WK7,8,9 - Clear Heat Comparative Table Flashcards
the diagnosis: “Qi-level heat lingering in the LU and ST” is for which formula?
Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang - Lophatherum and Gypsum Decoction
Action: clears heat, generates fluids, augments the qi and harmonizes the ST.
Dan Zhu Ye, Shi Gao, Ren Shen, Mai Men Dong, zhi Ban Xia, zhi Gan Cao, Jing Mi
the diagnosis: “Blazing heat in the yang brightness channel warp” is for which formula?
Bai Hu Tang - White Tiger Decoction
Actions: clears qi-level heat, drains ST fire, generates fluids and alleviates thirst.
Shi Gao, Zhi Mu, zhi Gan Cao, Jing Mi
the diagnosis: “Qi-level heat lingering in the superficial aspects of the yang brightness warp (the muscles and chest)” is for which formula?
Zhi Zi Chi Tang - Gardenia and Prepared Soybean Decoction
Action: clears heat and alleviates restlessness and irritability
Zhi Zi, Dan Dou Chi
the diagnosis: “Heat entering the nutritive level” is for which formula?
Qing Ying Tang - Clear the Nutritive-Level Decoction
Action: clears the nutritive level, relieves fire toxin, drains heat, nourishes the Yin.
Shui Niu Jiao, Xuan Shen, Sheng Di Huang, Mai Men Dong, Jin Yin Hua, Lian Qiao, Huang Lian, Dan Zhu Ye, Dan Shen
the diagnosis: “Heat entering the blood level” is for which formula?
Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang - Rhinocerus Horn and Rehmannia Decoction
action: clears heat, resolves fire toxicity, cools the blood, nourishes the yin, dispels blood stasis, stops bleeding.
Shui Niu Jiao, Sheng Di Huang, Shao Yao, Mu Dan Pi
the diagnosis: “severe obstruction of the three burners by fire toxin” is for which formula?
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang - Coptis Decoction to Resolve Toxicity
Action: drains fire and resolves toxicity.
Huang Liang, Huang Qin, Huang Bai, Zhi Zi
the diagnosis: “Damp-heat excess with interior clumping” is for which formula?
Xie Xin Tang - Drain the Epigastrium Decoction
Action: drains fire, resolves toicity and dries dampness.
Da Huang, Huang Lian, Huang Qin
the diagnosis: “Epidemic toxin associated with wind-heat and damp-phlegm” is for which formula?
Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin - Universal Benefit Drink to Eliminate Toxin action: clears heat, eliminates fire toxin, disperses wind-heat. Huang Qin Huang LIan Ren Shen Niu Bang Zi Lian Qiao Bo He chao Jiang Can Xuan Shen Ma Bo Ban Lan Gen Jie Geng Gan Cao Ju Hong Chai Hu Sheng Ma
the diagnosis: “unformed blazing heat in the upper burner and formed accumulation in the middle burner” is for which formula?
Liang Ge San - Cool the Diaphragm Powder
Action: drains fire and unblocks thebowels by clearing the upper burner and draining the middle burner.
Da Huang, Mang Xiao, Gan Cao, Huang Qin, Zhi Zi, Lian Qiao, Bo He
the diagnosis: “severe fire in the qi and blood levels” is for which formula?
Qing Wen Bai Du Yin - CLear Epidemics and OVercome Toxicity Drink Actions: clears heat, resolves toxicity, cools the blood and drains fire Shi Gao Sheng DI Huang Huang Lian Shui Niu Jiao Zhi Zi Jie Geng Huang Qin Zhi Mu Chi Shao Xuan Shen Lian Qiao Dan Zhu Ye Gan Cao Mu Dan Pi
the diagnosis: “heat lodged in the LU” is for which formula?
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang - Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum and Licorice Decoction
Actions: facilitates the flow of LU Qi, CLears heat and calms wheezing by directing rebellious Qi Downward.
