v to dx Flashcards
Serology to dx
• HAV is antigenic and the host will produce IgM and IgG (later) abs against it.
• Abs will remain forever and only show that the person was affected at some point.
west nile virus from flavivirus
- Culture or RNA amplification from PCR.
- IgG and IgM against WNV in the serum..
- CSF IgM against WNV.
- 4X increase serum ab titers.
- Looking for the HCV abs after 6-8 weeks after exposure.
* Can measure using recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA) or by measuring the HCV viral RNA.
early detection HIV
p24 capsid protein
CD4 count of less than 200, a serologic test confirming HIV, and/or having an AIDS opportunistic infection like candida esophagitis, pneumocytosis carinii pneumonia, kaposi’s sarcoma, or many others.
o HIV viral ags are in the bloodstream within weeks.
• Can be tested with PCR for the viral ags.
o 3-6 weeks after infection there will be abs.
• ELIZA can be used to test for this, but these rapid tests need to be confirmed with western blot as they can give false positives
o Now have rapid tsest of blood, plasma, saliva
o AIDS when CD4 less than 200 and/or opportunixtic infections
influenza from orthemyxoviridans
o Virus isolation: culture of the virus to perform genetic and ag analysis.
o Detection of viral protiens: new one hour tests can be done to help choose antiviral agent.
o Detection of RNA using reverse transcriptase and PCR (RT-PCR), most sensitive.
o Serological diagnosis: 4X increase in specific ab levels over 2 weeks.
Bird flu pandemic H5N1
- Viral culture or RT-PCR from nasal-pharyngeal washings or feces.
- Serology tests for H5 ag or 4X increase in H5 abs.
RT-PCR from respiratory secretions and nasopharyngeal swabs
ebola virus form filoviridae
PCR for viral RNA, usually able to be found by the 3rd day of symptoms
- There is higher yield of CMV if the buffy coat layer, which contains that WBCs, is cultured since CMV infects WBCs.
- CMV ag: the ag can be found in the blood using an ab only when the v is actively replicating.
- PCR: CMV DNA can be found only when the virus is actively replicating.
serology test:
• HBsAg: presence of this means that there is a live virus and infection
• HBcAg abs (IgM: new infection, IgG: old infection_
• HBeAg: means that there is high infectivity, while anti-HBeAg to this means that there is low infectivity