Who’s who Flashcards
Paul Broca
Broca’s Area; responsible for articulated language. studied aphasia
Charles Darwin
Michael Gazzaniga
split brain research
roger sperry
split brain research. nature vs. nurture
Carl Wernicke
wernicke’s area; responsible for speech and language
Alfred Kinsey
researched human sexuality
Abraham Maslow
hierarchy of needs
William James
James-Lange Theory; physical response happens prior to mental response
Stanley Schacter
Two Factor Theory; physiological arousal and cognitive labels
Hans Seyle
Why do organisms respond to certain stressors
Albert Bandura
Bobo doll guy. Children learn by imitating actions that are rewarded or punished. Antisocial models have antisocial effects. Prosocial models have prosocial effects
John Garcia
Conditioned taste aversions.
Ivan Pavlov
Doges. Father or classical Conditioning
Robert Rescorla
Co-creator of the Rescorla-Wagner model of conditioning
B.F. Skinner
Father of Operant Conditioning. Used reward system to train animals
Edward Thorndike
Reinforcement is stronger than punishment in motivation
Edward Tolman
Behavioral Psychology
John B. Watson
Used principals of classical conditioning for advertisement. Father of the coffee break.
Noam Chomsky
Universal Grammar Theory. language is inherent
Hermann Ebbinghaus
“Learning Curve”, Spacing Effect. Studied memory
Wolfgang Koehler
studied Gestalt psychology
Elizabeth Loftus
showed that people can create their own memories when they can’t remember everything
George A. Miller
One of the founders of cognitive psychology. Contributed to Psycholinguistics
Alfred Kinsey
Kinsey Scale. An alleged way to test sexuality
Abraham Maslow
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
William James
James-Lange Theory. Physical response happens before mental response
Stanley Schachter
Two Factor Theory of Emotion. Physiological Arousal, then cognitive label
Hans Selye
Why do organisms respond differently to stressors?
Alfred Binet
Created the first practical intelligence test for the Paris Educational System
Francis Galton
Intelligence is Hereditary, Nature v. Nurture
Howard Gardner
Multiple Intelligences. LLMSBIIN. Linguistic, Logical Mathematical, Musical, Spatial, Bodily Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Naturalist
Charles Spearman
“g”. General Intelligence
Robert Sternberg
Three Intelligences: Analytical, Creative, Practical.
Louis Terman
“Stanford-Binet” Test. An Americanized version of the Binet Test
David Wechsler
(WAIS) The Wechsler Adult intelligence scale. Also the WAIC, The Wechsler children intelligence scale, used to adjust educational curriculums for mentally disadvantaged kids.
Gustav Fechner
optical illusions
David Hubel / Torsten Weisel
Nobel prize winners for research of vision / perspective.
Ernst Weber
Just Noticeable Difference
Ernest Hilgard
famous for use of medicinal hypnosis
Mary Ainsworth
insecure v secure attachment
Diana Baumrind
categorized the different parenting styles
Erik Erikson
stages of psychological development
Carol Gilligan
advocated the feminist perspective over the male, which dominates society
Harry Harlow
wire / cloth monkey mother. babies need comfort for mother
Alfred Adler
“inferiority complex”
Paul Costa / Robert McCrae
C.A.N.O.E. conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, extraversion
Sigmund Freud
psychodynamic perspective
Carl Jung
“common reservoir” of collective unconsciousness
Carl Rogers
Humanistic Psychology. Unconditional positive regard
Lawrence Kohlberg
stages of moral development
Konrad Lorenz
different forms of attachment
Jean Piaget
children don’t know conservation of mass, are egocentric, and understand basic laws of physics
Lev Vygotsky
children learn through social environments
Solomon Asch
studied peer pressure effects
Leon Festinger
cognitive dissonance
Stanley Milgram
teacher / learner shock experiment
Philip Zimbardo
studied social roles
aaron beck
father of cognitive therapy
Dorothea Dix
created first generation mental asylums / treatment facilities
Albert Ellis
created rational emotive behavior therapy
Mary Cover Jones
developed technique of desensitization
Joseph Wolpe