Working class discontent 1812-32 Flashcards
What did working class discontent stem from at this time?
The demoralising effects of the revolution in agriculture and continuing industrialisation
Describe the negative consequences of enclosure
It destroyed the livelihood of small farmers and created a new class and landless labourers, who were either forced to rely on poor relief or move to the closest industrial town in search of factory work
What did industrialisation bring into being?
A new industrial labour force that had to adapt to a harsher and more disciplined way of working within the factory
Why did many industrial workers think that rising real wages were inconsequential?
The gruelling conditions and unsatisfactory living arrangements caused underlying resentment
How did social relations change as a result of industrialisation?
The wealthier middle classes segregated themselves of on the outskirts while the labouring poor lived on the dingy over crowded back streets. This was very different to the ‘personal communication’ that existed within the rural system where there was a mutual respect between the village squire and the farmhand, no matter how begrudging
What was the consequence of this separation of the classes in the manufacturing towns?
Deference began to disappear, with Briggs pointing out that there was ‘more opportunity for restlessness and organised discontent’
What was working class discontent most closely related to?
The state of the economy
How did industry progress?
In trade cycles of boom and bust, rather than just increasing steadily
What happened during economic slumps?
Trade and industry declined, employers cut back on production and either lowered wages or dismissed the workforce
What made the economic situation worse?
Periodic bad harvests, as this meant that bread, the staple foodstuff, increased in price. This meant that there was hunger and unemployment
Describe the existing system of poor relief in one word?
What was poor relief still based on?
The old Speenhamland System
What was the problem with basing poor relief on the Speenhamland System at this time?
It was completely inadequate to cope with the huge rise in population - completely ceasing to function in large towns. It didn’t even work on farms anymore, as farmers simply reduced the wages of an agricultural labourer to the point that they could qualify for poor relief
How did discontent manifest itself at this time?
Mostly in spontaneous outbreaks of disorder, which sometimes turned into rioting where the local militia were called and arrests were made
Describe the harsh punishments at this time
The death penalty or transportation for life
What was the consequence of these harsh punishments?
It did not stop the protests, but further demoralised the poor
What stirred up the working classes even more at this time?
Radical agitators with their own reform agendas
Give some examples of working class discontent and disorder at this time
- Luddism and the Luddite riots
- The 1816 demonstrations at Spa Fields
- The March of the Blanketeers
- The Peterloo Massacre