v sy/sg Flashcards
Skin vesicles = dew on a rose petal: a fluid filled vesicle on top of a red base.
o The fluid becomes cloudy, ruptures, and then scabs over.
o Multiple vesicles can occur together to form a crop.
varicella (chickenpox) from varicella zoster virus
mucocutaneous infections, the liver, lungs, and GI
Disseminated herpes from HSV 1/2
fever, “slapped face” rash on cheeks
erythema infectiosum (5th dis) in kids: parvoviridae
cervical dysplasia and carcinoma
cervical cancer from papilloma virus
small red vesicles on the back of the throat.
Herpangina: coxsackie virus A:
-also w mild self-limiting illness characterized by fever, sore throat, and
HIV: acute viral illness
mild fever, lymphadenopathy, flu-like symptoms, and maculopapular rash that goes from the forehead to the face to the torso to the extremities lasting 3d
rubella from rubivirus
hemmorrhagic fever
- ebola and marburg virus: filoviridae
- hantavirus pulmonary synd of bunyavirus in eu and asia
protozoal infections in AIDs pts
- Toxoplasma gondii
* Cryptosporidium, microsporidia, and isospora belli:
hemorrhagic cystitis in bone marrow transplant recipients
BC polyomavirus
- ebola virus from filoviridae
- congenital: cytomegalovirus
vesicles in a u/l dermatomal pattern
varicella zoster virus (chickenpox and shingles)
fever, headache, lower thoracic pain on breathing (pleuritic pain)
Pleurodynia: coxsackie virus B
smoldering wasting dz that is characterized by fever, night sweats, weight loss, diarrhea, and elevated liver enzymes
Mycobacterium acium-intracellulare (MAI) in AIDS pts
severe genital and oral outbreaks.
Herpes simplex
congenital chorioretinitis
rubella from rubivirus when cross placenta
esophageal sores
HIV: acute viral illness
colitis (leading to diarrhea).
CMV in:
- AIDs pts
- immunocomp pts
atypical lymphocytes on blood smear
mononucleosis from EBV (are large activated T cells)
white hair-like projections coming off the side of the tongue.
oral hairy leukoplakia (OHL) when EBV in AIDS pts
severe brain and liver dis when give aspirin if have flu or chicken pox
Reyes synd
swelling of parotid gland
mumps virus
lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly
mononucleosis from EBV (from the proliferating B cells)
small 1-2mm white bumps that have a central dimple.
molluscum contagiosum from poxiviridae
conjunctivitis/swelling of the eyelids/photophobia,
prodrome (during incubation, before rash) of measles virus
EBV if + monospot test
cytomegalovirus if - monospot test
cough and hypoxa.
• CXR: interstitial infiltrates or be normal.
Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP) in AIDS pts
URI: flu-like symptoms/URI
parainfluenza virus
brain mass: present as seizures, weakness, aphasia.
Toxoplasma gondii in AIDs pts
Fevers, myalgia, chills, and later dry cough, chest pain (pleurisy), and dyspnea, possibly a sore throat
SARS from coronavirus
encephalitis: fever, brain inflammation, headache, and focal neurological deficits
alpha virus of togaviridae (VEE, EEE, WEE)
chorioretinits resulting in blindness.
CMV in AIDs pts
severe resp illness (maybe polio like too)
enterovirus C68
HIV co infections when T cell count of 200-400 (after 7y)
(weight loss, fever, night sweats, adenopathy)
• Infections = severe athletes foot, oral thrush (candida albicans), herpes zoster become more common.
swollen gums with painful vesicles in the mucous membranes and where the entry occured
Gingivostomatitis from HSV 1/2
congenital interventricular defects
rubella from rubivirus when cross placenta
oral thrush and esophagitis.
Candida albicans in AIDs pts
the hepatitis that does not cause liver dis
negri bodies in cytoplasm
rabes from rhabdoviridae
red-purple plaques or nodules all over the body skin.
Kaposi’s sarcoma
• Can remain limited with only some skin involvement or can progress and go after the LNs, Lungs, and GI tract too
-myocarditis/pericarditis: coxsackie virus B
dengue fever from flavivirus
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)
slow form of encephalitis that is caused by measles v.
•can progress to CNS dz, mental deterioration, and incoordination.
nephritis and ureteral stenosis in renal transplant pts
BC polyomavirus
Red, flat or maculopapular rash that spreads from the forehead to the face, neck, torso and feet by the third day.
