Ji1 hua4
Gee I am sitting but wait i fell down with my last chance
Wo3 ke3yi3 lia3n ji3 feng1jong1
How many minutes can I study
Ni3 Yuan 4 yi4
You are willing
You and yee are willing to fall down
Zuo3 lu4
Walk ..walk down the road
Same as San boo..
Zoe goes up and down but falls down on Lou when he walks…
Tian1 tian1 cho3
The sweet round thing..
Jie3 win4
MRT train
Jie goes up and down but wins the train race as he falls down
Jie3 win4
MRT train
Jie goes up and down but wins the train race as he falls down
Yi3 chen2
Duo1 jiu3 Yi3 chen2
How long ago
I went to the dojo before I eat with chen..I bounced in the middle, but how long ago?
Bu shing2
It is working or its not working
Die4 Zuo3
Order to go..
Ill die if I can’t go home with my food
E1 zi4
Shang4 zi4
Xia4 zi4
First time
Last time
Next time
My zits tell me which time this is
Shen me 2 shi2 ho4 guan 1
Shen me 2 shi2 ho4 kai 1
What time to you close or open?
What sh t hoes down to open or close
Da4 suan4
Da swan falls down when it smells garlic
Wei4 ji3
Wait just a minute up and down this place, tHis is my address.
Ji 1 hui4
Gee, I am sitting here waiting for the chance to fall down
Opportunity or chance
Ni3 yuan4yi4
Would you like?
You and yee fall down but I want to know if you like it
La1 ji2 dai4
La la la, I am sitting here and gee I go up and die as I fall into the trash bag
La1 ji2 tong3
Trash can
La la la, gee I go up then the tong goes up and down
I only want
Jata right now i o my want cheese
Lu1 su2 tong3
I love supper on the flat table that bounces up…And goes tong as it bounces into the trash can
Do1 jo3 yi3 chen2
How long ago
At the do joe I go straight then up, then eat up and down with Chen on the top..But how long ago was that
Diao1 xiang4
Dee said ow when the the statue of xiang fell down on her foot
Don4 bean3
Don fell down and the bean and egg sandwich bounced up and down too
Zong3 shi4
Zong goes up and down and then shi on the floor
Zao3 qi3
My qi gets up early and bounces up and down aw tygrf.
Da1 jie2 yun4
Take MRT
The virk goes up to youn and falls down to the mrt
You might die if you stay lying flat in one place
Qian2 tian1
The day before yesterday chen went up to see me
Tu3 si1
Mai3 yi1 song4 yi4
Buy one get one free
Da1 jie2 yun4
Take MRT
Da jie went down the road then up, and the unique mrt took me down to Shi Da
Ping2 chang2 hui4
The ping chang way goes up for a while and very often would fall down
Very often would be
ji4 de chu1 men2 yao4 ca1 fang2 shai4 you2 huo4 dai4 mao4 zi
Remember go out need apply sunscreen or wear a hat
Remember to put on sunscreen or wear a hat when you go out.
Wu3 can1
The Wu’s love to up and down the street to eat lunch
Wo3 yi3 jing1 chi1 wan2 zao3 can1 le ma?
I have already finished eating breakfast
Ni3 zai4 zuo4 shen2 me?
What are you doing?
Yin3 liao4
Yeen went up and down with a leeoud bang aa the drink dropped.
Fa1 xian4
I looked fa down the glad road and I found she and me down there
Bien4 dang1 he2
The bando box is muy bien when it falls down into the dung pile on the flat ground..The box was so big I had to say huh! When I lifted it up.
She1 guan 3
She went down the road but used a star to soak up the guano up and down the road
Zheng3 tian1
All day
Jung goes up and down with the sun all day
Wu3 nien2 chen2
Five years ago.
Chen always goes back a few years
Mien4 goaw1
Really delicious rice cake with sauce..
