Words to look for on Exam & their meaning Flashcards
PROBLEM - “Risk of”
Health problem or condition
PROGRAM - “Risk of”
Program goal
EVALUATION - “Risk of”
Outcome Variables
PROBLEM - “Among”
PROGRAM - “Among”
Intervention Group
PROBLEM - “As demonstrated in”
Health indicators
PROGRAM - “As demonstrated in”
Program objectives
EVALUATION - “As demonstrated in”
Outcome & impact variables
PROBLEM - “Resulting from causal factors”
Specific processes, conditions, & factors
PROGRAM - “Resulting from causal factors”
Interventions or treatments for intended population
EVALUATION - “Resulting from causal factors”
Outcome evaluation
PROBLEM - “But is mediated by”
Factors that must be present for health problem to occur
PROGRAM - “But is mediated by”
Possible intervention
EVALUATION - “But is mediated by”
Possible control variables
PROBLEM - “Given moderation of the causes by”
Factors that increase or decrease potency of causative factors
PROGRAM - “Given moderation of causes by”
Possible intervention
EVALUATION - “Given moderation of the causes by”
Possible control variables
PROBLEM - “And required antecedent factors of”
Sociodemographic characteristics & social ecological factors
PROGRAM - “And required antecedent factors of”
Program eligibility criteria
EVALUATION - “And required antecedent factors of”
Control variables or comparison groups