WK12-DD moisten intestines&unblock bowels, simult attack and tonify, drive out excess water Flashcards
What are the herbs in Run Chang Wan?
Huo Ma Ren - Canabis Semen Tao Ren - Persicae Semen Dang Gui - Angelicae Sinensis Radix Sheng Di Huang - Rehmanniae Radix Zhi Ke - Aurantii Fructus -Moinsten the Intestines Pill from Master Shen's Book-
Moisten the Intestines Pill from Master Shen’s Book has what action?
Moistens the intestines and unblocks the bowels.
Run Chang Wan
Formulas that Moisten the Intestines and Unblock the Bowels.
What kind of constipation is Moisten the Intestines Pill from Master Shen’s Book - Run Chang Wan mostly for?
YIN DEFICIENCY CONSTIPATION - constipation associated with debility
Dr Pi adds: this would be good for all deficiency except Qi and Yang - because it is too moving (dang gui and zhi ke move up - but the rest move down)
What are the two different kinds of blood deficiency according to Dr Pai’s lecture?
- poor circulation - manifesting in poor circulation to the extremities presents with cold signs. (this is more qi and yang deficiency than actually having a lack of blood)
- actual LACK of blood - not creating enough blood - this can be a yin deficiency - which would present with heat signs - but is actually blood deficiency.
Which formula is from the Shan Han Lun?
Hemp Seed Pill - Ma Zi Ren Wan
What is the action of Hemp Seed Pill?
Moistens the Intestines, drains heat, promotes the movement of Qi, and unblocks the bowels.
-Ma Zi Ren Wan -
Formulas thet Moisten the Intestines and Unblock the Bowels
What herbs are in Ma Zi Ren Wan?
Huo ma Ren - Canabis Semen
Xing Ren - Armeniacae Semen
Shao Yao - Paoniae Radix
Zhi Zhi Shi - Aurantii Fructus immaturus preparata
Zhi Hou Po - Magnoliae officinalis preparata
Da Huang - Rehi Radix et Rhizoma
-Hemp Seed Pill-
What formula is contained within Hemp Seed Pill? Why would you pick one over the other?
Xiao Cheng Qi Tang -
Da Huang
Zhi Zhi Shi
Zhi Hou Po
The addition of Huo Ma Ren and Xing Ren make Ma Zi Ren Wan more lubricating, the lesser dosage of Zhi Shi and Hou Po make it milder- but it is still for EXCESS conditions.
Xiao Cheng Qi Tang is for Yang Ming Bowel Patterns
Ma Zi Ren Wan is for Spleen Bind
Hemp Seed pill is for constipation w hard stool that is difficult to expel caused by heat-dryness blocking the physiological movement of fluids in the spleen [qi stagnation] . What is this condition called in TCM? Is it an excess or deficiency pattern?
Spleen Bind
Excess Condition
What is the action of Benefit the River [Flow] Decoction?
Warms the KD, nourishes the blood, augments the essence, moistens the Intestines and unblocks the bowels.
Ji Chuan Jian
Formulas that Moisten the Intestines and Unblock the Bowels
What are the herbs in Ji Chuan Jian?
Jiu Cong Rong - Cistanches Herba (wine prepared) Dang Gui - Angelicae Sinensis Radix Niu Xi - Achyranthis Radix Ze Xie - Alismatis Rhizoma Zhi Ke - Aurantii Fructus Sheng Ma - Cimicifugae Rhizoma -Benefit the River [Flow] Decoction
What kind of constipation does Benefit the River [Flow] Decoction - Ji Chuan Jian treat?
Yang Deficiency constipation.
This formula tonifies the KD - while moistening and moving. But it is not a draining formula.
What is the action of Yellow Dragon Decoction?
Purges heat from the interior and supports the normal qi.
Huang Long Tang
Formulas that Simulataneously Attack and Tonify
The herbs in Yellow Dragon Decoction - Huang Long Tang are divided into three disting groups - what are they?
Da Cheng Xi Tang: Da Huang, Mang Xiao, Hou Po, Zhi Shi
Tonifing herbs: Ren Shen, Dang Gui, Jie Geng
3 Amigos: Sheng Jiang, Da Zao, Gan Cao
Is Yellow Dragon Decoction for constipation or diarrhea?
green, watery, foul-smelling diarrhea from heat excess in the interior with qi and blood deficiency. “heat clumping with circumfluence” - the body is trying to eliminate the acuumulation.
How do the herbs in the Yellow Dragon Decoction - Huang Long Tong function?
the Da Cheng Qi Tang portion purges the accumulation - but the yin nourishing herbs help prevent further injury to qi and fluids. The Jie Geng functions to move up in oppostion to the strong downward movement of the Da Cheng Qi Tang allowing clumping to be eliminated without cuasing a collapse of the middle qi.
Why is “delierious speech” and indication for using Yellow Dragon Decoction?
Delirious speech is a sign of a yang brightness-warm disorder and is also a manifestation of heat injuring the spirit. Can lead to halllucinations and imparied consciousness. Must purge a patient with stagnating heat.
What is the action of Increase the Fluids and Order the Qi Decoction?
Enriches the yin, generates fluids, drains heat and unblocks the bowels.
