Whitehorse | Environmental Flashcards
Into which category would oil used to lubricate the main engines fall?
Oil from machinery spaces
Are petrochemicals covered under MARPOL Annex I?
No, petrochemicals fall under the auspices of MARPOL Annex II (Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk)
Are passenger vessels required to carry an ORB Part II?
No, only tankers over 150GT are required to.
Which vessels are required to have an IOPPC?
Every vessel over 400GT and oil tankers over 150GT.
What are the survey intervals for the IOPPC?
The IOPPC is valid for five years and is subject to annual and intermediate surveys during that period and a renewal survey at the end of the five year period.
In which record book would the collection and disposal of oily bilge residues be recorded?
This is a machinery space operation so it would be recorded in Part I of the Oil Record Book.
How often does the engineer sign the Oil Record Book?
On completion of each operation.
What does SOPEP stand for?
Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
May a large container ship in the middle of the Atlantic discharge oil?
It is not in a special area and therefore may discharge oil from its machinery spaces when it is en route, provided that the oil is processed by approved oil filtering equipment and the effluent doesnt exceed 15PPM. As a large container ship would be over 10,000GT, that fitering equipment must feature an alarm and auto shut off.
When discharging oil from a machinery space, what is the maximum oil content in an effluent mixture measured in parts per million (PPM)?
When may a small workboat operating in the Red Sea discharge oil?
Assuming that the vessel is less than 400GT, the same requirements apply regardless of whether they are inside or outside of a special area. In both cases, the vessel must be en route, have approved oil filtering equipment fitted and the effluent must not exceed 15PPM.
When may a vessel discharge oil in the Antarctic?
Never. Under the Polar Code, all discharges of oil or oil mixtures in the Arctic and Antarctic are prohibited.
How much of its original cargo may a tanker discharge?
The total discharge must not exceed 1/30,000th of the original cargo and discharges from a cargo space are only permitted outside of a special area.
Which system uses rotation to separate oil and water?
Centrifugal oily water separator
Why are segregated ballast tanks required?
To separate ballast water from oil cargoes so that there is no risk of contamination.
Which system is typically fitted to slop tanks and takes advantage of the fact that oil and water don’t mix easily?
Oil/water interface detector.
What is the difference between an ODME and an ODMCS?
Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment is used to monitor discharges from machinery spaces whereas Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control Systems are used to monitor discharges from cargo spaces.
What is the minimum requirement for the carriage of SOPEP equipment?
There is no minimum requirement. The quantity is risk-assessed by the crew/company and accepted as being adequate when the SOPEP plan is approved. Once documented in the approved SOPEP plan, the quantity must be maintained.
Which vessels are required to carry a SOPEP plan?
All vessels over 400GT and oil tankers over 150GT.
What are the four key stages to a successful oil spill response?
- Stop the source
- Contain the spill
- Clean up
- Dispose
Which category of Noxious Liquid Substances is the most harmful to the marine environment and human health?
Category X
To which vessels does MARPOL Annex II apply?
To all vessels carrying NLS in bulk
Which vessels are required to carry a SMPEP (Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan)?
Vessels over 150GT carrying Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk.
Under what circumstances can Annex III discharge take place?
Only to save life or the vessel.
To which vessels does MARPOL Annex III apply?
All vessels carrying harmful substances in packaged form.
What are the certification requirements under MARPOL Annex III?
There are no certification or documentation requirements under Annex III
Which category of waste is anything generated in a medical space onboard?
Black water.
Which category of waste originates from showers onboard?
Grey water.
To which vessels does MARPOL Annex IV (sewage) apply?
All vessel over 400GT or those certified to carry more than 15 persons.
Which category of waste is anything from a toilet onboard?
Black water
What does ISPPC stand for?
International sewage pollution prevention certificate.
How long is the ISPPC valid for?
Period of 5 years, there are no annual or intermediate surveys.
Why would a vessel also carry a ‘type-approval’ certificate in order to comply with Annex IV?
If the vessel is fitted with a ‘sewage treatment plant’ or a ‘comminuting and disenfecting plant’, the plant needs to itself be certificated as meeting the requirements of the Annex. It will therefore be issued a ‘type-approval’ certificate.
Where are records of sewage discharge recorded?
Sewage discharges must be recorded but Annex IV doesn’t provide a standard format for doing so. Vessels may carry a Sewage record book or they may record discharges in the engine room log book.
Which vessel types does the Baltic Sea special area apply to?
Passenger vessels.
Which piece of equipment enables a vessel to discharge sewage outside of 3nm from land?
A comminuting and disinfecting system.
Where can effluent from a sewage treatment plant be discharged?
Under MARPOL Annex IV, it can be discharged anywhere (inside 3nm from land), although other national or local by-laws may prevent discharges in ports.
Where can untreated, raw sewage be discharged?
