WK9-Clear Heat from Organs Flashcards
What is the action for Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang?
Facilitates the flow of LU qi, ,clears heat, calms wheezing by directing rebellious qi downward
What are the herbs in Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang?
Ma huang
Shi Gao
Xing Ren
Zhi Gan Cao
What is the english for Yue Bi Tang?
Maidservant from Yue
What is the action of Maidservant from Yue?
Releases the exterior through diaphoresis and eliminates water accumulation for Generalized edema and aversion to wind.
What are the herbs in Yue Bi Tang?
Ma Huang - Ephedra Herba Shi Gao - Gypsum Fibrosum Sheng Jiang - Zingiberis Rhizoma recens Gan Cao - Glycyrrhizae Radix Da Zao - Jujubae Fructus
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang and Yue Bi Tang share many herbs, what makes them different?
Yue Bi Tang is Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang plus the three amigos (Da Zao, Sheng Jiang and Gan Cao) minus Xing Ren.
Without the Xing Ren - Yue Bi Tang is less balanced, but also is allowed to disperse more strongly.
What is the english for Xie Bai San?
Drain the White Powder
What is the action of Drain the White powder?
Drain heat from the LU and calm wheezing.
What herbs are in Xie Bai San?
Sang Bai Pi (chao)- Mori Cortex - dry fried
Di Gu Pi - Lycii Cortex
Zhi Gan Cao - Glycyrrhizae Radix
Jing Mi - Oryzae Fructus - non glutinous rice
What is the pediatric equivalent of Bai Hu Tang?
Xie Bai San -
a replenishing congee
but it cools and drains MILDLY - so it is good for kids or elderly showing the four bigs Sx
What is the english for Xie Huang San?
Drain the Yellow Powder
What is the action for Drain the Yellow Pattern?
clears smoldering fire from the SP and ST
What are the herbs in Drain the Yellow Powder?
Shi Gao - Gypsum Fibrosum Zhi Zi - Gardeniae Fructus Fang Feng - Saposhnikoviae Radix Huo Xiang Ye - Pogostemonis/Agastaches Folium Gan Cao - Glycyrrhizae Radix
Which herbs in Xie Huang San move up and which down?
Shi Gao
Fang Feng
Huo Xiang Ye
move up
Zhi Zi
moves down
impt because the up and down action is addressing the transformation and transportation function of the ST (down) and SP (up) this formula is mostly addressing transformation - which is up. The imbalance of the digestion is because the patient cannot lift. Uses less cold herbs to not bog down the Qi - which is already stagnated as evidenced by the HEAT
What is the english for Qing Wei San?
Clear the ST poweder
What is the action of Qing Wei San?
Drain ST fire, cool the blood, nourish the yin
What are the herbs in Clear the ST Powder?
Huang Lian - Coptidis Rhizoma Sheng Ma - Cimicifugae Rhizoma Mu Dan Pi - Moutan Cortex Shend Di Huang - Rehmanniae Radix Dang Gui - Angelicae Sinensis Radix
What is the english for Yu Nu Jian?
Jade Woman Decoction
What is the action of Yu Nu Jian?
drains heat from the ST and nourishes the Yin
What are the herbs in Jade Woman Decoction?
Shi Gao - Gypsum Fibrosum Shu Di Huang - Rehmanniae Radix preparata Zhi Mu - Anemarrhenae Rhizoma Mai Men Dong - Ophiopogonis Radix Niu Xi - Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix
How does Yu Nu Jian differ in its ST heat clearing from Qing Wei San or Xie Huang San?
Jade woman is more for a yin/fluid deficiency causing dryness than from an excess yang-ming heat like in Qing Wei San or disharmony of qi and T&T breakdown in Xie Huang Tang
What is the english for Dao Chi San?
Guide out the Red Powder
What is the action of Guide out the Red Poweder?
Clears heat from the Heart and promotes urination
What are the herbs in Dao Chi San?
Sheng Di Huang - Rehmanniae Radix
Mu Tong - Akebia Caulis
Dan Zhu Ye - Lophatheri Herba
Gan Cao (shao) Glycyrrhizae Radix
What is the english for Long Dan Xie Gan Tang?
Gentian Decoction to Drain the Liver
What is the action of Long Dan Xie Gan Tang?
Drains excess fire from the LV and GB and clears and drains damp-heat from the lower burner.
What are the herbs in Gentainae Decoction to Drain the Liver?
Long Dan Cao - Gentianae Radix Huang Qin - Scutellariae Radix Zhi Zi - Gardiniae Fructus Mu Tong - Akebia Caulis Che Qian Zi - Plantaginis Semen Ze Xie - Alismatis Rhizoma Chai Hu - Bupleuri Radix Sheng Di Huang - Rehmanniae Radix Dang Gui - Angelicae Sinensis Radix Gan Cao - Glycyrrhizae Radix
What is the english for Zuo Jin Wan?
