WK13-Harmonize Flashcards
What traditional text is Xiao Chai Hu Tang from?
Shan Han Lun
minor bubleurum decoction
What is the action of Xiao Chai Hu Tang?
Minor Bupleurum Decoction
Harmonizes and releases lesser yang-stage disorders
What herbs are in Minor Bupleurum Decoction?
Chai Hu - Bupleuri Radix Huang Qin - Scutellariae Radix Ban Xia - Pinelliae Rhizoma Sheng Jiang - Zingiberris Rhizoma recens Ren Shen - Ginseng Radix zhi Gan Cao - Glycyrhizzae Radix, honey-fried Da Zao - Jujubae Fructus -Xiao Chai Hu Tang-
On which level does Xiao Chai Hu Tang work?
addresses exterior and interior, is hot and cold, has tonifying and draining herbs - but all qi level herbs.
What is the action of Bupleurum and Cinnamon Twig Decoction? (Chai Hu Gui Zhi tang)
Releases the muscle layer and exterior and harmonizes and releases lesser yang-warp disorders.
What are the herbs in Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang?
Gui Zhi Huang Qin Ren Shen Gan Cao Zhi Ban Xia Sha Yao Chai Ju Sheng Jiang Da Zao
What two formulas are combined to make Bupleurum and Cinnamon Twig Decoction?
Xiao Chai Hu tang
Gui Zhi Tang
What is the action of Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang? (Sweet Wormwood and Scutellaria Decoction to Clear the Gallbladder)
Clears Gallbladder heat, harmonizes the ST Qi and transforms phlegm
What are the herbs in Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang?
Qing Hao - Artemisiae Annuae Herba Huang Qin - Scutellariae Radix Zhu Ru - Bambusae Caulis in Taeneum Zhi Ke - Aurrantii Fructus Chen Pi - Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium -Sweet Wormwood and Scutellaria Decoction to Clear the Gallbladder- Ban Xia - Pinelliae Rhizoma Chi Fu Ling - Poria Rubra Bi Yu San - Jasper Powder
What is the action of Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang? Bupleurum plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell Decoction
Unblocks the three yang warps, and sedates and calms the spirit
What are the herbs in Bupleurum plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell Decoction?
Chai Hu - Bupleuri Radix Huang Qin - Scutellariae Radix Zhi Ban Xia - Pinelliae Rhizoma Preparata Ren Shen - Ginseng Radix Sheng Jiang - Zingiberis Rhizoma recens Da Zao - Jujubae Fructus Gui Zhi - Cinnamomi Ramulus Fu Ling - Poria Long Gu - Fossilia Ossis Mastodi Mu Li - Ostreae Concha Qian Dan - Minium (lead) Da Huang - Rhei Radix et Rhizoma -Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang-
What is the action of Si Ni San? (Frigid Extremities Powder)
Vents pathogenic influences, releases constraint, spreads the LV qi, regulates the SP
What are the herbs in Frigid Extremities Powder?
Chai Hu - Bupleuri Radix Zhi Shi - Aurantii Fructus Immaturus Bai Shao - Paeoniae Radix Alba zhi Gan Cao - Glycyrrhizae Radix -Si Ni San-
What is the action of Xiao Yao San? (Rambling Powder)
spreads the LV Qi , strengthens the SP and nourishes the blood
What are the herbs in Xiao Yao San?
Chai Hu - Bupleuri Radix
Dang Gui - Angelicae Sinensis Radix
Bai Shao - Paeoniae Radix Alba
Bai Zhu - Attractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma
Fu Ling - Poria
zhi Gan Cao - Glycyrrhizae Radix, honey fried
+ roasted Zingiberis Rhizoma
+ Menthae Haplocalycis Herba
1st ingredients ground as a powder, taken in a draft of ginger mint tea
-Rambling Powder-
How does Jia Wei Xiao Yao San differ from Xiao Yao San?
Xiao Yao San: Dan Gui Shao Yao Fu Ling Bai Zhu (chao) Chai Hu zhi Gan Cao \+ Mu Dan Pi Zhi Zi colder than original formula to clear heat - spreads the LV Qi, strenthens the SP, nourishes the Blood, clears heat.
What is the action of Tong Xie Yao Fang? (Important Formuyla for Painful Diarrhea)
spreads the LV Qi and tonifies the SP
What are the ingredients of Important Formula For Painful Diarrhea?
Chao Bai Zhu Chao Bai Shao Chao Chen Pi Fang Feng -Tong Xie Yao Fang-
What is the action of Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang? (Pinellia Decoction to Drain the Epigastrium)
harmonizes the ST, directs rebellious qi downward, disperses clumping and eliminates focal distention
What are the herbs in Pinellia Decoction to Drain the Epigastrium?