Ma Huang, She Gao, Xing Ren, Zhe Gan Cao
the diagnosis: “Lurking fire due to constrained heat in the LU” is for which formula?
Xie Bai San - Drain the White Powder
remarks: commonly used to treat children aka kids bai hu tang
Actions: Drains heat from the LU and calms wheezing
chao Sang Bai Pi, Di Gu Pi, zhi Gan Cao, Jing Mi
the diagnosis: “lurking fire in the SP” is for which formula?
Xie Huang San - Drain the Yellow Powder
Actions: Clears lurking fire from the SP and ST.
Shi Gao, Zhi Zi, chao Fang Feng, Huo Xiang Ye, Gan Cao
the diagnosis: “Heat acuumulation in the ST” is for which formula?
Qing Wei San - Clear the ST Powder
Actions: drains the ST fire, cools the blood, nourishes the Yin.
Huang Lian, Sheng Ma, Mu Dan Pi, Sheng Di Huang, Dang Gui shen
the diagnosis: “KD Yin def w vigorous ST fire” is for which formula?
Yu Nu Jian - Jade Woman Decoction
Actions: Drains heat from th eST and nourishes the Yin.
Shi Gao, Shu Di Huang, Zhi Mu, Mai Men Dong, Niu Xi
the diagnosis: “Heat in the HT and SI channels” is for which formula?
Dao Chi San - Guide Out the Red Powder
Actions: Clears the HT and promotes urination.
Sheng Di Huang, Mu Tong, Dan Zhu Ye, Gan Cao shao
the diagnosis: “Heat excess in the LV a/o GB channels” is for which formula?
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang - Gentian Decoction to Drain the LV Actions: drains fire excess from the LV and GB and clears and drains damp-heat from the lower burner. Long Dan Cao chao Huang Qin Zhi Zi Mu Tong Che Qian Zi Ze Xie Chai Hu Sheng Di Huang Jiu Xi Dang Gui Gan Cao
the diagnosis: “LV and ST disharmony from heat in the LV channel” is for which formula?
Zuo Jin Wan - Left Metal Pill
Actions: clears LV heat, directs rebellious qi downward and stops vomiting.
Huang Lian, Wu Zhu Yu
the diagnosis: “dysenteric disorder due to damp-heat lodged in the Intestines” is for which formula?
Shao Yao Tang - Peony Decoction Actions: Regulates and harmonizes the Qi and Blood, clears heat, dires dampness and resolves toxicity. Shao Yao Dan Gui zhi Gan Cao Mu Xiang Bing Lang Huang Liang Huang Qin Da Huang Rou Gui
the diagnosis: “Hot Dysenteric disorder due to heat toxin searing the ST and Intestines” is for which formula?
Bai Tou Weng Tang - Pulsatilla Decoction
ACtions: Clears heat, resolves toicity, cools the blood and alleviates dysenteric disorders
Bai Tou Weng, Huang LIan, Huang Bai, Qin Pi
the diagnosis: “heat lurking in the yin aspects of the body” is for which formula?
Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang - Sweet Wormwood and Soft-shelled Turtle Shell Decoction
Actions: Nourishes the yin and vents heat.
Bie Jia, Qing Hao, Sheng Di Huang, Zhi Mu, Mu Dan Pi
the diagnosis: “Steaming bone disorder due to LV and KD Yin Def” is for which formula?
Qing Gu San - Cool the Bones Powder
Actions: Clers heat from deficiency and alleviates steaming bone disorder.
Yin Chai Hu, ZHi My, Hu Huang Lian, Di Gu Pi, Qing Hao, QIn Jiao, cu chao Bie Jia, Gan cao
the diagnosis: “raging fire in the interior w def of blood and yin” is for which formula?
Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang - Tangkuei and Six-Yellow Decoction
Actions: Enriches the Yin, drains fire, stabilizes the exterior and stops sweating.
Dang Gui, Sheng Di Huang, Shi Di Huang, Huang Lian , Huang Qin, Huang Bai, Huang Qi