Shi2 yue4 shi2 yi1 ri4
Control up the date
October 11th
Shi2 wu3 fe1n zho1ng ho4u za4i yo3ng he2 do4u jia1ng ji4an
Fifteen minutes later at yong-he soybean milk shop meet
Xia4 yi1 zhang4
Shang4 last stop
Liang4 two stops
Next stop
Two stops is ling
Xi1 wa4ng
She walks down the flat road but wants to fall down she hopes
Skinny or thin
You are so thin when you fall down
Ho4o jia4n
Shi2 wo3 fe1n zho1ng ho4o jia4n
Shi2 wo3 fe1n zho1ng ho4o za4i ca1n ti1ng ji4an
Fifteen minutes later
Fifteen minutes later at restaurant see you
Yu1e za4i
Mi2ng tia1n wa3n sha4ng li4u dia3n yue1 za4i mcdonalds
You ate zai at our meeting
Appointment or meet
Tomorrow evening meet 6 at McDonald’s
Tā qǐchuáng hěnduō cì
He gets up many times
Tā zuótiān qǐchuáng hěnduō cì
He got up many times yesterday.
Nǐ zuìjìnguò dé zěnyàng?
How have you been recently?
recently (guo is a verb for living)
Suīrán….. Dànshì wǒ yīrán
even though But I still… (you can use even though and but can be used together)
Suīrán wǒ méiyǒu shuìjiào dànshì wǒ yīrán jīngshén hěn hǎo
Although I am not sleeping, I am still very good.
Āyí xǐle xiē yīfú, shǒuxiān yīxiē bǐjiào gānjìng de yīfú tā yòng shǒuxǐ, shèng xià hěn zāng de yīfú tā zé yòng xǐyījī.
Zěnme xǐ? Āyí bǎ yīfú fàng zài xǐyījī lǐmiàn.
Auntie washed some clothes. First, some clean clothes were washed by hand. The rest of the dirty clothes she used was the washing machine.
How to wash? Aunt put the clothes in the washing machine.
Ze = Then
Rúguǒ wǒ yǒu kòng dehuà, wǒ xiǎng chīfàn
If I have time, I want to eat.
Wǒ juédé jīntiān dàgài huì xiàwǔ hòu léizhènyǔ
I think it will probably be thunderstorms in the afternoon today.
Wu is noon ho is after
The late jung yu had a lot of thunderstorms
soup opera
Leaan goes up, and shoes on the Jews go down in this soap opera
Nǐ xǐhuān shénme lèixíng de diànyǐng?
What kind of movie do you like?
Nǐ jīntiān xiǎng xué shénme?
What do you want to study today
Bù ānquán
video clip
They were pyen and dwan on the video clip as they fell down
Program for tv
The jet moved up and down on the tv program
Wǒ zhènghǎo yào sòng wǒ de xiǎohái qù shàngkè
I just (just in time) want to send my child to class.
Show Shen how to lie flat then get up when in liesure
wèn dò
Yánjiū lùnwén
research paper
I yawed up to Joe, then Lun went down then up on the research paper
Wǒmen huì qù wàimiàn wán xuě
Wǒmen huì qù wàimiàn wán Hank de jīa
we could go outside to play in the snow
Xièxiè, wǒ míngbáile
Wǒ dǒngle
I’ve got it
Jīntiān yào gàn ma ne
What are you doing today
Nǐ jīntiān yǒu shénme huódòng ma?
Do you have any activities (huódòng - could also mean schedule) today? - More formal - greeting
Nǐ jīntiān yǒu yào chūqù ma? Háishì dài zài jiālǐ?
Do you want to go out today? Still staying at home? - you might want to hang out with a friend
Zuìjìnguò dé zěnyàng?
How have you been recently?