Ban Xia Gan Jiang Huang Qin Huang Lian Ren Shen Da Zao Gan Cao -Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang-
What classic text is Pinellia Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang - Decoction to Drain the Epigastrium from? What other formula does it resemble?
From Shan Han Lun. Similar to Xiao Chai Hu Tang: Chia hu -(sub)- Huang Lian Sheng Jiang -(sub)- Gan Jiang Zhi Ban Xia Huang Qin Ren Shen Da Zao Zhi Gan Cao so it is hotter and colder
What is the action of Reach the Source Drink? (Da Yuan Yin)
Opens the membrane source by thrusting out pathogens, clears away filth and transforms turbidity
What are the herbs in Da Yuan Yin?
Cao Guo - Tsaoko Frucuts Hou Po - Magnoliae Officinalis Cortex Bing Lang - Arecae Semen Huang Qin - Scutellariae Radix Zhi Mu - Anemarrhenae Rhizoma Bai Shao - Paeoniae Radix Alba Gan Cao - Glycyrrhizae Radix -Reach the Source Drink-
The Diagnosis: lesser yang warp disorder is for which formula?
minor bupleurum decoction - Xiao Chai Hu Tang
indications: alternating fever and chills, dry throat, bitter taste, irritability, fullness in the chest and hypochondria, nausea and vomiting, being downcast w no desire to eat, a thin white tongue coating and a wiry pulse
notes: also indicated for a wide range of disorders including heat entering the blood chamber
The Diagnosis: Damp-heat and turbid phlegm in the lesser yang channels constraining the protective and nutritive qi is for which formula?
Sweet Wormwood and Scutellaria Decoction to Clear the GB - Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang
Indications: mild chills alternating with pronounced fever, bitter taste, spitting up bitter or sour fluids, thirst, distention and pain in the chest and hypochondria, a red tongue with a thick greasy white and or yellow coating, and a rapid pulse that is slippery on the right and wiry on the left.
notes: also treats lesser yang channel damp-heat Sx such as tinnitus or urinary obstruction and systemic damp-heat manifestations like night sweats
The Diagnosis: Problems in all three of the yang channels is for which formula?
Bupleurum plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell Decoction - Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang
Indications: fullness in the chest, irritability, palpitations, urinary difficulty, constipation, delirious speech, sensation of heaviness, a red tongue w a slipper coating and a wiry rapid pulse
Notes: a pattern characterized by excess as well as deficiency w Sx in all three burners and in all yang organs
The Diagnosis: Yang or Hot Type inversion due to internal constraint of yang qi is for which formula?
Frigid Extremities Powder - Si Ni San
Indications: cold fingers and toes with a warm head and body, a sensation of irritability and fullness in the chest and epigastrium, cough, urinary difficulty, abdo pain, and severe diarrhea, a red tongue w a yellow coating and a wiry pulse
Notes: also used to treat various digestive problems due to LV Sp disharmony
The Diagnosis: LV constraint w blood deficiency and a frail spleen is for which formula?
Rambling Powder - Xiao Yao San
Indications: Hypochondriac pain, HA, vertigo, bitter taste in the mouth, dry mouth and throat, fatigue reduced appetite, a pale-red tongue and a wiry deficient pulse
Notes: commonly used in internal medicine and in the treatment of women’s disorders
The Diagnosis: Painful diarrhea due to SP def w an over controlling LV is for which formula?
Important Formula for Painful Diarrhea - Tong Xie Yao Fang
Indications: recurrent problems of borborygmus, abdo pain, diarrhea w pain (which starts w the urge to defecate and subsides after completion), a thin white tongue coating and a wiry moderate or wiry thin pulse
Notes: especially useful in treating chronic diarrhea and diarrhea in deficient patients or elderly
The Diagnosis: Clumping of Heat and fluids in the epigastrium is for which formula?
Pinellia Decoction to Drain the Epigastrium - Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang
Indications: epigastric focal distention, fullness and tightness w very slight or no pain, dry heaves or vomiting, borborygmus w diarrhea, reduced appetite, a thing yellow and greasy tongue coating that may be red at the tip, a wiry rapid pulse
Notes: This pattern is referred to as clumping together of cold and heat
The Diagnosis: Epidemic Malarial Disorder is for which formula?
Reach the Source Drink - Da Yuan Yin
Indications: alternating fever and chills (both strong) occurring 1-3 times a day at irregular intervals, nausea or vomiting, headache, irritability, scanty and turbid urine, a tongue w deep-red edges and a thick, foul and pasty coating and a wiry, rapid pulse.
notes: focuses on releasing pathogens by transforming turbidity in the membrane source, also used to treat influenza