Wing SOP Flashcards
Ship or Shore Ops wx Requirements
(If under positive control and CCA or PAR available for recovery, launch mins are 200/ 1/2
Night Current
Pilots shall not fly at night as PIC unless night current
2 hrs night time within previous 45 days; 45 to 60 days CO can authorize day to night transition for currency; after 60 days, must fly with night current PIC
within 30 days of DLQs; no fewer than 3 TO, downwind, approach, landing
Pre-Embarkation Proficiency
max extent practicable: min of 9 hrs within 45 days;
shall obtain: inst/night currencies
Night SAR Capable
pilots shall have flown 2 auto approaches using windline rescue patterns to coupled hover within 60 days
Instrument Current
pilots shall have flown 2 hrs sim/actual time within 60 days; regain in sim or a/c
if lapses, shall be regained prior to flying any mission as PIC
Can you be plane guard without being night SAR capable?
Night Dip Current
pilots shall have flown 2 night/IMC dip patterns to coupled hover at night within 60 days
Crew Rest
shall not be scheduled to brief until 10 hrs after completion of post flight duties
Shipboard Radius of Action
150 NM or max reliable nav/comm range, whichever is less
One way flights
150 NM ship to ship/shore to ship; 200 NM ship to shore
Can’t do with pax
simulated EPs, practice autos, intentional a/c degradations and ordnance release
Low Level Over Land Altitudes
Populated: 1000 ft AGL
Unpopulated: 500 ft AGL
Low Level Overwater
Day: 50 ft AGL (intended for flights where altitude profiles support authorized missions/training)
Unaided Night: 150 ft AGL
Aided Night: 100 ft AGL
Low Level Coupled Hover Alt
70 ft; following steady hover, can reduce to no lower than 40 ft to conduct live hoisting ops
SACT minimum altitudes
day: 100 ft AGL
night: 500 ft AGL
If STAB AUTO MODE PBS not illuminated when AC power applied
stab lockpins shall be checked visually prior to flight
Rescue Hoist Check
Should be completed on first flight of the day to check SAR capability
Call Outs
Single engine airspeed, stab programming on first TO
stab programming after reengaging auto mode after sim/actual failure
Landing checks
shall be completed when transitioning from pad to runway or vice versa
should be started on deck to max extent possible
VertRep and CAL/LZ Power Margin
10% between IRP and max power required when load is lifted from deck
RadAlt Use
Night overwater below 500 ft - consider DH no lower than 10% of current altitude
Steady Hover prior to Dipping
cable angle hover mode __ be operational for all dipping ops
during exercises/training, wave heights no greater than __ (sea state of __) for dipping
15 ft; 6
if cable angle exceeds inner ring
all crew members verbally acknowledge and ensure appropriate actions are taken to center cable
dipping (with or without sub) POCL length
shall be no more than half the ceiling up to 1000 ft
POCL when ceilings are above 1000 ft
shall be no more than 500 ft below ceiling
POCL doesn’t need to be restricted when
operational ASW involving sub under conditions that preclude a freestream recovery
Max Unfastened, Broken or Missing Fasteners - In a Row/Total
TGBC - 2/3
IGBC - 2/3
VTDC - 2/2
Other TDC - 1/1
Flight with unfastened, broken, or missing corner fasteners is not ___
Night Simulated EPs we can do
- single engine to prepared surface with adequate over/underrun
- single engine running landings
- boost off and failed SAS/AFCS,
- simulated lost ICS
- stab auto mode failure
Night Simualted EPs we cannot do
autos, anything requiring actual a/c degradation
During hot refueling, aircrew ___ assist in monitoring refueling ops
during crew switches, a __ must be at the controls, and there shall be a __
designated helicopter pilot; verbal PIC to PIC turnover
during turnover, new crew shall begin checklists at
step 9 of the post engagement checks
while rotors are turning, personnel shall not proceed aft of __ unless __
countermeasure dispensers; arming/de-arming system
All flyover demos should be (4 things)
- Non-maneuvering, generally wings level passes of one to two aircraft (waiverable to 4)
- Restricted to a single pass over a fixed point at a specified time
- Conducted no lower than 500’ AGL, with consideration given to the height of obstacles in the vicinity of the flyover location
- Conducted no slower than 60 KIAS
For deviations from flyover guidelines, must specifically request deviation through __ for __
Type Wing; TYCOM approval
What are considered Aerial Demonstrations?
Flight demos involving other than flyover profiles (Family Day, Tiger Cruise, Air Show, SAR Demo)
Make Aerial Demo requests per the
All staged and/or mission related photography must be approved by __ and must be done by an __
CO; authorized photographer
Detachments on single spot ships with 2 manned embarked helos using RSD shall not conduct __ unless __
concurrent flight ops; emergency landing (shore or ship) is available within 50 NM for duration of evolution
What missions does 50 NM alternate landing site apply to
missions where parent ship is intended point of landing for both aircraft
What missions does 50 NM alternate landing site NOT apply to
missions scheduled for termination at other than parent ship
50 NM alternate requirement does not apply for
fly-ons for scheduled embarkations
50 NM alternate landing site limitation does not apply for
concurrent manned/unmanned flight ops
Nite Lab Periodicity
24 months from last day of month in which training was received; can be done within 60 days of expiration
Pilots/aircrew ___ not fly NVD events unless they are NITE Lab training current
Can you use the ELRF outside of an approved laser range?
Yes, but not on personnel or wildlife
ELRF shall not be fired unless
crew concurrence received following ARM ELRF prompt
ELRF concurrence
shall acknowledge ELRF indicated on lower left portion of FLIR attack page
operational CAL flights other than ___ shall also adhere to power margin
those of operational necessity
Prohibited Maneuvers on H2P/H2P flights
simulated EPs, movement of PCLs out of FLY (other than a real EP), night coupled approaches, 180 practice autos
Shipboard H2P/H2P flights may be scheduled by __ with __
OIC; permission of squadron and ship COs
Shipboard H2P/H2P flights shall be conducted as
day, VMC, non-tactical training flights
In flight training ops in DECU LOCKOUT
are prohibited unless FCF under cognizance of qualified FCP
Use of DECU LOCKOUT as part of in flight engine malfunction troubleshooting not specifically listed in NATOPS, FCF checklist, or approved NAVAIR maintenance troubleshooting is
simulated EPs, except for failed SAS/AFCS, shall only be introduced
under the cognizance of a designated HAC
compound EPs involving degradation of two or more unrelated systems
shall not be introduced, initiated, or practiced
No CBs shall be pulled for a simulated EP except
ANI aircrewmen and current qualified FRS aircrew instructors may pull CBs necessary for simulating the following malfunctions:
- Rescue hoist
- Cargo hook
- Mission Power
- Acoustic
What shall be operable for practice autos?
Pilot and copilot radalts
Simulated single engine failures from HOGE shall only be initiated over
a surface where run on landing can be made
Simulated EPs that shall only be done in OFT
- Dual engine malfunctions
- TR drive emergencies
- total AC power failure
- In flight emergency requiring DECU lockout