Good for parents
Zhè hěn yǒuyòng
that is useful
Jì huà
Gee, whaaat I plan to fall down
be intended to
Da swan goes up and down, then down like he intended to
Gōngyuán de lǐmiàn
inside park
Liū huátī
liū zòu
Qiào kè
skip class
You Suans fall down because you do not have a budget
Tíchū fāng’àn
come up with
come up with Proposed solution
the tea when up and chewed on the flat ground - bu t came up with a great idea
gee, I fell down and Jie Jie went up because she was rejected
Zǎoshang jiǔ diǎn dào xiàwǔ wǔ diǎn
from 9 Am to 5 PM
Wǒ tài wǎnshàng chuáng shuìjiào
Wǒ tài wǎnshàng (chuáng )shuìjiào
I go to bed late
Qù + place
if verb is related to action to - emphasize purpose - ocus on your purpose
Zhè zhěng zhōu
This whole week
This jung goes up and down with Joe on the flat table this whole week
Gee do you jaust for Christainity?
this whole week
Zhuō zǐ kěyǐ zhíjiē diào dào wǒ xiǎng yào de gāodù
The table can be adjusted directly to the height I want
Dàn nǎi sù
Vegetarian options - in packages not conversations
Nǐ de jiārén zuìjìnguò de zěnme yàng?
How was your family recently?
Duìbùqǐ, mèng jiā xiànzài kāihuì (kāi yígè) huì
kaihui (having a meeting - this is a verb) - The verb for meeting => Kāi
Wǒ huì gàosù tā zài zhǎo tā
I will tell her you were looking for her
Nǐ zài zhǎo shuí a?
Who are you looking for?
Wǒ fāxiàn zhège wǎngzhàn fēicháng yǒuyòng
I find this website very useful.
I want Jong to see this website go down
Wǒ hái zài nǔlì de jiēduàn
I am still working hard
Zhǎodào tāmen
Found them
Looking for arrived the
Look for arrived
just before
parents give us knowledge - wisdom
Nǐ qùguò táiwān ma?
Have you been to Taiwan?
Wǒ qùguò táiwān yīcì
Wǒ jīnnián qùguò táiwān yīcì
I have been to Taiwan once
I have been to Taiwan once this eyar
Nǐ qùguò táiwān duōshǎo cì?
How many times have you been to Taiwan?
Wǒ qídàizhuó
I am looking forward to
I cheated up but it does down but I’m bak just looking forward to going up there
It looking forward to the the cheat dying just now
Wǒ zhǔnbèi hǎole
I jun goes up and down to the Bay. And howls up and down because he is ready
I am Ready
You and me go up and down far
Běibù dìqū
Northern region
Tiānqì dōu shī shīlěng lěng de
The weather is wet and cold
New and cheep heaters go down and up then down in price
Zài hánjià, wǒ de jiàoshòu yào wǒ bǎ wǒ dì lùnwén tímù xiǎng chūlái
During the winter vacation, my professor asked me to think of my research paper topic.
Nǐ xīngfèn ma
are you excited?
Nǐ yǒu yánjiū lùnwén ma?
Do you have a research paper
Rud and men go up and down, but both are popular
Wait dude, what is the latitude up and down here?
In particular, allergies are a serious problem for people living in the northern region.
Yóuqí, duìyú zhù zài běibù dìqū de rén lái jiǎng, guòmǐn shìgè yánzhòng de wèntí
Yóuqí, duìyú zhù
In particular..about a specific for
Yo, cheetahs in particular are fast up there
Nǐ shì wǒ xuéxí de bǎngyàng
I studied your example - this is only for people when using the work model
The bang yang is a great model of falling up and down then down
economic model
Zuìjìn nǐguò dé rúhé a?
How have you been recently?
Bié de shì xūyào máng
Other things (shì) need to do
gāng gāng
just (just now)
Xiàzhe Máomaoyǔ
Jiànshēn qìcái
Fitness Equipment
I cheated Si going down and up on the fitness equiptment
Yóuxì qìcái
Game equipment - children’s playground equipment
Tāmen pà rè, bù xǐhuān yángguāng, suǒyǐ xǐhuān zài shìnèi (inside) cóngshì (undertake) yùndòng.
They are afraid of heat and do not like the sun, so they like to exercise indoors.
Bùyòng zhème xiǎng
Bùyòng dānxīn
Don’t worry
Ya Lee has a lot of pressure when he falls off the flat table
Shǔ tiáo jiā dà
from middle to large
wǔ yào yī fèn Xiǎo shǔ
small fries
Wǒ xū yāo mǎi yīgè gòuwù dài
I need to buy one to go bag
Xiānshēng, nǐ de hàomǎ shì 17 hào
nǐ de hàomǎ shì ge hòw
Wǒ shì 2 (e`r) hào
Mr. your number is 17
what is your number?
