who falls victim Flashcards
infants after umbilical cord is cut or kids with a skin infection
scalded skin synd from staph aureus release of exfoliative exotoxin A and B
leave in tampon too long
TSS from staph aureus release of TSS-1 exotoxin
infected in surgical wounds
TSS from staph aureus release of TSS-1 exotoxin
infections cutaneous and subQ infections
TSS from staph aureus release of TSS-1 exotoxin
following childbirth or abortion.
TSS from staph aureus release of TSS-1 exotoxin
boys under 12
osteomylitis from organ invasion of staph aureus
IV drug users
- acute bac endocarditis from organ invasion of staph aureus OR pseudomonas aeruginosa
- osteomyelitis from pseudomonas aeruginosa
kids and adults over age 50
septic arthritis rom organ invasion of staph aureus
sports teams
have foley cath
staph epidermidis
have iv line
staph epidermidis
when taking a blood culture
staph epidermidis
- 5-15: rheumatic fever from grp A beta hemolytic strep (strep pyrogens)
- cornybacterium diptheriae
- listeria monocytogenes
- shigella
- campylobacter jujuni
usu affects the baby
grp B beta hemolytic strep (strep algalatiae)
had recent dental surgery
SBE from strep viridans
in contact w goat drums
bacillus anthracis
in contact w dirt or animal feces
clostridium tetani
from eating home canned veggies or smoked fish
adult botulism
baby eating honey
infant botulism
have deep penetrating sound from military contact
clostridium perfringens
from eating poultry, meats, gravy
clostridium perfringens
preg women eating soft cheese, cold cuts, colesalw, milk, butter
listeria monocytogenes
preg, neonates, elderly, immunocompromised,
listeria monocytogenes
infants 6mos -2 yrs
-meningitis from nisseira meningitides, haemophilus influenzae
military recruits
meningitis from nisseira meningitides
college freshman
meningitis from nisseira meningitides
- gonorrhea from neisseria gonorrhoeae
- syphilis from treponema syphilis (HIV co-infection)
women who have IUD
- f w gonorrhea from neisseria gonorrhoeae more likely to progress to PID
- bacterioides fragilis
from eating chicken or uncooked eggs
- ETEC diarrhea from e coli: Montezumas revenge
- vibrio cholera
eating bad hamburger at fast food restraunt
Hemolytic uremic synd form EHEC e coli
had contaminated local milk or fecal contaminated water
Yersina enterocolitica
from unpasteurized milk or fecal contaminated water
campylobacter jejuni
contaminated water
vibrio cholera
eating uncooked seafood in japan
vibrio parahaemolyticus
ONLY infect sick ppl
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
CF pts in hosp
- pneumonia from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Asymptomatic carriers, bronchiectasis, or a rapidly progressive pneumonia with bacteremia from burkholderia cepacia
cancer/ICU pts in hosp
pneumonia from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
DM pts
osteomyelitis Pseudomonas aeruginosa
kids who step on rusty nail
osteomyelitis from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
have burn-wound
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
if wear contacts
corneal infections from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
co infection w rickettsia
proteus mirabilis
after a perforation of the bowel (after GI surgery)
bacterioides fragilis
if had a septic abortion
bacterioides fragilis
had PID
bacterioides fragilis
kids between ages 1-5 that are not vaccinated and in adults that have had a decreasing vaccine immunity
bordetalla pertussis
ppl w COPD
nontypable Haemophilus influenza
from contaminated AC
Legionella pneumophila
from contaminated whirlpools
Legionella pneumophila
from contaminated shower heads
Legionella pneumophila
from contaminated veggie spray systems in the store.
Legionella pneumophila
after a cat bite/scratch
bartonella henselae
work as a meat packer
works with live animals
consumes beef/milk/animal products from around the world
bite of a tick or deerfly or rabbit
ulceroglandular tularemia from Francisella tularensis
Aerosilization of the bac from the rabbit while cleaning it or hematogeneous spread from a skin ulcer to the lungs can lead to pneumonia
pneumonic tularemia from Francisella tularensis
dog/cat bite/scratch
pasteuella multocida
1/3 of AIDS pts
TB from mycobacterium TB
in NE US, ticks
lyme dis from borrelia burgdorferi
camper in rodent cabins, ticks and louse
relapsing fever from borrelia recurrentis
swallowing water when swimming
infection of Leptospira interrogans (urine of dogs, rats, livestock, and wild animals.)
adventure racing in remote places
infection of Leptospira interrogans (urine of dogs, rats, livestock, and wild animals.)
ppl in poverty sharing towels/clothing
chlamydia trachomatis
those working with parrots, vets, poultry workers,
chlamydia psittaci
women who already have another anaerobic vaginal infection
gardnerella vaginalis
if touch infected rodent/bitten by a flea; hiking, camping in NM, AZ
bubonic plague from yersina pestis
bitten by tick
Rocky Mountain spotted fever from Rickettsia rickettsii
mites that live on household mice
Rickettsialpox from Rickettsia akari
louse from war, crowding, poverty, unsanitary
epidemic typhi from rickettsia prowazekii
from flea
rickettsia typhi
from chiggers/mites on rodents/soil
scrub typhus or Tsutsugamushi fever from Rickettsia tsutsugamushi
middle east and Africa and is casued by sharing drinking and eating utensils
endemic syphilis from Treponema pallidum subspecies endemicum
Occurs in the tropics from person to person with ulcers.
yaws from Treponema pallidum subspecies pertenue
skin dz limited to rural latin America.
pinta from Treponema pallidum subspecies carateum