Raw sewage can only be discharged outside of 12nm from land or to a reception facility ashore.
What type of equipment is required for vessels who will only discharge their sewage ashore or outside of 12nm?
A holding tank.
To which vessels does MARPOL Annex V apply?
It applies to all ships, irrespective of size, including offshore platfroms and non-commercial craft
Which document explains how garbage is to be stored onboard?
The Garbage Management Plan
Where are discharges of garbage recorded?
All discharges of garbage are recorded in the vessel’s Garbage Record Book.
When garbage is discharged ashore, what other form of record must be obtained and kept?
Receipts must be obtained from shoreside authorities, or those responsible for receiving the garbage, to prove that the garbage was disposed of properly. These must be kept with the Garbage Record Book.
Which vessels are required to carry an International Garbage Pollution Prevention Certificate?
Nobody. There is no certification required under MARPOL Annex V
Who should the Garbage Management Plan designate?
The GMP must designate the person responsible for the implementation of the plan. This is often the Chief Officer or Chief Engineer.
When are vessels required to carry a Garbage Management Plan?
Every vessel over 100GT or carrying more than 15 persons onboard is required to carry a Garbage Management Plan (GMP)
Which part of the Garbage Record Book should a shoreside discharge of garbage be recorded?
Garbage discharges (regardless of their destination) are recorded in Part I of the Garbage Record Book.
When are vessels required to maintain a Garbage Record Book?
All vessels over 400GT or carrying more than 15 persons onboard.
Which vessels are required to post placards to notify the crew and passengers of the garbage discharge limitations?
It is mandatory for all vessels over 12m in length and every fixed or floating offshore platform to display placards onboard to notify the crew and passengers of the garbage discharge limitations.
When can food waste be discharged while navigating around the Italian coast?
Inside a special area, comminuted food waste may be discharge when 12nm or more from land, while en route.
When can food waste be discharged in the Arabian Sea?
Outside of a special area, comminuted food waste may be discharged outside of 3nm and whole food waste may be discharged outside of 12nm.
What are the special areas under MARPOL Annex V?
- The Antarctic area
- The Mediterranean Sea
- The Red Sea
- The Black Sea
- Wider Caribbean region
- North West European Water
- The Gulf Area
- The Baltic Sea
How many categories of garbage are there?
When is it permitted for cleaning agents and additives in deck wash water to enter the water?
Discharge of cleaning agents and additives in deck wash water is permitted in all areas, provided that the cleaning agents/additives used are not harmful to the marine environment.
Which pollutant is created in proportion to the content of a molecule in a vessels fuel?
Sulphur Oxides (SOx)
Where do NOx come from?
Nitrous oxides are produced during the combustion process in a vessel’s engines.
What are Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) and what do they do?
Ozone Depleting Substances destroy ozone molecules in the Earths atmosphere and contribute to an overall depletion of the ozone layer, which exposes us to excessive UV radiation on the surface.
Where do Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) come from?
In maritime context, VOCs mostly originate from the surface of oil products during loading, discharge and while on passage.
Which vessels are required to have an IAPPC?
Every vessel over 400GT
Within an ECA, what is the sulphur content limit?
What is the sulphur content limit outside of an ECA?
Which type of scrubbers sprays sea water across the exhaust gases to remove pollutants?
Open-loop scrubbers
When must the fuel changeover procedure be started, when approaching an ECA?
In sufficient time that the changeover can be completed (as per the Fuel Changeover Procedure) and the emissions leaving the funnel be from low-sulphur fuel before entering the ECA.
Which engines/generators are required to have an EIAPPC?
Each generator or engine over 130kW (for vessels constructed after 1st January 2000)
What is a NOx Technical File?
Engines/generators which are required to have an EIAPPC are also required to have a NOx Technical File detailing all of the components and settings which may affect the NOx emissions of the engine
Vessels which have ODS containing rechargeable refrigeration systems, are required to carry what?
Vessels must maintain an ODS Record Book, which details the recharge, discharge and maintenance of such systems.
What additional requirement applies to newer vessels wishing to operate in an ECA?
Vessels built after January 1st, 2016, must be fitted with Teir III engines in order to operate in the North American or US Caribbean Sea Emission Control Areas, and the same rule applies for vessels built after 1st January 2021 operating in the Baltic or North Sea ECAs.
How are ODS emissions controlled on newly-built vessels?
For ships constructed after 1st January 2020, Annex VI simply bans the use of all ODS in rechargeable systems.
What is the main objective of the EEDI?
To minimise the CO2 emissions of newly-built vessels.
Which vessels are required to have an IEEC?
The International Energy Efficiency Certificate (IEEC) is required under Annex VI for every vessel over 400GT.
What does the IEEC certify?
That the vessel is meeting the requirements of the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI)/Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index(EEXI) and is actively managing its energy efficiency through a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)
What is the difference between the Required EEDI and the Attained EEDI?