I am number 2 (when you count, use liang..when it is a number use the number)
Shuāng, duì
pair (for chop stick)
Yào xiào
medicine effect
the medicine shouts down it’s effect
Wǒ rènwéi
Wǒ rènwéi zài měiguó de zhōngguó cāntīng fúwù bù tài hǎo
in my opinion (stronger and more official way)
I think my runway goes up and down
in my opinion in American Chinese restaurant the service is not good
as long as
i just want - ask long as it’s there
Yī….. Jiù..
Érzi yī huí jiā, wǒmen jiù chīfàn
as soon as
As soon as we stand up, Joe will fall down
Jiù yǒu
I have - emphasize
the june goes up and down by the bay to be prepared as it fall downs
the class goes up with Chung for the course
Hú dòng
pot hole
màn zǒu
be safe in traveling
My ma
Chuánrǎn xìng de
If you are contagious, chew on Ron up and down, and xing will get better if they fall down
Shāngyè qū
Business district
I chew on you falling down in this area
Hěnduō měiguó rén dōu bù jiéjiǎn
many Americans are not frugal
Bù guòdù xiāofèi
live within means - don’t over consume
guodu - excess
xiaofei - consume
Wǒ bù jìdé wǒ zài shénme dìfāng yùjiàn nǐ
I can’t remember where I met you
eugenics is a great way to fall down and meet you
Mǔqīn jié
Mother’s Day
Zhǔyào zhuānzhù zài yánjiū
Jīběn shàng
Mainly focused on research
Bùshì zhèngshì de yòngfǎ
Not official use.
use - yòngfǎ - shìyòng - to use something
Jù gāo zhèng
phobia of heights
Diànzǐ báibǎn guǎngfàn shǐyòng zài jiàoxué fāngmiàn
Electronic whiteboards are widely used in teaching
The Wu’s went up to the Lewow but it was boring
Wǒ zài zhǎo shíjiān gēn nǐ shuō xiángxì guòchéng
I will find time to tell you the detailed process.
I will find out time and you tell detailed process
zài again
zhǎo find out - look for something
shíjiān time
gēn and
nǐ you
shuō tell
guòchéng process
xiángxì detailed
middle part - not bien - means edge
texture -
Meng-Jia Wu fell down when she was a girl who went up and down with misunderstandings
Kàn zhuàngkuàng
It’s depends.
The Kan and the Jews on Kuang say it depends when I will fall down
Shāngyè qū
Business district
Sean said ye! Let’s chew in this district
Zhùzhái qū
Residential district
Zhī wài
Zhī wài
just wait, except not now falling down
Lee having zits falling off is an example
even if
Gee will go up and ship up and down, even if we go
Jíshǐ Yě bùzàihū
even if….still don’t care
Nìngkě…. Yě bùyào…..
I would rather…and I don’t want
Nine computs would rather go down than go up and down
Yǒu shí
You go up and ship sometimes
Bàogào yǒudiǎn duō
I bowed to gao down there to get the report
Reports a little bit too much
an falls down the dark
recently the zoo ate the jingle bell as it fell down
Huì bù huì xiǎngniàn táiwān de cài?
will you are wont you miss Taiwan de cài
Zuìjìn táiwān de tiānqì zěnme yàng?
How is the weather in Taiwan recently?
Bà mā yǒu méiyǒu xūyào shénme, wǒ kěyǐ jiào Amy jì huíqù gěi nǐmen.
Bà mā yǒu méiyǒu xūyào shénme, wǒ kěyǐ jiào Amy jì huíqù gěi nǐmen.
gradually (adv.) - always need a verb
my sister goes down gradually
Huí wēn
get warm
(Hui means back)
way when
Way went back up to the flat table to get warm
Huí xiǎng
think back (xiǎng - think)
come back
Hun Shàng
go back
Wǒ bùshì hěn qīngchǔ jùlí duō yuǎn
I am not very clear about how far.