–> thicker and then disappear in the same pattern
measles virus
Koplik’s spots
measles virus: 1-2 days before the rash, pt develops small red lesions with blue-white centers in the mouth
hyperactivity and agitation –> confusion , meningismus, seizures, aggressive, fearless, disoriented
acute enchphalitis of rabes from rhabdoviridae
- eventually, low blood O2 levels, infiltrates in multiple parts of the lung and no evidence of heart failure
RDS (non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema): Bird flu pandemic (H5N1) from Orthomyxoviridae
myelopathy and peripheral neuropathy
massiver generalized lymphademopathy; also more bac and skin infections at the end
acute viral pd or clinical latency pd of HIV
mumps virus: - swelling of the testicle and stretch the capsule to cause intense pain and rarely cause infertility.
1 mo after infection, fever, malaise, lymphadenopathy, and pharyngitis.
acute viral illness of HIV
high WBC, high RBC, and low platelets.
hantavirus pulmonary synd of bunyavirus
dramatic motor paresis or paralysis
neuroinvasive dis from west nile virus from flavivirus
congenital patent ductus
rubella from rubivirus when cross placenta
painful backache, muscle and joint pain, fever and severe headache.
dengue fever from flavivirus
scarring and cirrhosis of liver
eye damage
measles virus
lesions Most dense on face and palms (centrifugal spread)
smallpox from poxiviridae
Blood has heterophile ab
mononucleosis from EBV ( ab against EBV that reacts and agglutinates with sheep RBCs to give a + monospot test that is useful for differentiating from CMV and quickly diagnosing EBV mono)
HIV co infections when T cell count is below 50
the immune system is almost nonexistent and can allow mycobacterium acium-intracellulare and CMV to come in
endemic diarrheal dis
enteric adenoviridae
painful muscle spasms => atrophy and loss of reflexes
paralytic poliomyelitis from poliovirus
hypergammaglobinemia that creates auto-abs and immune-complex formation
synchronous lesions
smallpox from poxiviridae
ebola virus from filoviridae
infects tonsils, payer’s patches and the motor neurons (anterior horn)
URI: bronchitis
parainfluenza virus
- after 2-4 day incubation: high fever, headache, myalgias, diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, sore throat, rhinorrhea, cough, SOB, and sputum production.
Bird flu pandemic (H5N1) from Orthomyxoviridae
chest pain
ebola virus from filoviridae
congenital microcephaly
rubella from rubivirus when cross placenta
memory loss, poor speech, and incoordination
BC polyomavirus: progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). - CNS white matter damage
cranial n dysf –> painful contractions of the pharyngeal muscles –> not wanting to swallow (hydrophobia) –> foaming at the mouth from over collection of saliva
classic brainstem enchphalitis of rabes from rhabdoviridae
fever, rash, and joint pain/swelling, which lasts a while
chickungunya virus (alpha virus from togaviridae)
URI: sinus congestion
parainfluenza virus
paralytic poliomyelitis from poliovirus
acute infectious diarrhea
asymmetric paralysis,,, or even (worse in pts over 15)
paralytic poliomyelitis from poliovirus
painful vesicles develop in the dermatome distribution or can be disseminated and not reside in a dermatome.
Herpes zoster in AIDS pts
chronic diarrhea
Cryptosporidium, microsporidia, and isospora belli in AIDs pts
respiratory muscle failure
paralytic poliomyelitis from poliovirus
heart failure
-myocarditis/pericarditis: coxsackie virus B
- progress to pnemonia w patchy infiltrate on CXR –> consolidation with air-bronchiograms in more than 1 lung zones
Bird flu pandemic (H5N1) from Orthomyxoviridae
tender enlarged liver and mildly elevated liver enzs
chronic hepatitis: HBV, HCV, HDV (when superinfection after HBV)
-myocarditis/pericarditis: coxsackie virus B
HIV co infections when T cell count below 400.
URI: pharyngitis
parainfluenza virus
HIV co infections when T cell count goes below 200
killing infections: pneumocytosis carinii pneumonia, Cryptococcus neoformans, and toxoplasma gondii.
develop hepatitis with jaundice, fever, headache, back ache, nausea, and vomiting after a week incubation period
yellow fever from flavivirus
congenital mental retardation
rubella from rubivirus when cross placenta
hemorrhage of the GI tract
ebola virus from filoviridae
viral infections in AIDs pts
- Herpes zoster
- Herpes simplex
kids have no jaundice and no symp
parainfluenza virus: laryngealtracheobronchitis that happens in kids to cause airway narrowing, stridor, and a seal barking cough
-in 20% of kids w metapneumovirus
can yeild acute, fulminant, or chronic hepatitis
recurrent infections, limited to UR tract
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
periodic outbreaks of diarrhea in kids and elderly
- flu-like: fatigue, low grade fever, myalgias, joint aches, cough, rhinitis, and pharyngitis.
