When does human life begin? Flashcards
The Catholic Church teaches that human life begins at conception. According to Catholic doctrine, from the moment of conception, the fetus is considered a person with inherent dignity and worth. This belief is rooted in the idea that God is the creator of life and that human life begins at the moment of fertilization.
In Islam, life is considered to begin at ensoulment (the moment the soul enters the fetus). Most Islamic scholars believe this occurs at 120 days (approximately 4 months) after conception, based on Hadiths (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad). Before this point, the fetus is viewed as a developing organism rather than a fully realized person.
Jewish teachings generally emphasize that while life is sacred, the fetus is not considered a full person until birth. This means that Jewish law allows for abortion under certain conditions, particularly when the mother’s life or health is at risk.
Hinduism views life as a continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (reincarnation). While there is no definitive answer to when life begins, many Hindus believe that life begins when the soul enters the body, which may occur at conception or at some point later in fetal development.