FIHA ENR 1.5 Flashcards
Aircraft Performance Category and limits
CAT A = <90knts
When can you descend below minimum route altitudes?
“Except when complying with the requirements for a visual approach, conforming to a published DME/GNSS Arrival procedure, or when identified and assigned an altitude by ATC.”
Descent - Procedure Entry
Having arrived over the IAF or facility and except as provided for in para 2.5 further descent must be made in accordance with the entry and holding procedures to the specified altitude for commencing the approach
Circling approaches and visual circling
An instrument approach to the circling minima with the intent or requirement from the minima to visually manoeuvre the aircraft to align with the runway for a landing.
Visual circling restrictions
Where marked “No circling”
Visual circling is prohibited in no circling sectors by day in less than VMC and at night
When visual circling when can you descend below MDA?
When the pilot:
a. Maintains the aircraft within the circling area,
b. maintains a visibility along the intended flight path
c. maintains visual contact with the landing runway environment
d. by night or day, while complying with A,B,C and within the circling area on the downwind, base or finals, can maintain an obstacle clearance along the flight path
e. in daylight only, maintains visual contact with obstacles along intended flight path
Cat A obstacle clearance?
How big is the circling area?
A tangental radius of 1.68NM from end of each runway
Descent below the straight in MDA criteria
Visual reference maintained
All elements of the met minima are equal to or greater than those published for the aircraft performance category
Aircraft is continuously in a posiiton from which a descent to a landing on the intended runway can be made at a normal rate of descent using normal flight manoeuvres
Non Precision Approach offset allowance
NPAs may be offset by up to 30degrees
When can you align to the runway centreline?
Within the circling area
Visual reference can be maintained
Continuously in sight of ground or water
Missed approach criteria?
- In the final segment, the aircraft not maintained within applicable nav tolerance (2vor, 5ndb, full deflectionils)
- below MSA the performance of radio aid becomes suspect
-visual reference not established before MAPT
-landing cannot be effected from a runway approach (unless circling approach can be conducted)
-visual reference is lost while circling to land from an instrument approach
Missed approach criteria GNSS
Loss of RAIM or RAIM warning
Visual Approach Requirements for IFR - Day
Within 30 NM, not below LSALT/MSA
Clear of Cloud
Sight of ground or water
>5000m vis
500ft above lower limit of CTA
Visual Approach Requirements for IFR - Night
Not below LSALT/MSA
Clear of cloud
Sight of ground or water
>5000m vis
500ft above lower limit of CTA until:
is established with an authorised instrument approach
within 3nm of aerodrome if no published approaches
within 5nm (7nm for ILS) of that aerodrome and established not below on slope
within 10nm, established not below the ILS glide path
or cleared to conduct by ATC