The required EEDI is what the vessel is required to meet under Annex VI and the Attained EEDI is what the vessel actually achieved.
Which vessels are required to report their fuel consumption?
Vessels over 500GT are required to report their fuel consumption to their flag state each year.
What does Annex VI require a vessel to do to manage and improve its energy efficiency over time?
Vessels over 400GT on international voyages are required to develop a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) to highlight areas of potential improvement of fuel efficiency and to implement those improvements. Once implemented, they are monitored and evaluated, and further plans are made to continue a virtuous cycle of efficiency improvements.
What is the EEDI/EEXI Technical File?
Vessels must carry an EEDI or EEXI Technical File to demonstrate how the Attained EEDI or EEXI was calculated.
Which grade of CII requires a vessel to submit and implement a corrective action plan if a vessel is so rated for three years?
When was the Ballast Water Management Convention adopted?
8th September 2017
What certification is required under the BWMC?
All vessels over 400GT must be issued with an International Ballast Water Management Certificate (IBWMC), which certifies that the vessel conducts ballast water management operations in accordance with the convention and is using an appropriate method of ballast water exchange or treatment.
What records are kept of ballast water operations?
The Ballast Water Records Book (BWRB) records when ballast water is taken onboard, discharge, exhanged and treated, as well as any accidental or exceptional discharges. The BWRB may be maintained in either paper or electronic form.
What are the requirements for a Ballast Water Management Plan?
Vessels must carry a ship-specific Ballast Water Management Plan (BWMP) detailing how they manage ballast water in compliance with the IBWMC. Each plan should have a designated Ballast Water Management Officer who has overall responsibility for the vessel’s records and for ensuring that the plan is being adhered to.
What is the difference between an ‘alien species’ and an ‘invasive species’?
An alien species is one which is introduced outside of its natural distribution, whereas an invasive species is one which harms the environment into which it is introduced.
Why might a vessel conduct ‘flushing’?
To remove excess sediment which has built up in the ballast tanks.
Where are ballasting operations recorded and what will be recorded?
In the Ballast Water Record Book. Records will include start/stop times, distances offshore, minimum sea depths, quantity, exchange/treatment method (if applicable) and the responsible person.
Why can ballast water exchange operations be dangerous?
Some methods of ballast water exchange can affect a vessel’s stability if not conducted carefully and in appropriate conditions.
What will the Ballast Water Management Plan contain?
It will contain, as a minimum, the following: vessel’s particulars, vessel’s plans, ballast water sampling points, operation of the ballast water system, safety procedures, procedures for disposal of sediments, and requirements for record keeping.
What are the depths/distance requirements for ballast water exchange under the D1 standard?
200nm from nearest land, and at least 200m in depth.
What is the D2 standard under BWMC?
Treatment of ballast water.
Ballast water treatment methods use one of what three key approaches?
Mechanical, physical or chemical.
What is the difference between the dilution and flow-through methods of ballast water exchange?
The flow-through methods pumps water into the bottom and lets the tank overflow, whereas the dilution method pumps water into the top and discharges at the same rate from the bottom of the tank.
When conducting ballast water exchange, what percentage of the volume must be exchanged?
At least 95% volumetric exchange.
Which of the ballast water exchange methods is most dangerous?
Unless carefully managed, the sequential method can pose a danger to the vessel due to stresses on the vessel and adverse effects on its stability condition.
What is the purpose of the Anti-fouling Convention?
To ban certain harmful compounds and prevent others being used in anti-fouling in the future.
When is an International Anti-fouling System Certificate required to be issued and renewed?
All vessels over 400GT on international voyages must carry an IASC. The certificate doesn’t have an expiry but it must be renewed whenever more than 25% of the anti-fouing system is changed.
Which vessels are required to carry a Biofouling Management Plan?
The IMO’s Biofouling Guidelines are, as the name suggests, not mandatory but the IMO recommends that every vessel has a Biofouling Management Plan in place.
What is recorded in the Biofouling Record Book?
All inspections and biofouling management measures undertaken on the ship.
The IMO Initial Strategy envisages a reduction of total annual GHG emissions of how much by 2050?
What is the IMO’s approach to climate change called?
The ‘Intial Strategy on the reduction of GHG emissions from ships’ or ‘IMO 2050’
Under which Annex of MARPOL are energy efficiency-related goals being pursued?
MARPOL Annex VI (Air Pollution)
What is a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area?
An area of the sea that requires special protection and which is particularly susceptible to damage caused by maritime activities.
Must vessels avoid PSSAs?
Not necessarily. A PSSA will have measures put in place to protect it, which may include Areas to be Avoided but there are measures available too.
What is the difference between a Special Area and a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA)?
A Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) is distinct from a Special Area. The latter tend to be large areas designated under one of the MARPOL Annexes, although they are not mutually exclusive and overlap in many cases.