VIRSEC | Ships Security Officer Flashcards
What does ISPS stand for?
International Ship & Port Facility Security (code)
Following adoption of SOLAS Chapter XI-2 and the ISPS code in late 2002, until what date did Governments have to implement the mandatory elements?
1st July 2004
What does SUA stand for?
Suppression of Unlawful Acts Convention
Are ships allowed to turn AIS off to protect their privacy?
No, they are not.
What vessel must have assigned a Ship Identification Number (IMO)?
- Sea-going merchant ships of 100GT and above.
- N/A for pleasure yachts and wooden ships.
The Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) is a Directorate-General of the European Commission responsible for transport within what region?
European Union
The Maritime and Coastguard Agency is an executive agency of which country?
United Kingdom
What does DAO stand for?
Duly Authorised Officer
How is the Declaration of Security defined by SOLAS ‘74?
An agreement reached between a ship and either a port facility or another ship with which it interfaces, specifying the security measures each will implement.
What measures shall a ship take whilst calling at a port that is non-compliant with the ISPS code?
- Adopt additional security measures
- Complete a DOS and retain onboard for evidence of the ships security measures that were undertaken at the non-compliant port.
What is the role of a CSO?
- Main point of contact for ships and Administrations
- Security threats are identified and action taken to address them.
- Ensure effectiveness of the security measures and procedures
What are tasers classed as onboard UK flagged ships?
They are classed as a firearm.
When searching for stowaways, shall the light settings be changed when conducting the search?
No, leave the light settings as they are currently set so not to alert a stowaway.
What does SSRI stand for?
Sensitive Security-Related Information
Exceptions to disclosing to third parties parts of the Ship Security Plan are…
- Flag state inspectors
- Recognised organisations
- The Coastguard
- Relevant auditors
What does FMEA stand for, and what is it used for?
- Failure Modes and Effects Analysis.
- It is an evaluation to determine how and where a process might fail.
What does UNCLOS stand for?
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
The act of piracy occurs in what waters, as defined by article 101 of UNCLOS?
- On the high seas
- Outside the jurisdiction of the State
What does MEDS stand for?
Maritime Early Detection Systems
If a PSC officer requests access to the SSP, what actions should be taken?
- The request should be rejected and the CSO informed.
- If a non-conformance is suspected by the PSC officer, then only that section of the plan can be shown to prove that the non-conformance does not exist.
What part and section of the ISPS code specifies measures according MARSEC level?
Part A, Section 9.
Define MARSEC 1.
Normal: the level for which minimum appropriate security measures shall be implemented at all times.
Define MARSEC 2.
Heightened: the level for which additional protective security measures shall be maintained for a period of time.
Define MARSEC 3.
Imminent or Exceptional: the level for which further specific protective security measures shall be maintained for a limited period of time when security incident is probable or imminent.
What are the basic requirements for a Citadel?
- Food and water for a predetermined length of time.
- Communications with outside world.
- Medical kit
- Toilet
- Blankets
- Ventilation
A Citadel that does not meet the strict requirements would likely be called a…
Safe room, or, Panic room.
When shall a security exercise be carried out if there has been a change of more than 25% of crew?
Within one week.
What is the correct term for a material that is ‘bullet proof’?
When alarm signals are used to alert passengers of an emergency situation, what action should also accompany this?
Verbal instruction and convey of information to complement alarm signal (PA system)
Summarise what Part A and Part B of the ISPS Code are.
- Part A - Mandatory requirements
- Part B - Recommendatory guidelines
Where shall ships register and report to when entering a High Risk Area?
- Register with Maritime Security Centre Horn of Africa (MSCHOA)
- Report to United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO)
What is the Contiguous Zone?
- A zone 12nm from the Territorial Waters zone.
- States can continue to enforce laws in; customs, tax, immigration and pollution
What is the purpose of the Convention of the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against Safety of Maritime Navigation (SUA)?
To ensure appropriate action is taken against persons for:
* seizure of ships by force
* acts of violence against persons on board ships
* placing of devices on board ships which may destroy or damage it
When shall a DOS not be required to be completed by the SSO?
When the port facility and ship are at MARSEC 1, or both at MARSEC 2
What additional access measures can be adopted when at MARSEC II - Heightened?
- Assigning additional personnel
- deterring waterside access
- Increasing search frequency for onboarding
- Escorting all visitors
- Additional security briefings
- Carry out partial or full search of ship
What additional access measures can be adopted when at MARSEC III - Exceptional or Imminent?
- Limiting access to single controlled point
- Granting access only to authorised persons
- Suspension of embarkation and disembarkation
- Evacuation of ship
- Close monitoring of persons onboard
- Preparing for full or partial search of ship
What are the most relevant risks to monitor?
- Health and Safety of individuals
- Property
- The Environment
What does the term ‘mitigate’ mean when referring to a threat assessment?
- Reduce
- Lower
- Lessen
- Limit
- Minimise
What does the term ‘mitigate’ mean when referring to Deterrents?
- To stop
- To prevent
What is a Maritime Security Operative?
- It is considered an Anti-Piracy measure
- Guards are contracted, either armed or unarmed to counter piracy threat onboard.
When conducting a bodily search, what are the key elements to adhere to?
- Men search men, women search women
- Hand searching is only ever external, do not search inside pockets
- If something felt in a pocket, the person must be asked to produce it
- Ensure the search is be video recorded
What are some additional monitoring security measures at MARSEC III?
- Switch on all lighting
- Switch on all surveillance equipment capable of recording
- Prepare for underwtaer hull inspection
- Slow revolution of ships propellers
The last 10 ports of call are required to be maintained for inspection including security level at which there was ship/port interface - what does this mean?
Ship/port interface means the interactions that occur when a ship is directly and immediately affected by actions involving the movement of persons, goods or the provisions of port services to or from the ship (SOLAS regulation XI-2/1.1.8).
What does IED stand for and what are they used for?
- Improvised Explosive Device
- Used to distract, disrupt, delay an opposing force, destroy and incapacitate personnel
What are the five elements to an IED?
- Switch
- Initiator
- Container
- Charge
- Power source
What is the definition of a Citadel?
A stronghold into which people could go for shelter during a battle.
Where can guidance be sought on the construction and operation of a citadel?
- MSCHOA NATO shipping website
- BMP 5
Prior to any naval/armed force response to a piracy attack, there are 3 requirements to be met prior to miliary intervention, what are they?
- All crew and personnel onboard for passage must be secure in citadel
- The crew must have self-contained, independent two way external communications - sole reliance on VHF communications is insufficient.
- Pirates must be denied access to propulsion
What is MGN 440(M)?
Guidance to UK flagged shipping on measures to counter piracy, armed robbery and other acts of violence
For UK flagged vessels, to which organisation do they report to in case of an incident?
DfT Maritime Security
Company security officer shall receive training according to which ISPS part and chapter?
Part A, 13.1
CSO, SSO and PFSO shall receive training according to guidance in which part of the ISPS code?
Part B
Those crew without security duties, should have sufficient knowledge of and familiar with…
- The meaning of the different security levels
- Knowledge of emergency procedures
- Recognition of weapons, devices and dangerous substances
- Recognition of characteristics and behavioural patterns of persons likely to threaten security
- Techniques used to circumvent security measures
A risk assessment determines if a citadel is to be used, in consideration of what points?
- Location of citadel
- Time frame for citadel survival
- Construction of citadel
- Use and operation of citadel
- Naval/military force response
What is crowd management?
The ability to assist passengers in an emergency situation
How often should passengers be informed during an emergency situation?
- Every 10 to 15 mins
- Every 30 mins when the situation is more stable