bac sy/sg Flashcards
cleaved middle epidermis –> reveal red moist skin underneath that heals quickly
scalded skin synd from staph aureus release of exfoliative exotoxin A and B
anal pruritus
MSM rectal gonorrhea from neisseria gonorrhoeae: itchy bumps
cervix reddened, friable, purulent exudate, pain w touch
- f w gonorrhea from neisseria gonorrhoeae (PID)
- f w chamydia from chamydia trachomatis (PID)
low grade fevers, fatigue, anemia, and heart murmers
SBE from viridans grp strep OR from grp D strep
f w PID from gonorrhea from neisseria gonorrhoeae
found in ppl w colon canc
grp d strep non-enterococcus
burkholderia cepacia
non-productive cough in bursts
paroxysmal stage of whooping cough
High fevers, rash, headache, severe back and leg pains.–> recovers and then relapses 5 days later.
trench fever from Bartonella Quintana
poor skin turgor
vibrio cholera
a papule at the site → slowly expands to be red then blue in the sun →Within a year, white spots.
pinta from Treponema pallidum subspecies carateum
periodontal dis
bacterioides melaniogenicus
Fever, bloody diarrhea, and abdominal pain in the RLQ (like appendicitis)
yersina enterocolitica
rheumatic fever from grp A beta hemolytic strep (strep pyrogens): abs in the <3 that look like ags of the bac = immune attack that can lead to arrhythmias or heart failure.
high fever, stiff neck, headache, obtundation, coma, and focal neurological signs
meningitis cerebritis from organ invasion of staph aureus
or cld be from listeria monocytogenes
Abscesses in the ovarian tubes, ovaries, or peritoneum.
f w PID from gonorrhea from neisseria gonorrhoeae
red current jelly sputum (causes cavaties on CXR)
necrotizing pnemonia from Klebsiella pneumoniae
lock jaw: clostridium tetani
mucoid urethral discharge
- males w NGU/chlamydia trachomatis
- -F w ureaplasma urealyticum
Undulant Fever, chills, sweats
(Fever peaks in the evening and returns to normal in the day) from brucella
local LNs swollen, red, and painful with pus draining sometimes
ulceroglandular tularemia from Francisella tularensis
-males w chlamydia trachomati: Reiters synd
URI symp: low fever, runny nose, sneezing, and mild cough
Catarrhal stage: lasts 1-2 weeks of whooping cough
memory impairment
late stage of lyme dis from borrelia burgdorferi
Dermis infection only: Raised, bright red rash with sharp border that advances from the site of initial infection
erysipelas from grp A beta hemolytic strep (strep pyrogens)
clue cells on slide
gardnerella vaginalis: vag epithelial cells w tiny pleomorphic bacilli in the cyto
sterile pyuria
mycobacterium tuberbulosis: WBC/RBC in the urine but no bac
o Chest pain with respirations
o Alveoli of one or more lobes will fill with pus, bac, and exudate to make a consolidation.
strep pnenomiae
Low fever, regional LN enlargement, and general malaise for a few months w/o complications
bartonella henselae
o Sudden • Fever. • Nausea. • Vomiting. • Diarrhea o Few days • Erythematous rash • Desquamation of the palms and soles (skin peeling off) • Maybe septic shock
TSS from staph aureus release of TSS-1 exotoxin OR from grp A beta hemolytic strep (strep pyrogens) release of pyrogenic toxin
Fulminant meningococcemia (waterhouse-friderichsen synd) from neisseria meningitides
midiastinal hemmorrhage –> mediastinal widening around <3
wool sorters dis: pulmonary inhalation of bacillus anthracis
staph aureus
increased peristalsis, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sometimes fever that lasts 24 hrs
- gastroenteritis from staph aureus release of enterotoxins
- food poisoning from bacillus cereus release of heat stable enterotoxin
bulging anterior fontanelle
neisseira meningitides when yong pt (develop nuchal rigidity when older) from neisseria meningitides
scrofula: cervical LNs are typically involved, they become swollen, mat together, and drain.
mycobacterium tuberbulosis
Flat round rash (circumferential) that is red in the beginning, but w time, bigger and edge still red, but center back to normal, turn blue, or necrose.
-also flu like symp, regional lymphademopathy
early localized stage of lyme dis from borrelia burgdorferi:
erythema chronicum migrans (ECM)
fever, abdominal pain, and diarrhea w a bit of RBCs and WBCs.
sudden cough up a yellow-green sputum.
strep pnenomiae
infections of prosthetic valves, joints, and dialysis catheters
staph epidermidis
pustule that breaks down after 4-6 days to make a thick crust.