Dànshì wǒ zhīdào dàgài yào huā liǎng gè xiǎoshí
But I know it takes about two hours.
I want sean to be perfect when he goes up and down
Zěnme huì zhèyàng?
I am surprised - shocked
Chūxué zhě
As a beginner, I chewed on the shoes the juicy people rates up there..just in time up and down
Wǔhòu léizhènyǔ
Thunderstorm shower in the afternoon
Chāojí shìchǎng
Sōuxún yǐnqíng
Search engine
Qī yuèchū
beginning of July
chu beginning (like chew)
Qī yuè zhōngxún
middle of July (xun only used for month)
Qī yuèdǐ
End of July - bottom of the month
Dee goes up and down and the end of the month
(di is bottom)
Dǐng, dǐ
Top, bottom
the dingos are on top bouncing up and down
the di dis are on the bottom bouncing up and down
Gee, shoot me if I continue down there
Yo, cheetahs are particularly going up right now
Gèng hǎo
Wǒ xǐhuān màidāngláo, yóuqí shì hànbǎo gēn shǔ tiáo
I like McDonald’s, particularly burgers and fries.
I chewed on the flat table as Shen appeared to fall down
Fáng wén yè
bug spray (wen is mosquito)
Fang went yah! When he went up then down spaying the bugs
Fáng chóng yè
chóng all bugs
proof or anti (Fáng)
bug spray
Fáng shǔi
water proof
Yùyuē xià yīcì de shíjiān
Make an reservation for the next time
Jiàn zǒu
My sister Jen fell down and went walking when she was camping
I took a shot at ling and went ying when camping
Yǒu shí
You ship sometimes up and down then up
like computer or phone
John has an exhibition on the lawn that goes up and down
Lee just understanding up and down
Gàn ma
what are you doing - only close friends - not mother or father
Duō jìn
How close
How close is dooting Jin
Half a year
You should ban nein for half a year down and up
réngrán (zrunlan)
the jrun went up to the lawn -but they are still there.
Lincoln was an inspiration but he is gone up and down
Nǐ xǐhuān hǎngúo spa zhōngxīn
Nǐ juédé jīntiān de shuǐliáo zhōngxīn zěnme yàng? (open answer)
Nǐ xǐhuān jīntiān de spa zhōngxīn ma? (yes or no)
do you like the spa center
what did you think of the spa today?
sentence - orange falls down is a sentence to use
wrong - stinky wu falls down when he is wrong
Nǐ jīntiān xiǎng qí zìxíngchē ma?
Do you want to ride the bike today?
ywè fù, ywè mù
father in law (fù father, mù mother)
You can’t fool your father in law if you fall down
My mother in law moos when she falls down
shōu hwò
Yǒushí wǒ de érzi xǐhuān zǎoqǐ
Sometimes my son likes to get up early
Yo, shipments sometimes do come up here
Méiguānxì, zhè qíngkuàng yǒu shíhòu yě huì fāshēng
It doesn’t matter, this situation happens sometimes
The situation with the chink in the fence goes up and down to kwan
Wǒ xīwàng míngnián bùyào lún dào wǒ dāng xì zhǔrèn
Next year I don’t want to take turn as department chair
lun dao is taking turns
Lun doubts he will have a turn as department chair if he goes up and down
The Jewis People rent department chairs that go down
Lúnliú wán yóuxì
Take turns playing games
I had lunch with Leo up there and we took turn bring the food
You are on Jang when he made his up and down speech
Wǒ hěn xǐhuān nǐ de jiǎngzuò
I enjoyed your class lecture
lecture, teach do
yī táng kè
Nǐ jīntiān yǒu jǐ táng kè?
quantifier for class - tang
I have one class
How many classes do you have today?
enjoyed - time..for activities - reading, jogging, bike riding
Sean show enjoyed it when he went up and down and then down
Nǐ de xuéshēng jīntiān hěn xǐhuān nǎi de kè
today your students liked your class
Kàn zhuàngkuàng, bù yīdìng
it depends, not sure
The Jewish people on Kuang depend on my to fall down
The flat Swans man announced boo as he fell down
Zài hǎo de dōngxī yě bùnéng chī tài duō guòyóubùjí dūhuì duì shēntǐ zàochéng shānghài
Zài hǎo de dōngxī yě bùnéng chī tài duō
No matter how good the food can’t eat too much, it will hurt the body
No matter how good or wonderful the thing is, don’t eat too much.