- 1-2 wks: jaundice and increased liver enzs
- 2 wks: even more jaundice and liver enzs, painful hepatosplenomegaly
acute viral hepatitis:
- (early stage of HCV)
- HDV when a co-infection w HBV
high fevers up to 105, hacking cough, rhinitis, and malaise
prodrome (during incubation, before rash) of measles virus
decreased level of consciousness
neuroinvasive dis from west nile virus from flavivirus
CXR or CT showing alveolar consolidation that could progress to acute respiratory distress synd (ARDS).
SARS from coronavirus
genital, laryngeal, common warts
warts from papilloma virus
- ebola virus from filoviridae
- URI from adenoviridae
lymphoproliferative dis
cause of fever of unk origin (FUO)
Mycobacterium acium-intracellulare (MAI) in AIDS pts
headache and occasional maculopapular rash for a wk
o continue for months as fatigue, weakness, and difficulty concentrating.
west nile fever from west nile virus from flavivirus
resp ctr dysf
cause death from rabes from rhabdoviridae
intranuclear inclusion bodies
herpesvirdae viruses: HSV 1 and 2 varicella zoster cytomegalovirus EBV
Fever, shills, sweats, headaches, and a very painful pharyngitis
mononucleosis from EBV
cancers in AIDS pts
- B cell lymphoma
- Kaposi’s sarcoma
- Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- Cervical cancer from HPV co-infection
- anal intraepithelial neoplasia
fever, oral vesicles, and small tender lesions on the hands, feet, and butt.
Hand, foot, and mouth syndrome: coxsackie virus A:
measles virus
Young women can develop a self-limiting arthritis.
rubella from rubivirus
Infection of the brain cells → cell death and swelling → sudden onset of fever and focal neurological deficits
Encephalitis from HSV 1/2
infection of the finger → becomes swollen, hot, bright red, painful
Herpetic whitlow: from HSV 1/2
abortion and premature delivery
measles virus (not cause fetal defects)
like the flu: high fevers, muscle aches, myalgia, cough nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, and tachypnea
hantavirus pulmonary synd of bunyavirus
Initially: abrupt onset of fever, chills, malaise, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain
ebola virus from filoviridae
Rash can develop by day 5-7.
ebola virus from filoviridae
o High fever, chills (maybe shaking chills), headaches, malaise, and myalgias.
o Also URI viral symptoms: dry cough, sore throat, and rhinorrhea (runny, clogged nose).
liver and spleen enlargement
HIV: acute viral illness
Fever, malaise, headache and rash that begins on the face and trunk and then spreads to the entire body including mucous membranes like mouth and vagina
varicella (chickenpox) from varicella zoster virus
chest pain
-myocarditis/pericarditis: coxsackie virus B
CMV in AIDs pts (pain with swallowing)
fever, headache, sore throat, fatigue, nausea, and painfully sensitive nerves around the wound site –> fasciculating muscles.
prodrome of rabes from rhabdoviridae
congenital pulmonary artery stenosis
rubella from rubivirus when cross placenta
URI: rhinitis
- parainfluenza virus
- adenoviridae
congenital cataracts
rubella from rubivirus when cross placenta
renal failure
hantavirus pulmonary synd of bunyavirus in eu and aisa
paralytic dz in the tropical islands (Japan, Caribbean, parts of S. America, and Africa)
tropical spastic paraparesis from HTLV-1
retinitis (leading to blindness), and
CMV in AIDs pts
URI leading to rhinitis, conjunctivitis, sore throat, and cough
chronic hepatitis w cirrhosis
HCV, HBV, HDV (when superinfection after HBV)
burning vesicles in a u/l dermatomal pattern
zoster (shingles) from varicella zoster virus
fever, headache, vaginal and urethral discharge, enlarged LNs, followed by painful blisters and painful or painless ulcers.
Genital herpes from HSV 1/2
congenital deafness
- rubella from rubivirus when cross placenta
- cytomegalovirus
congenital defects or intrauterine death.
Neonatal herpes from HSV 1/2
primary hepatocellular carcinoma
bac infections in AIDS pts
- Strep pneumoniae
- TB reactivation
- Mycobacterium acium-intracellulare (MAI)
fungal infections in AIDs pts
- Candida albicans
- Crytococcus neoformans:
- Histoplasma capsulatum and coccidiodes immitis
- Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP)