Wings Study (as of 18/2/25) Flashcards
When can you operate SVFR, restrictions?
- Authorised by ATC
- only by day
- clear of cloud
- vis > 800m
- speed at which PIC can see obstructions and traffic
Light signals to acft from ad
Steady green
- inflight: authed to land
- ground: authed to take off
Steady red
- inflight: giveway to acft, continue circling
- ground: stop
Green flashes
- inflight: return for landing
- ground: authed to taxi
Red flashes
- inflight: AD unsafe - do not land
- ground: taxi clear of landing area in use
White flashes
- Inflight: nufin
- ground: return to starting point on AD
VMC for a,b,c,e,g below 10,000
Vis: 5000m
Horizontal dist: 1500m
Vertical dist: 1000ft
Vmc criteria D class
Vis: 5000m
Horizontal dist: 600m
Vertical dist: 1000ft above 500ft below
Vmc criteria g class below 3000ft amsl or 1000ft agl whichever be higher
Vis: 5000m
Clear of cloud
ACFT Must be operated in sight of ground/water
Vmc criteria g class below 700ft, requirements
Vis: 800m
Clear of cloud
- By day
- at a speed allowing pilot to see obstructions and other traffic
- if less than 10nm from an AD with an IAP, flight separation of at least 500ft vertical separation from aircraft that are within 10nm from AD, and IFR ACFT
VMC Criteria: Class G below 700ft over water WITHOUT track guidance from nav system
Vis: 5000m
Cloud sep: 600m horiz, 500ft vert
Op Reqs:
- By day or NVIS
- Speed at which PIC can see obstructions and traffic and avoid
- If not more than 10NM, from AD with IAP, operate in a way that allows 500ft vert sep from another aircraft that is less than 10NM from AD and IFR.
Cruising levels
West = Even
East = Odd
- East: odd 1000 ft (eg 3000, 7000)
- West: even 1000 ft (eg 4000, 8000)
- East: odd 1000ft + 500ft (eg 3500, 5500)
- West: even 1000ft + 500ft (eg 2500, 6500)
Holding Fuel/ Times for INTER and TEMPO
30 min | 85 KG
60 min | 170 KG
ALT Min RAN Aircraft: DAY VFR
ALT Min: DAY VFR other than class G
Cloud base: Greater than SCT below 1500ft
Vis: 8000m
ALT Min: Night VFR
Cloud base: 1500ft
Vis: 8000m
Lighting: qualified person at the AD to attend the LDG period (30 min before ETA to AC ls completion of LDG and taxi) snd manually switching on the lighting in the event of failure
If the AC has dual VHF/carries 30 min holding fuel - no req for qualified pers
Sources of Acc QNH
Transition altitudes
Area QNH (hPa) : Transition Level
= or > 1013.2 : FL110
997<x<1013 : FL115
980<x<997 : FL120
963<x<980 : FL125
<963 : FL130
When must you report loss of RAIM or GNSS integrity
- During an en route phase of flight – loss for more than 5 min
- During a terminal phase of flight – loss of integrity
- ATS requests the provision of GNSS derived information – RAIM or GNSS integrity is not available
- ATC grants a clearance or imposes a requirement based on GNSS-derived information - RAIM or GNSS integrity is not available
- The GNSS receiver is in dead-reckoning mode, or experiences loss of its navigational function, for more than 1 minute
Radio communication system becomes inoperative in VFR in Class G or E airspace, the pilot in must:
- Select code 7600 on the aircraft transponder
- Remain outside controlled airspace
- Assume the radio communication system is broadcasting and broadcast position and intentions on the frequent appropriate to the area of operation ‘in the blind’
- As soon as practicable, descend below 5000ft to continue flight under VFR
Radio communication system becomes inoperative in VFR in Class A,B,C or D airspace or IFR in any airspace, the pilot must
- Select code 7600 on transponder
- Continue broadcasting position and intentions
- If certain of remaining VMC, remain in VMC and land at most suitable aerodrome
- IF the aircraft is in IMC or uncertain of maintaining VMC
- Maintain the last assigned altitude or level (or LSALT if higher) for 3 minutes
- Maintain the last assigned vector for 2 min, or fly one more holding pattern
- After above 2, proceed in accordance with latest ATC route clearance acknowledged
- Commence descent in accordance with latest ATC route clearance
- Conduct the most suitable IAP
Separation from populous areas and public gatherings
- 1000ft above the highest feature or obstacle within a radius of 300m of the point on the ground or water immediately below the aircraft
When navigating by Visual reference to the ground or water the PIC must at intervals of no more than 30 minutes
- Positively fix the aircrafts position by visual reference to features
marked on topographical charts - If over sea, features may include rocks, reefs and fixed human-made
objects that are:
• Marked on topographical charts appropriate to the flight
• Readily identifiable from the land
How long is QNH accurate
for after receiving it
15 mins
For an IAP, using the
forecasted area QNH you
must do what to the minima
Add 50ft to the minima, unless the AD does not receive a regular TAF
service, in which case the 50’ is added to the approach plate by
For a GNSS/DME approach,
you must discontinue the
approach if the disparity
between VOR or NDB and
the GNSS track indication is
larger than __ degrees
- NDB – a divergence of more than 6.9⁰
- VOR – a divergence of more than 5.2⁰
IAP speeds for Cat H aircraft
- Range of speeds Initial and intermediate approach: 70-120kts
- range of speeds for final approach: 60-90kts
- Max speed for visual manoeuvring: none
- Max speed for missed approach: 90kts
IAP speeds for Cat A aircraft
- Range of speeds Initial and intermediate approach: 90-150kts
- range of speeds for final approach: 70-100kts
- Max speed for visual manoeuvring: 100kts
- Max speed for missed approach: 110kts