Household Duties Flashcards
aunt someone who does household chores - they take off like a plane
yòng shǒu xǐ
wash by hand
use the show she was watching while I wash up and down the dished
qítā(de) dōngxī
others, the rest
other things
the cheetah went up and sat on the flat rock with the rest of the animals
fàng zài zhèli
to put
to put here
xǐyījī lǐmiàn
washing machine
she eats with jean while she washes clothes up and down on the flat washing board
Tài zāng le
two of them can mom the flat floor
tūo dìbǎn
Dee fell down on the floor but the bond held as she bounded up and down
mop the floor
so, therefore
so I like to eat up and down the street
I’m in the way because I walked straight down the street then fell down
to clean
da sow cleaned up and down the pig pen
rúgǔa …de hùa
rúgǔa kěyǐ .de hùa
if it’s OK,
If - something de water falls down, if it’s OK
gee owe the zits go up and down when I eat dumplings
bīngxiāng lǐmiàn
inside the fridge
deo diaow…
throw is away
gowa chi
to expire
Zhè dōngxī yǐjīng guòqíle, wǒ juédé tā bù xīnxiān, qǐng nǐ bǎ tā diūdiào ba!
This thing has expired, I think it is not fresh(it means for food), please throw it away!
Ta can be people or thing..
ba means I am telling you to do something - you hope someone will do something
Bǎ tā chī diào
Eat your food
finish the physical action
Wǒ zài gōngzuò zhīqián
I do work before - before I go to work..ei chen is the same
qǐng bāng wǒ tàng yǐfu
my tongue can iron clothes.
Please iron the
clothes for me.
tàngwán yǐhò
after finished ironing
go out and hang the clothes downstairs
gùa zài gùizi li
the goo got into my eyes from my sits when I fell down in the wardrobe
household duties
the family of Wu has a lot of household duties, so many they fell down
detergent, washing powder.
she eats the fence up and down when she uses her washing detergent
vacuum cleaner
vacuum cleaners down cheat Chuck, but their qi goes down
aīyí, zhèxiē yīfu qǐng nǐ yòng shǒu xǐ, qítā de yīfu kěyǐ fàng zài xǐyījī lǐmiàn xǐ
Ayi ,please hand wash these clothes, the rest
can be washed in the washing machine.
hǎode, wǒ zhīdào le. Kētīng tài zāng le, wǒ xiān tūo yíxìa dìbǎn, ránhòu zài xǐ yīfu, hǎoma?
Alright, I understand. The living room is too
dirty, I will mop the floor first, and then I
will wash the clothes, is that ok?
kěyǐ, shūfáng jīntiān hěn gānjìng, suǒyǐ búyòng dǎsǎo
děng yíxìa, háiyào máfán nǐ qù cài shìchǎng bāng wǒ mai yìxiē shūcài
OK. The study room is very clean today, so
you don’t need to clean it. Later, I also
would like to ask you to go to the market and
buy some vegetables for me.
Rúgǔo yǒu ròu de hùa, yě b¯ng wǒ mǎi yì jīn. Wǎnshàng wǒmen kěyǐ zuò jiǎozi
If there is meat, also, please help me buy
half a kilo(one “jin”). We can make dumplings
Nǐ kàn, bīngxiāng lǐ de ròu bù xīnxiān le
Look! The meat in the fridge is not fresh!
Búyào le, diūdiào ba!
(We) don’t need it, throw it away!
níunǎi yǐjīng guòqī le, yě dīudiào ma?
The milk has already expired. Shall we also
throw it away?
máfán nǐ bāng wǒ tàng yíxià yīfu, hǎo ma?
Please help me to iron the clothes,ok?
Haode, qǐngwèn, tàngwán yǐhòu, yīfu fàng zài nǎlǐ
Sure, where should I put them after I finish
Qǐng guà zài guìzi lǐ
Please hang in the wardrobe.
Wǒ zùo fēijī lái Shànghǎi
I came to
Shanghai by an airplane( I took an airplane to come
to Shanghai).
Wǒ shì zuò fēijī lái shàngahi se
I will mean that I TOOK PLANE to
Shanghai, I will emphasize that I came to Shanghai
by plane, but not by train or boat for instance. (use of de)
táng shì tiánde or yán shì xián de
it’s kind of emphasized that sugar IS
sweet, and salt IS salty.
Nǐ shì měiguórén ne? háishì Fǎguórén ne?
is a particle used in questions, when you
want to inquire something from your partner after
answering his/her question or to reinforce the
Are you American or are you French?
Nǐ xǐhuān shénme dōngxi ne?
what stuff, things, do you like?)
Nǐ xiǎng chī shénme ne?
What do you want to eat?
Nǐ mǎi le shénme?
Wo mǎi le ròu
Wǒ chī le yígè píngguǒ
Wǒ rènshí píngguǒ
Wǒ rènshí le yígè piàoliàng de xiǎojiě
I met one pretty girl.
used after a verb to show a
realization or completion of an action.
What did you buy?
I bought meat.
If the verb with a particle “le” has an
object. This object usually has an attributive,
this attributive often is a numeral+measure
word, an adjective or a pronoun.
Below is the formula:
)-I ate one
apple.(p>inggu[o(蘋果)-an apple).
I met one pretty girl.
Wǒ méiyǒu mǎi píngguǒ
I didn’t buy apples. never use bù
xiàyǔ le
Tā lái le
If “le” appears at the end of the sentence, it
refers to the occurrence of a new change.
It started to rain.
She came, she is here now. She
wasn’t here before, now she is.
– even though
Gee Shiped up and down, even though I told him to stop
Jíshǐ wǒ gàosù nǐ yào jiǎn yīfú, nǐ háishì méi jiǎn
even though I told you to pick up your clothes, you still did not pick them up
– although