Zài hǎo de dōngxī yě bùnéng chī tài duō guòyóubùjí dūhuì duì shēntǐ zàochéng shānghài
Zài hǎo de dōngxī yě bùnéng chī tài duō
zài mèi de nǔshūng
Zài +adj….. Rúguǒ…… Wǒ rènwéi
No matter how good the food can’t eat too much, it will hurt the body
No matter how good or wonderful the thing is, don’t eat too much.
No matter how ____ if ____ I think..
Zài bàng de jiàocái, rúguǒ xuéshēng bù xǐhuān, wǒ rènwéi zhè réngrán shì yīgè shībài de chǎnpǐn
No matter how Good teaching materials, if students don’t like it, I think this is still a failed product.
Zài bàng de lǎoshī, rúguǒ xuéshēng bù rènzhēn xuéxí, wǒ rènwéi zhè réngrán shì yīgè shībài de jiàoxué
No matter how good teacher, if the students don’t study hard, I think this is still a (shībài) failed teaching
Wǔ chá shíguāng
pá bàn Wǔ chá shíguāng
afternoon tea time
accompany me to tea time
I can ship guano to share up to the flat table during tea time
Qián zhì zuòyè
preliminary work (preparing for a class or lecture) - zuoye is homework; Qian - before zhi is located
the country goes down but it get mean when the allergies go up and down
yī táng kè
one class - tang measure word for class
Tang always goes up with me no matter how many classes we have
Zhèngzài jiào
Progressive tense - I am teaching - right now I am..can be present, or past - not future tense..jung zai
Jung is here falling down doing something
Jiāng kè
will be - planning but for
He I’m on the flat road but will be cut when I fall down
Plan something new - does not happen in daily life
Da Swan goes up and down then down to make a new plan
next year
next year is like tomorrow.
last year
I went back out back to last year
yen jang ( jang is short) - speech
The speech cost one yen and jiang paid it up and down
publish or release - used for give a speech..
I am far down the flat road and will be out up and down for a while before I publish my book
In this situation, the sound of the bell went up with a ching and down with a quan
Wǒ bù zhīdào gāi zěnme zuò. Qǐng bāng bāng wǒ?
I don’t know what to do (gai - should), please help me?
bùzhī suǒ cuò,
I don’t know what to do (soua stinky - thzua)
worked hard
the newly admitted students worked hard after going up and down and then down
I jew on down and goo on for the spectacular show
Běijīng de wēndù bù huì bǐ zhījiāgē de dī
The temperature in Beijing will not be lower than in Chicago
Dee is always less
forever and always
you on you on go up and down always
Wǒ jīntiān zuòle gè è mèng
I had a nightmare today
among them I go down to have a nightmare
Wǒ xīwàng nǐ jīntiān wǎnshàng bù huì zuò èmèng
I hope you will not have nightmares tonight
Computer science
Gee, I went down to see the swan, and gee it is still flat - I computer science person can tell me why.
gee- who is almost done with this flat table
Yǒu shí
sometimes -
yo, go up and down and sometimes have to go up to ship.
Zǒng shì
I zong going up up and down and ship but it’s always down
My toung just wants notification flatly
look forward to
Wùměi jià lián
Item beautiful price check
Good quality, cheaper price
Beautiful Ms. Wu fell down to her house, and blended my something up there for a cheaper price
Wǒ juédé zhè jiā diàn de dōngxī fēicháng de wùměi jià lián
I think the things in this store are very good and cheap
jiā diàn
quantifier - jia, dian store
Duì wǒ lái shuō, Wǒ juédé
For me - in my opinion, I would say, I think
Shānjiān xiǎodào
the trail between mountain
Dà mǎlù
big road
big mama goes up and down to Lou on the big road
Wǒ xīwàng nǐde shǒushù shùnlì
I hope your surgery went well
surgery, success
Nǐ xiànzài gǎnjué zěnme yàng? Yǒu méiyǒu gǎnjué hǎo yīdiǎn?
