LaBarre- Amenorrhea and Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding Flashcards
Normal flow
2-7 days
cycle length
24-35 days
MC causes amenorrhea
no spontaneous uterine bleeding by age 14 and absence of 2 sex characteristics OR by age 16 w/ normal development
primary ammenorrhea
absence of mentrual bleeding for 6 mos in a woman w/ prior regular menses for 12 mos
secondary amenorrhea
*40% d/t ovaries
Compartment I blockages that cause amenorrhea
imperforate hymen
Mulleraian anomalies (absent uterus/tubes)
Testicular feminization
destruction of endometrium and scarring prevents bleedingn (D&C, ablation, severe infecdtion)
Compartment II ovarian disorders that cause amenorrhea
- Turners
- MOsaicism
- gonadal agenesis
- Premature ovarian failure
- 17 alpha hydroxylase def
Follicles undergo apoptosis leading to HIGH FSH and LOW estrogen
Turners 46 XO
Stress related amenorrhea
stress> increased cortisol> decreases FSH/LH
First thing to check for in a F w/ amenorrhea…
rule out pregnancy w/ hCG
Amenorrhea w/ high TSH
NO normal withdrawl bleed after progesterone
end organ problem
prolonged >7d or excessive bleeding
irregular and more frequent intervals of bledding
prolonged/variable amts of bleeding occuring irregularly and more frequently than normal