Work Flashcards
what are the employment rates in work?
men work more than women
What is the influx?
contribution to women`s movement, more entrance into the workforce than from education for financial need.
What is the best predictor of employment?
used to be the number of children a woman has but now its the number of years of education
What is the use of the median when computing the wage gap?
it gives more of a representative picture of actual wages or salaries
What are the findings in the swedish medical study?
women had to be twice as productive as men to be promoted
What are the findings in the academic publication study?
both men, women reviewed joan academic publication less favorably than john.
How do we see women`s employment and marriage?
husbands well being depends on wife
s work, job oriented wives contribute greater well being
How do we see women’s employment and children and childcare?
not harmful, children of working moms have fewer gender stereotypes
How do we see fathers childcare?
if dad plays a role kids are better adjusted, and have better cognitive, social skills
How do we see women`s employment and division of labor?
through relative power, gender attitudes
What is relative power?
power being linked to work-related resources
What are gender attitudes?
when couple holds traditional attitudes you see strict division of labor/roles
What is a role strain?
a costs due to the stress one experiences by having multiple roles
What is a role overload?
a costs due to the demands that exceed available time/energy
What is interole conflict?
a costs due to incompatible demands that stem from multiple roles
What is enhanced hypothesis?
a benefit due to having multiple roles enhance self-esteem, social status, competence in multiple domains and other benefits.
What is buffering?
a benefit due to using one role to minimize the strain of other roles.
What are the types of discrimination?
access, treatment
What is access discrimination?
preventing access to a job/ occupation occurs when job is gendered,
What is treatment discrimination?
discrimination faced after being hired ex wage gap, comparable worth, sexual harassment, promotion.
What is comparable worth?
response to wage gap, the attitude that men, women should be paid according to their worth regardless of differences in jobs.
What is sexual harassment?
unwelcome verbal or physical behavior in workplace?
what is the glass ceiling?
invisible barrier keeping women from being promoted into higher level positions
What is the glass escalator?
quick upward mobility of men in non-traditional occupations.