Left Metal Pill
What is the action for Left Metal Pill?
Clears LV heat, directs rebellious Qi downward and stops vomiting.
What is the action of Pulsatilla Decoction?
Clears heat, resolves toxicity, cools the blood and alleviates dysenteric disorders.
What are the herbs in Bai Tou Weng Tang?
Bai Tou Wneg - Pulsatillae Radix
Huang Lian - Coptidis Rhizoma
Huang Bai - Phellodendri Cortex
Qin Pi - Fraxini Cortex
What are the herbs in Zuo Jin Wan?
Huang Lian - Coptidis Rhizoma
Evodiae Fructus - Wu Zhu Yu
What are the herbs in Peony Decoction?
sha yao - Paeoniae Radix Dang Gui - Angelica Sinensis Radix Zhi Gan Cao - Glycyrrhizae Radix preparata Mu Xiang - Aucklandiae Radix Bing Lang - Arecae Semen Huang lIan - Coptidis Rhizoam Huang Qin - Scutellariae Radix Da Huang - Rhei Radix et Rhizoma Rou Gui - Cinnamomi Cortex
This diagnosis: “Heat Lodged in the Lungs” is for which formula?
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang - focuses on clearing heat and directing qi downward. It is especially useful in children.
Sx - fever w or wo sweating, thirst, whieexing, coughing, labored breathing, nasal flaring and pain. TONGUE thin and white or yellow coat. PULSE: rapid and either floating or slippery
This diagnosis: “Lurking Fire Due to Constrained heat in the Lungs” is for which formula?
Xie Bai San - commonly used to treat children
Sx - couging, wheezing, fever, skin that feel hot to touch, (all worse in afternoon), dry mouth, little sputum. TONGUE: red w yellow coat PULSE: rapid, thin
This diagnosis: “Lurking fire in the Spleen” is for which formula?
Xie Huang San - also treats tongue thrusting in children and yellowing of the sclera due to SP heat.
Sx - mouth ulcers, bad breath, thirst, freq hunger, dry mouth and lips. TONGUE: red, PULSE: rapid
this diagnosis: “Heat accumulation in the Stomach” is for which formula?
Qing Wei San - also treats bleeding/sores of the gums and swollen painful tongue, lips or jaw. Areas of pain like cold and dislike heat.
Sx - toothache extending to head, facial swelling, fever, bad breath, dry mouth. TONGUE: red w little coat, PULSE: slipper, large, rapid
this diagnosis: “KD yin def w vigorous ST Fire” belongs to which formula?
Yu Nu Jian - for wasting and thirsting disorder form def.
Sx - toothache, loose teeth, bleeding gums, frontal HA, irritability, fever, thirst for cold, TONGUE dry, red w yellow coat. PULSE: slippery, def and large
This diagnosis: “Heat in the HT and SI channels” is for which formula?
Dao Chi San - Also used for dark, scanty, rough and painful urination or even blood in the urine.
Sx - irritability w a sensation of heat in the chest, thirst w a desire for cold, red face, possible sores around mouth. TONGUE: red, PULSE: rapid
This diagnosis: “heat excess in the LV and/or GB channels” is for which formula?
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang - also for difficult, painful urination w a sensation of heat in the urethra.
Sx - pain in the hypochondria, HA, dizziness, red and sore eyes, hearing loss, swelling in the ears, bitter taste, irritability, short temper. PULSE: wire, rapid, forceful, TONGUE: red w yellow coat
This diagnosis: “LV and ST disharmony from heat in the LV channel” is for which formula?
Zuo Jin Wan - focuses on draining LV heat and clearing the ST fire.
Sx - hypochondriac pain, indeterminate gnawing hunger, epigastirc focal distention, vomiting, acid reflux, bitter taste, dry mouth, TONGUE: red w a yellow coat, PULSE: rapid, wiry
This diagnosis: “dysenteric disorder due to damp-heat lodged in the Intestines” is for which formula?
Shao Yao Tang - combined focus on clearing damp-heat and regulating the qi.
Sx - abdo pain, tenesmus, difficulty w defecation, diarrhea w pus and blood, burning sensation around anus, dark, scanty urine, TONGUE: greasy yellow coat, PULSE: rapid
This diagnosis: “hot dysenteric disorder due to heat toxin searing the ST and intestines” is for which formula?
Bai Tou Weng Tang - for terminal yin-warp dysenteric disorders due to heat. Also treats painful or bloody urinary disfunction and acute eye disorders.
Sx - abdo pain, tenesmus, burning sensation around anus, diarrhea w more blood than pus, thirst. TONGUE: red w yellow coat, PULSE: wiry rapid
What is the action of Shao Yao Tang?
regulates and harmonizes the qi and blood, clears heat, dries dampness and resolves toxicity