Widstrom: Menopause Flashcards
What is perimenopause?
Time before, during and after menopause
What is menopause?
permanent cessation of menses after the cessation of ovarian function- 1 year w/ no period
What are signs of menopause?
Amenorrhea in presence of signs of hypoestrogenemia and FSH> 40
Age 51
What are concerns during the postmenopausal period?
HRT osteoporosis CVD sexual fxn uterovaginal prolapse mood hot flashes vaginal atrophy incontinence
What hormonal changes occur during menopause?
Ovaries stop producing follicles> inhibin falls> Increase in FSH> less follicle development> decline in estradiol> decrease in endometrial development> absence of menses
After menopause, what happens to estrogen that is aromatized from androgens (in muscle and adipose)?
obesity> endometrial cancer
thin> osteoporosis, hot flashes, (lack of androgens)
What leads to higher estrogen levels and increased risk of endometrial cancer in menopause?
Progesterone production stops
What affects libido during menopause?
decrease in androgen production
What physical changes are seen during menopause?
Increase weight and body fat
increase waist: hip ratio
Decreased collagen
hot flashes
What are hte pathognomonic sxs of menopause?
Hot flashes (directly correlate to estrogen levels)
What should you consider in a menopausal women w/ abnormal uterine bleeding?
- rule out pregnancy
- endometrial cancer (10%)
- EM hyperplasia, polpys, cervical cancer, fibroids, adenomyosis
- ADenocarcinoma in situ
How do you tx abnormal uterine bleeding?
Medical: cyclic HRT, CCHRT, OCP
hysteroscopy/EM ablation/D and C
What happens to bone density in post menopause?
decreases by 1-2% per year in whites and asians
When should you start screening for osteoporosis in a woman w/out risk factors?
at age 65
What can be used to treat hot flashes, vaginal atrophy, osteoporosis, and osteopenia?