–>Heals slowly to make a depigmented area.
pyoderma from grp A beta hemolytic strep (strep pyrogens)
A well-defined black hole in the skin
ulceroglandular tularemia from Francisella tularensis
4-11 weeks after birth where the infant develops URI symptoms, followed by rapid breathing, Cough, and respiratory distress
infant pnemonia of chalmydia trachomatis when travel thru birth canal
deep rapid inhalation before cough
paroxysmal stage of whooping cough
conjunctiva are red and the pt experiences photophobia
Phase 1 (leptospiremic phase) of leptospira interrogans
abd cramps and very bloody diarrhea (no fever, nausea)
EHEC diarrhea from e coli - hemorragic colitis
RUQ pain and tenderness
Peri-hepatitis (Fitx-High-Curtis synd): infection of the capsule around the liver:
- f w PID from gonorrhea from neisseria gonorrhoeae
- f w chamydia from chamydia trachomatis (PID)
spiking fevers, chills, arthralgia, and muscle pains
meningitis from nisseira meningitides
male infertility
lepromatous leprosy from mycobacterium leprae: testicle can be damaged
High fever, headache, and a scab at the original bit site –> maculopapular rash will develop
scrub typhus or Tsutsugamushi fever from Rickettsia tsutsugamushi
small pink macules on the upper trunk →spread to the rest of the body except for the palms and sole
epidemic typhi from rickettsia prowazekii
ulceration in terminal ileum
yersina enterocolitica
anemia, thromobytopenia, renal failure (–> uremia)
Hemolytic uremic synd form EHEC e coli
Corneal inflammation
-late congenital syphilis
purulent urethral/vaginal discharge
males w gonorrhea from neisseria gonorrhoeae (less common in F)
resp failure d/t m contraction
clostridium tetani
Constipation for 2-3 days
infant botulism: clostridium botulinum
loss of reflexes and pain and temp
tables dorsalis from neurosyphilis (tertiary) from treponema pallidum
rectal bleeding and purulent discharge
MSM rectal gonorrhea from neisseria gonorrhoeae
- f w PID from gonorrhea from neisseria gonorrhoeae
- f w chamydia from chamydia trachomatis (PID)
- fever, headache, and stiff neck.
- CSF has high lymphocyte (not high neutrophils), high protein, low glucose
subacute meningitis from neurosyphilis (tertiary) from treponema pallidum
swollen joint w decreased ROM
septic arthritis from organ invasion of staph aureus
(or from gonorrhea from neisseria gonorrhoeae if youn/sex active)
(or from Haemophilus influenza b if in infant)
line-related bacteremia
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
GI ulcers –>not able to absorb water and electrolytes
Skin lesions in oral mucosa, similar to the condyloma lata of secondary syphilis.
• Gummas of the skin and bone may occur later.
endemic syphilis from Treponema pallidum subspecies endemicum
painless bump/ulcer on genital –> heal –> tender LNs w pus
chamydia from chamydia trachomatis sertypes L1-L3
Fulminant meningococcemia (waterhouse-friderichsen synd) from neisseria meningitides
thin black fluid coming out of skin
clostridial myonecrosis from clostridium perfringens
pelvic and abd abcess
resp failure d/t flaccid paralysis
clostridium botulinum
erythema marginatum
rheumatic fever from grp A beta hemolytic strep (strep pyrogens): red margin that spreads from center
infection of hair follicle
folliculitis from grp A beta hemolytic strep (strep pyrogens)
Nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea lasting 12-24 hours
food poisoning from bacillus cereus release of heat labile enterotoxin
immediate dysphagia
adult and infant botulism: clostridium botulinum
regional nontender LN swelling
primary syphilis from treponema pallidum
Followed by progressive muscle weakness
adult and infant botulism: clostridium botulinum
lung necrosis forming holes in the lungs or cavities
Symptomatic primary infection of mycobacterium tuberbulosis
males w gonorrhea from neisseria gonorrhoeae
Hutchinson’s teeth
-late congenital syphilis: upper central incisiors are widely spaced with a central notch in each tooth.
- males w gonorrhea from neisseria gonorrhoeae
- males w chlamydia trachomatis (&Reiters synd)
- F w ureaplasma urealyticum
skin collection of pus
local abcess from organ invasion of staph aureus
o Argyll-robertson pupil
-tables dorsalis OR general paresis from neurosyphilis (tertiary) from treponema pallidum
• Midbrain lesion.
• Pupil constricts during accommodation, but not react to light.
unexplained fevers, weight loss, diarrhea, and general malaise with an elevation of alkaline phosphatase on their routine labs.
Mycobacterium avium-complex (MAC) dz from nontuberculous myconbacteria
fishy discharge coming out of vagina
gardnerella vaginalis
puffy face
acute post-strep glomerulonephritis from grp A beta hemolytic strep (strep pyrogens): (from retention fo fluid from damaged idney)
rice water diarrhea
- ETEC diarrhea from e coli
- vibrio cholera
backache, headache
cerebrovascular occlusion and infarction of the nerve tissue
meningiovascular syphilis from neurosyphilis (tertiary) from treponema pallidum
o Spirochetes attack blood vessels in the brain (circle of willis) and meninges → variety of neuro prbs
enlarging skin petechial skin lesions
Fulminant meningococcemia (waterhouse-friderichsen synd) from neisseria meningitides
arthritis can occur in large joints : hot swollen, and painful
early disseminated stage of lyme dis from borrelia burgdorferi
abrupt high spiking temperature, headache, severe myalgia (thighs and low back)
Phase 1 (leptospiremic phase) of leptospira interrogans
vomiting, abd pain, blood diarrhea
ingestion of bacillus anthracis (see necrotic lesion from endotoxin)
B/l hemorrhage into the adrenal glands
Fulminant meningococcemia (waterhouse-friderichsen synd) from neisseria meningitides