Dating And Relationships Flashcards
My eye fell down and bounced up with a qing, I love it!
I am with my sister in the flat table
Tā ga3ngíng he3n duō
He has a lot of feelings
I feel like I’ve gong up and down for jingle bells up there
I feel like I’ve gone up and down for jingle bells up there
Dùi Yo3u (méiyo3u) ga3nqíng
Tā dùi wo3 Yo3u ga3nqíng
He had feelings for me
Dùi Yo3u yìsi
Tā dùi wo3de péngyo3u Yo3u yìdia3n yìsi
To be interested in someone
He is a little bit interested in my friend
Yes interesting
She likes when I jump up and down the lie flat on the table
Yíjiàn zhōnggíng
Ni3 xiāngxìn Yíjiàn zhōnggíng ma?
Eating up with Jen as she falls down gee on the flat table it goes up with a ging! I loved it the first time I saw it!
Love at first sight
Do you believe in love at first site
Wu3 xiāngxìn ni3
To trust, to believe
I trust you
She’s on the flat table, and I trust the sheen so much I slid down
Yo3u Yuēhuì
Jīngtiān wa3nshàng wo3 Yo3u Yuēhuì
Date, appointment
To have a date
I have a date tonight
You waited for our date on the flat table then fell down
Nv3 péngyo3u
Nán péngyo3u
My girlfriend is new
Having a boyfriend is a non issues for me
Wo3 gēn tā jiāowa3ng le yìnián
To be dating or together
We were together for one year
Gee ouch we were on the table for our date, then we fell up and down and won
Wo3men jiāowa3ng yìnián jiù fēnsho3u le
Break up
We stayed together for one year then broke up
We had fun on the table then we showed everyone up and down the street we broke up
Yo3u kòng
Ni3 jīntiān wa3nshàng yo3u méiyo3u kòng?
To be free, to have time
Are you free tonight?
I had time to bounce my yo yo up and down until it feel on the ice cream cone
wo3men qù tiàowu3 ba!
let’s go dancing
tán liàn ài
tāmen zài tán liàn ài
to be in love
they are in love
tons of people go up to be in love but Leane fell down
wo3 xia3ng qīn ni3 yíxià
I want to kiss you
my chin wants to kiss you flat on the face
wo3 ke3ye3 we3n ni3 ma?
can I kiss you?
when can I kiss you up and down?
of course
of course Don was lying down then he ran up the road
how long
how long did it take to bring the doe up to Joe while he was bouncing up and down
ni3 àibúài wo3
do you love me or not?
dāngrán a! wo3 dāngrán he3n ài ni3, ni3 she wo3de wéiyī
of course, of course I love you very much. you are my only one
lái, wo3 lái qīn ne3 yíxià
come here, I come kiss you a little
ni3 gēn ni3 nánpéngyo3u fēnsho3u let? wèishénme?
you with your boyfriend broke up? why
you broke up with your boyfriend? why?
tā dùi wo3 yi3jīng méiyo3u ga3nqíng let.
he me already had no feelings
he has no feelings for me already
tài ke3xī le
that’s too bad
wo3de péngyo3u zài tán liàn aì, tā gēn to nv3 péngyo3u Yíjiàn zhōngqíng
my friend is in love. he and his girlfriend are in love at first sight..
tāmen jiāowa3ng duójiu3 le?
how long have they been together?
dàgài yìnián ba.
about one year
to be doing something. to be in or at
wo3 zài chīfàn
to zài shùijiào
I am eating
he is sleeping
to be in the middle of something
In June the bait is always prepared by falling down
Zhǔnbèi hǎole
Yīqǐ xiǎngshòu
enjoy together
together, I like to show how I fall down