How are you feeling now? Do you feel better?
gan (jew eh) (feeling)
Nǐ xiànzài xīgài gǎnjué yǒu méiyǒu hǎo yīdiǎn?
Do you feel better in your knees now?
More for physical
I showed the shoes up and down then feel down after my surgury
Don’t shun lee when he falls, we want him to have success
I’ve gone up and down but the Jews ate up all the chocolates and feel better
Yǒuqù de dōngxī
Interesting things - yo is interesting
wǒ juédé tāmen cāntīng de shíwù pǐnzhí méiyǒu hěn hǎo
I think the food quality in their restaurant is not very good
behavior - personality
Wǒ juédé zuótiān wǒ de érzi méiyǒu biǎoxiàn hěn hǎo
I think my son did not behave well yesterday
behavior - action
I bow to shen when he has good behavior
Wǒ de tàitài míngnián chūntiān (jiāng huì) qù táiwān
My wife will be going to Taiwan in the spring.
jiāng yú
this time (announce the news) - future time used
Cóng táiwān huí dào měiguó
Return to America from Taiwan
Wǒ yǒu xìngqù jìnyībù liǎojiě nín de gōngzuò.
I am interested in learning more about your work.
further (like further questions)
Jenny bo may have more questions if she falls down
Rúguǒ yǒu rènhé wèntí, qǐng jìnyībù ràng wǒ zhīdào
If you have any questions, please let me know further
Nǐ de háizi zàidú jǐ niánjí?
What grade is your child in?
du study
ne dú sheme
do you study - what major
what is your major - also study a book
do you study up there?
Wǒ de háizi zài shàng Yō-Zhì-Yuán
My child is in kindergarten
go on top to attend
Nǐ de háizi zài shàng yòuzhìyuán de shíhòu, tā de lǎoshī míngzì jiào shénme?
When you child was in kindergarten, what was the teacher’s name called
Wǒ de érzi zàidú (xiǎoxué) sì niánjí de shíhòu, tā de lǎoshī jiào Deedee
When my son was in the fourth grade (elementary school), his teacher was Deedee
de sì
Wǒmen jiāng bù huì cānjiā hūnlǐ
We will not attend the wedding
wedding - the Korean clothing store owners use to call Henry wedding on the flat table, then go up and down
Jiāng yú jīnnián, měiguó huì jǔxíng xuǎnjǔ
This time this year, there willb be an election in the United States
Wǒ bù quèdìng zìzhù cāntīng yǒu méiyǒu kāi
I am not sure buffet restrauant is open
chew ate the ding for sure as he fell down
the Jews ate the ding up and down before they decided
Nǐ quèdìng nǐ zuò hǎo juédìngle ma?
Are your sure you made a decision
zuò hǎo
completed the action
Nǐ zuò hǎo wǎncānle ma?
Nǐ zhǔ hǎo wǎncānle ma?
Did you make dinner yet?
the Jews go up and down to cook
Nǐ jiàng zài táiběi gélí duōjiǔ?
How long will you be in quarantine in Taipei?
I have to quarantine after I was up in the gullie
jiàng zài
will be
Ge ang will be here for a while before she falls down
I have to quarantine after I go up to the gully
I have to bow to yuan every time I whine
Wǒ jīntiān bìxū zǎodiǎn líkāi
I today must earlier leave
have to or must
The bees must fall down before we shoot them on the flat table
earlier a little
early times go up and down
Lee went up to get his kite on the flat table when leaving
Yīnwèi wǒ de érzi jīntiān huì zǎo yīdiǎn shàngkè
Because my son will go to class earlier today
Zhège xuéqí kuàiyào jiéshùle
this semester is about to end
It’s quite and yaw I am about done falling down
the jets go up and the shoot go down at the end of the battle
gee, who is almost on the flat road?
Wǒ jīhū kuài chī wán le
I almost about eating done