-Zeng Ye Cheng Qi Tang-
Formulas that Drive out Excess Water
What are the herbs in Increase the Fluids and Order the Qi Decoction?
Xuan Shen - Scrophulariae Radix Mai Men Dong - Ophiopogonis Radix Sheng Di Huang - Rehmanniae Radix Da Huang - Rhei Radix et Rhizoma Mang Xiao - Natrii Sulfas -Zeng Ye Cheng Qi Tang-
Which formula is from the Wen Bing?
Zeng Ye Cheng Qi Tang -
Increase the Fluids and Order the Qi Decoction
What is the action of Ten-jujube Decoction?
Purges and drives out thin mucus
-Shi Zao Tang-
Formulas that Drive Out Excess Water
What are the herbs in Shi Zao Tang?
Gan Sui - Kansui Radix Jing Da Ji - Euphorbiae Pekinensis Radix Yuan Hua - Genkwa Flos taken powdered with a warm deoction made from 10 pieces of Jujubae Fructus. -Ten Jujubae Decoction-
Should we use Shi Zao Tang - Ten Jujubae Decoction? If we do, what time should we use it?
Only when absolutley necessary for an excess condition- very strong formula.
Should be taken at daybreak as the suspended, thin mucus you are trying to clear is a yin condition - and 2-5am is when yin is naturally transforming into yang anyway.
What is the action of Vessel and Vehicle Pill?
Promotes the movmement of qi and harshly drives out water and heat accumulation.
-Zhou Che Wan-
Formulas that Drive Out Excess Water
Why is the Vessel and Vehicle Pill named this?
Becuase this formula is an extremely harsh and powerful purgative, the stool functions as a vessela dn vehicle for th eremoval of accumulation from the body. Dr Pai says we would not use this formula.
What are the herbs in Zhou Che Wan?
Gan Sui - Kansui Radix
cu Yuan Hua - (vinegar) Genkwa Flos
cu Da Ji - (vinegar) Euphorbiae Pekinensis Radix
Qian Niu Zi - Pharbitidis Semen
Da Huang - Rhei Radix et Rhizoma
Qing Pi - Citri reticulatae viride Pericarpium
Chen Pi - Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium
Bing Lang - Arecae Semen
Mu Xiang - Aucklandiae Radix
Qing Fen - Calomelas [very toxic, obsolete]
The diagnosis: desiccated intestines is for which formula?
Moisten the Instines Pill from Master Shen’s Book - Run Chang Wan.
Indications: lusterless skin and nails, dry mouth and unquenchable thirst, a dry tongue and thin pulse.
notes: for very significant blood and yin deficiency
The diagnosis: Heat-dryness blocking the movmenet of fluids in the spleen is for what formula?
Hemp Seed Pill - Ma Zi Ren Wan.
for Spleen bind
indications: hard stool that is difficult to epel, normal to frequent urination, a dry, yellow tongue coating and a submerged rapid or floating choppy pulse
notes: focuses on moistening dryness in the intestines, draining heat, moving qi
The diagnosis: KD deficiency constipation is for which formula?
Benefit the River [Flow] Decoction - Ji CHuan Jian
Indications: clear and copious urine, lower back pain, cold sensation in the back
notes: also for constipation due to LV blood problems or essence depletion
The Diagnosis: Heat Excess in the INterior with QI and Blood Deficiency is for which formula?
Yellow Dragon Decoction - Huang Long Tang
indications: green, watery, foul smelling diarrhea, abdominal pain that increases upon pressure, fever, thirst, SOB, lethargy, delirious speech, dry yellow or black tongue coat, def pulse
notes: also for constipation of firm, painful abdominal distention, when severe, there may be impaired consciousness
The diagnosis: Deficiency of Yin Fluids with Accumulation of Dry Stools in the Intestines is for which formula?
Increase the FLuids and Order the Qi Decoction - Zeng Ye Cheng Qi Tang
indications: dry stools that cannot be expelled even w a purging formula, distention and fullness of the epigastrium and abdomen, dry mouth and lips, dry tongue with a thin yellow or burnt yellow coating and a rapid thin pulse.
notes: also used to treat various patterns of yang brightness excess w def of yin fluids, such as toothache and skin diseases
The diagnosis: Suspended, thin mucus clogging up the chest and hypochondriac regions is for which formula?
Ten-Jujubae Decoction - Shi Zao Tang
indications: cough w pain in the chest and hypochondria, hard focal distention in the epigastrium, dry heaves, SOB, HA, vertigo, a white slippery tongue coating and a submerged wiry pulse
notes: pain may extend to the back, also used for edema due to obstruction from accumulation of thin mucus.
The diagnosis: water and heat accumulation in the interior obstructing the qi mechanism is for which formula?
Vessel and Vehicle Pill - Zhou Che Wan
indications: ascites and distention in a robust patient accompanied by thirst, labored breathing, a hard abdomen, constipation, scanty urine, and a submerged, rapid and forceful pulse.
notes: prescribed only in cases of emergency for those of otherwise robust health
What two formulas make up Zeng Ye Cheng Qi Tang?
Increase the fluids [Zeng Ye Tang]
Order the Qi Decoction [Da Cheng Qi Tang]
(but really just Da Huang and Mang Xiao)